Thank you to Apollo, Gavin Nelson and Matthew Skiles for the beautiful avatar and banner pictures.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Side note: if you’re doing it for privacy reasons, I was reading that self hosting for just yourself will allow people to see what communities you subscribe to, based on what communities are visible on your server.

It’s not so much your smartphone tracking you, but the ability of someone to send you a text and get your location.

As well as the the important number of Pidgeys, they also get the locations on where exactly to find said Pidgeys/me.

That was a good reminder to request my old Pokémon Go account and data to be deleted. Cheers.

Looks great, thanks! Tiny quibble, Home Assistant is two words.

Thanks, was thinking of cancelling, and this was a good reminder. Membership canceled.