I was speaing from the point of view as someone in north america having to deal with american aggression, Yeah the US would lose its bases across the world in short order, but No one is going to be able to come to the aid of Canada or Mexico if they were invaded. Not as long as the US still has the USN,
and the next two largest Navies, are also states Canada would never accept help from, Russia and China… China is a hard sell, if America was hostile, and China extended a hand, yeah there’d be strings attached, If it were my choice, I’d take it if it meant it was Only Chinese assistance. Russian on the other hand, The Russian ideology is incompatible with life as we know it, I’d rather go down fighting than ever shake hands with Z-Nazis who I personally believe are the ringmasters of this entire world crisis with America turning the way it is.
(also a good portion of the Russian navy is creating a coral reef at the bottom of the black sea, where it belongs)
It’d be the US kicking everyone elses shit in, until the British and French let the nukes fly, I hate to break it to you but the US is multitudes more powerful than the rest of NATO, NATO can still burn the US, but they’ll burn with it. Same goes for Russia.
conventionally, the US is the world hegemon as far as naval and air power goes, they are unbeatable.
what the US doesn’t have the stomach for , is occupation. they were defeated by mountain men with 70 year old Kalashnikovs on the other side of the world, who were so culturally different from them they might as well have been aliens, Just imagine what it’d be like against an enemy on your doorstep that looks and talks just like you. that you cant tell from your own. Wait, you dont’ even need to imagine, because it already happened, Look at how Russia’s occupation was torn apart by the Ukrainian resistance. The only way they ever secure land is by bombing it to dust and moving in.
and unlike Russia, America has a formidable faction within its own borders who would revolt and start a civil war if the Trump/MAGA administration became hostile to America’s friends and allies.
with the foreign interference report in the news in canada, canadians need to be reminded that america is also foreign actor that intereferes with our country’s affairs. They are just as Malicious as the Indians, Chinese and Russians. At least the intereference that comes from the EU is still in our own interests, unlike the robbers, theives, killers, and hopeful Suzerian’s of the others
in my heart I know the intent of the morons speaking about it serious, while the feasability of it actually being attempted, is not.
(Drop the world into chaos with a few nuclear blasts and escalation of state wars, that might change and the Americans will probably try it)
that being said, Canadians are open to using violence to protect their sovereingty. We’ve been killing fascists and imperialists since 1914, we are quite good at it. We thought we were going to be killing Russian fascists next, but have no qualms about doing it to American Fascists if forced to.
the world in 2025 is multitudes more dangerous and volatile than the world the last time he was here. thats the issue.
We’ve seen an outbreak of inter-state war unlike anything since the 40s and 50s. With Russia and Ukraine And the rest of Europe, its the biggest state vs state conflict since Iran-Iraq in the 80s. and there are conflicts flaring up all over the world. Israel is going on a spree of settling every grudge they ever had, Syria as fallen, China is making final preparations for Taiwan, Azerbaijan looks like its going to invade Armenia, War is the hot topic of the 2020s.
Trump is an isolationist, if the world is going down in flames, he thinks it’s not unreasonable to suggest consolidating control over North America, just cuz.
It’s quite simple. Resource extraction, and coloring more of the map in his country’s color.
Russia’s reasons for invading Ukraine mostly boil down to the same, although their country is so fucked, they actually need to forcefully graft 40 million people onto their population against their will, just so Russia can survive another generation, Russia is a doomed country demographically, America isn’t, America is doing it just because. That’s Ultranationalism and Fascism for you. Making enemies to distract yourself from internal strife
90% of the coutnry would be reorganized into “territories” with no representation, be given the Nestle/American Fruit Company treatment, turned into resource extraction zones ruled by Quisling Governors, and a few select urban areas might be granted something akin to early statehood, but it wouldnt get full rights for decades, after the population has been sufficiently assimilated and dissidents are killed.
, they can dress it up any way they want, but any scenario where two countries join and there is signifigant opposition and discontent within the population. it always ends up with death camps. See Russia’s “Filtration camps” in Ukraine.
Make no mistake, America taking over Canada in any way, is something to kill over. because they’re certainly gonna kill you or someone you love.
Conventionally Canada wouldn’t last more than a week. Unconventionally, the insurgency and resistance would tear America to peices. for the same reason Russia’s plan for Ukraine was braindead and unfeasible.
When the cultures and appearance of two peoples who are each others neighbors are virtually indistinguishable, the resistance will tear the occupying apart from within. Ukraine has the benefit of having Europe on its border to flood them with Arms, Canada wouldn’t have that luxury, the Government would surrender quite quickly, and be replaced with a Quisling government, However resistance against the occupation, the Americans wouldn’t know what to do as they’d spend just as much time accidentally hunting their own people, (and lets be real, if something like this happened, America would de-facto already be in a state of civil war as large population centers revolt against a Fascist autocracy that’s attacking its own people and America’s historical allies and friends for no other reason than plain old fascism)
You dont train to fight in a war against america, you train to fight in an insurgency.
