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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2024


Thank fuck tho, it will keep electric waste down, and I feel we are starting to figure out you don’t need to spec your game to the newest graphics card for it to be fun.

How can this GaaS thing be sooo profitable and also such bad press that even mentioning it results in a “sorry we didn’t mean that” article?

Thanks for spamming this to keep reminding me, I am a total slob, and it took me this long to go find my ID card to sign.

While Sweden is Europe’s. But don’t worry, size is not all that matters.

“I turned up and was told what I would be filming would be a graphic rape scene,” she said.

"This act could be watched for as long or as little time as the player wanted through a window, and then a player would be able to shoot this character in the head.

What game is this even? I mean, why would any game need a graphic rape scene? Who is this going to sell to?

Don’t video games outside of Japan try to avoid getting AO rated any more?

It’s a mixed bag. Some ads (like some Youtube stuff I guess) are bundled and filtered, but most actually rely on external requests to ad exchanges. What happens mostly is that when there is an ad spot in the page you downloaded, that is in fact a generic request to an ad broker to send an ad instead of a specific ad. That then starts a real time bidding process inside multiple broker networks to find the most expensive (for the advertiser) ad they can show you based on your tracking information and demographics.

And that’s for every ad spot. It’s insanely intricate and frankly wasteful.

At this point, using Firefox and an ad blocker does more for the climate than paper straws or recycling.

Even with ad blocking, half of consumer internet traffic is ads. Google is contributing to increasing this ratio, where most traffic on the internet will be stuff the client did not request, contributing more to climate change than Bitcoin - not that this makes crypto look better, they are just a useful milestone to compare to with the press they get.

And this doesn’t include the idiotic AI shit they do.

same logic

That’s the point, it isn’t. The good old version was built on logic where the browser would send the downloaded webpage to the extension, and uBO could weed out ads and trackers, and give you the sanitized version. uBOL works completely differently, as it has to ask the browser to clean it out, but the browser will ultimately decide what to actually do, and there are already limitations that impact ad blocking, as the browser won’t accept enough changes to block all the different kinds of shit that comes through.

The other big difference in logic is distribution, uBO relies on outside blocklists to keep up with Google changing Youtube several times a day to keep sending you malware, in the new system, this is not allowed, so it’s on Google to approve a new blocklist as fast as they do their changes - they won’t.

It’s going to be less capable, it’s going to be exactly as capable as Google wants. It might as well be named the Google Ad Blocker if only that didn’t discount the insane work the uBO team does to keep up with Google’s shit.

Not almost monopoly.

Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,

- the US govt

Anything that works with VSCodium works with Theia, Theia just has an optional deeper plugin system so you can completely customize it.

That’s exactly what I’m saying, sorry if it came across somehow askew.

My point was there is no point in competing over whose job is “better”, we should be working together.

Maybe, just maybe, people have different strengths and weaknesses and cooperating around our differences is what makes us succeed.

How I see it is that FLoC would have meant that instead of a competitive surveillance market that should not exist, we would have had a monopolized surveillance market that should not exist. IDK which is worse TBH.

FLoC was the first, pre-enshittification iteration. It would have got worse. It will get worse.

It was never about privacy, they just wanted to monopolize the tracking market by making it so only the company that owns the browser you’re running can track you. They called it FLoC at one point, but I think they rebranded it a few times since.