Happy new year 2025…

You know, I never thought I would be praising Fallout for its prescience in predicting the future.

I’m 2020 52% of Puerto Ricans who voted said yes to joining the United States as a full fledged state. What about them, they actually want to be a part of this shithole country.


They already are, technically. They just don’t have a voice on who their leader can be.


Who cares anymore? Federal government destroyed any idea of patriotism west of Ontario and east of the lower mainland a long time ago. Pursuing “post national state” wankery has consequences.

Trudeau resigned from the most powerful position in the country solely to not have to deal with that orange buffoon’s BS one second more than he has to.

Bullshit. I firmly believe that no one in Trudeau’s organization cares one whit about that troll, nor would feed it if given a chance.

Trudeau bailed because of internal trolling from the same ‘mean girl’ opposition which has focused more on his appearance than anything else this entire time, which has been building the misinformation campaign that WILL influence voting.

Essentially, he bailed so the scumbag cons had less to distract us from the issues, like the horribly American platform the cons are offering, as usual. Only by focusing the message on that can we convince the facebook-addicted hillbillies to actually vote IN their own best interests instead of electing conservatives.


Sorry there is no way the liberals or ndp win the next election.

There is still the bloc. Érable-flavoured national socialism is infinitely more tolerable than submitting to american imperialism.

A Polish proverb, referring to Russia, that came back into relevance during the invasion of Ukraine.

“The Rubble is preferable to your dominion”

it’s transferable here, too

I still have little hope for Saskatchewan.


That could have played a big part in his decision. But he’s also very unpopular across Canada. He’s hoping they might choose a new face that the people will love, but I doubt it would solve anything at this point.