Americans have no stomach for occupation, they pissed and moaned and ultimately surrendered to the Taliban, and that was on the other side of the world. and the cultures and appearances were so different they might as well have been Aliens.
They’d cry “terrorism” every day of the week, but the Americans would be torn to shreds by Insurgent activity on both sides of the border if they betrayed us. Much like how the Russians marched into the land of their “brothers” with assault rifles, and then wondered why people speaking their language who looked like them, were suddenly killing them all over Russia.
Sir or Madam, I present to you, Puerto Rico, a territory with no federal representation. may I also present to you the United Fruit Company and Nestle. or at least their model.
Canadians wouldn’t have rights in the US, we’d live under a Quisling government for a hundred years or more while the territory is slowly “assimilated” into “American customs”. while Corporations would pilfer the resources and workforce here at gunpoint. maybe after 80-100 years, a couple of small regions would be carved out into new states. but make no mistake, it’d be sold as a prosperous unificaiton, and the receipt would read “Military Occupation and bloody insurgency”
tune out of the internet a little more often, turn off the TV. stop engaging with people who are obsessed with media/news/politics. cut off some family members if need be.
maybe, just maybe, take a firearms safety course and PAL, and buy a gun if you are really scared, but Id suggest just finding better things to spend time on than worrying about how stupid amorphous strangers on the other side of the continent/world are being
Im an odd case who votes based on Foreign Policy first above all else. (for no other reason than because since 2022. I believe We are in an era that will be defined as the beginning of the third world war). So my priorities Federally, go towards the party that has the strongest agenda in terms of protecting Canada’s Sovereignty, and upholding the international rules based order. Supporting human rights, and currentley, above all else, opposing fascism. namely the Russian Federation and it’s global hybrid war.
Unfortunately since November, Our closest Ally looks to become our greatest threat once again, and that changes the math entirely. the Conservative Party cannot be trusted to protect Canadian Sovereignty. And I will not vote for the Liberals again most likely in my lifetime. Certainly not until they’ve spent at least a few years out of power. The Trudeau effect needs time to die off.
Logic then points towards NDP. I don’t align or agree with very much of their agenda, I am as tired of Jagmeet as I am of Trudeau and Pierre. But Federally It will either be NDP or none at all. Provincially I vote independent,
(I live in a riding that has consistently gone independent, its nice to not be beholden to monolithic parties. Both provincially and federally my region has had a history of voting for the Liberals or Conservatives, and then our representative gets kicked out of the party, and we vote them back in again as independent. If I had a nickel for every time it happened, I’d have 10 cents, which is not a lot, but its weird that it happened twice)
Sovereingty is non-negotiable. You dont give it up under any circumstance, and if someone threatens to take it away, you do like the Ukrainains did to the Russians, you lock and load. Whether that person trying to take it away is a foreign power, or your fucking neighbor. (A traitor)
this is no joking matter. The world is under attack in many places at once by factions that are objectively fascist in nature. the Trump 2.0 MAGA crowd, The Russian Mafia State, The whole Elon Musk Megalomaniac Autistic Billionare trying to change the world thing, Multiple political parties that are subservient to foreign governments, (AfD, NR, Fidesz, SMER, Canadian PPC, and probably the CPC at this rate. and many more)
people with the civic and legal understanding of a 1st grader can pout all they want about how they want Russia America to come to their homes and take over Ukraine Canada because of whatever tinpot reason they boiled up in their drunken rage conversation about bathroom signs on the internet, but understand, there are people who will Kill to prevent that if push came to shove.
making a very similar joke on my facebook page resulted in the loss of a “friend” this week, (and I dont give a shit) guy said “you back a tyrant” and I replied back with “you dont know what you’re talking about, stop picking fights”. opened his profile up to look through it, trump hats, make canada great again. etc .
yeah, we dont need to speak to each other anymore.
the discussion about this whole thing reads at a 1st grade level. “Lets just do it, we’re so much like them anyway, we’d pay less taxes, Canada is fucked, its not a bad idea honestly”
and this is supposed to be a dicussion about merging two fundementally different governments, tens of thousands of laws, and two economies involving like 360 million people? I’ll shorten it for you. IT IS NOT HAPPENING. Such a thing would take DECADES of work and require both sides to be on board the entire time.
the only scenario that remains feasible for this desired end result. is a mother fucking invasion.
Democracy is precious, and its also fucking lethal. Because it gives traitors and brainrot paitients a vote.