• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


our police barracades have the names of banks on them. Its advertising revenue, but to me it looks like “the police are brought to you by…”

Oh god. Like a sports team? LOL

there should be no decorations on municipal crosswalks

You could make an argument that crosswalks should be painted a standard colour with expected markings, since it’s a safety/accessibility issue that that point.

or displaying of flags supporting political, social, or religious movements or commercial entities

The people who put the package together lumped everything into the same category.

Sure, we should NOT have religious flags on our government buildings. By that token, we should remove any and all religion from those buildings and any texts, too. No mention of God, especially.

Commercial entities? Yeah, they don’t belong on government flag poles.

Political? I’d need an example. I would not want to see the flag of various parties on a government building. That’s just inappropriate.

But social movements? They stay. I WANT my local, provincial, and federal governments to show support for marginalized groups. That includes our LGBTQ, indigenous, disabled, visible minorities, etc.

I’m proud to see our local fire and police vehicles with rainbow flag stickers on them.

Separate the hate from the reasonable, and this petition might not seem so ass backwards.

“A few stakeholders were concerned that the release of the report would result in new legal action (criminal prosecution, citizen revocation, or otherwise) being brought against the individuals named in the report,” a summary of the library’s discussions noted.

Bro, WTF? Are these “stakeholders” also Nazis? Release their names, too.

Jesus Christ, let the Canadian public know who they are, and prosecute them as war criminals. Time does not invalidate what the Nazis did, and any that are still alive should still face the consequences of their actions.

I went through the same dilemma. The old Synology photo software had a duplicate finder, but they removed that feature with the “new” version. But even with the duplicate finder, it wasn’t very powerful and offered no adjustability.

In the end, I ended up paying for a program called “Excire Foto”, which can pull images from my NAS, and can not only find duplicates in a customized and accurate way. It also has a localAI search that bests even Google Photos.

It runs from windows, saves its own database, and can be used as read-only, if you only want to make use of the search feature.

To me, it was worth the investment.

Side note: if I only had <50,000 photos, then I’d probably find a free/cheaper way to do it. At the time, I had over 150,000 images, going back to when the first digital cameras were available + hundreds of scanned negatives and traditional (film) photos, so I really didn’t want to spend weeks sorting it all out!

Oh, the software can even tag your photos for subjects so that it’s baked into the EXIF data (so other programs can make use of it).

Fortunately, the weapon of choice was a motor vehicle. The driver will be scolded, allowed to drive again in less than 24h, and the victim will likely get blamed for this. /s

The batteries should not degrade that fast.

For real!

I use several refurbished APC UPS’, and also use third-party batteries (from the company that refurbishes the UPS’) and it’s been trouble-free for like 10 years. I replace batteries, it seems, every 4-5 years and only when the self-test says to replace it.

Never had a problem with data loss due to the UPS failure.

It’s a bit unreasonable to keep parts in stock 50 years after the product was last sold

Depends on the part, of course :)

But realistically, if manufacturers were forced to… say… keep batteries and parts available for 10 years, they may actually start to design their products using more efficient (i.e. same parts), lower waste, and with durability in mind.

It would certainly slow down or stop manufacturers from making proprietary parts for every new model they make.

But having designs public domain sounds like a great idea, and if the right to repair becomes a thing, I would expect schematics to be made available anyway.

Definitely bring up the problem of e-waste!

I also responded that manufacturers shouldn’t be allowed to artificially inflate the cost of replacement parts, as it would firewall any benefits from having a right to repair law. If found doing so, they should be fined. It needs to be a law that parts be made available at a reasonable cost, in my opinion.

Yes, what they should be. And you are right, there’s no protection for law abiding citizens who are the victims. All benefit goes to criminals, and our “10 strikes and we’ll give you another chance” way of doing things is clearly not in favour for the rest of us.

But key mismatch error when trying to actually connect between two internal systems.

Can you confirm that there are no spaces before or after the key on the client end? Sometimes, copy and pasting can add extra spaces that cause invalid passwords, etc.

I’m not having issues running my self-hosted Rustdesk (docker) externally, but I can’t offer much more than that :(

I wouldn’t want violence to be the answer to anything, but if balanced and appropriate force is needed to safely retrieve your property, then you should be protected by law.

For example, if you’re going to get your stolen bike back, you should be 100% legally protected if the dickwad who stole is needs to be restrained (for your safety), or if their backyard gate needs to be broken open.

And if the dickwad decides to use violence, you should be 100% protected for using self-defence.

The caveat, of course, is that you better be damn sure that someone is in possession of your property, and that appropriate force, if necessary, is used.

If it turns out that you violated someone’s rights or broke into the wrong property, you should have to face consequences.

I fully support citizens stepping in to fight crime if they are willing and able.

If you knew where your stolen property was, you should have automatic legal protection for whatever it takes to get it back.

It’s crazy to have a taxpayer funded criminal and legal system that isn’t working for them.

featured a speech delivered by leader Pierre Poilievre from the Calgary Stampede.

Gotta hand it to the Cons. They are totally confident platforming from one of Canada’s historically shameful, and outwardly cruel (Examples 1 2 3) “entertainment events” as if Canada needs to go backwards 100 years.

Yeah, the weird filenames bothers me, too. It does take a hit to data portability, for sure. I’m not using it for some kind of long-term, bomb-proof YouTube archiving, but more to have offline access to instructional videos I might need in the near future. For that, the UI and integration with Jellyfin works well for me.

If I was actually collecting youtube videos, I would go with something else that generates human-friendly folders and filenames! I’ll bookmark Tubesync :)

There’s something about being in a metal cage, seeing the world only through glass, that changes people.

Most drivers act as if they are interacting with the world through the internet. Basically, being in a car turns them into assholes.

I’m not understanding.

The eligibility is a family net income less than $90,000 and no current dental insurance.

What part do you not quality on?

“Made simple”, but it’s all command prompt with no UI 🙂

Not knocking it, as I’m sure it works great, but these things end up being a huge barrier to adoption and use by the regular people who might be “self-hosted curious”.

Never tried those, but if that’s what they’ve done, I guess the Crunchy are next. They’ve been having promos for them for some time, and that usually leads to some rage-inducing change.

Nature Valley granola bars reduced their size

I buy the “crunchy” variety and haven’t noticed this. And we go through like a dozen boxes a month, and I’d definitely notice!

Which variety have you seen this happening to?

I will try, but on a whim I just created a new user in linkwarden and that seems to be generating my selected profiles. I’ll wait until I can try 2.7.x before I gather data for a report.

Looking forward to this new build. Since the last update, none of my links generate Preserved Formats, which makes the service useless. Hopefully, this is fixed.

I think it’s “call screening” or something like that. I have a client to has the same feature on their phone for a business line, and he said he hasn’t had spam calls in years.

I don’t pick up calls from numbers I don’t recognize, with exceptions like if I know a service/delivery person will arrive soon.

This used to work in the past when the numbers were obviously long-distance or the call ID looked sus. But these newer calls are now using local numbers, and the call ID comes up with regular people’s names.

I’ve set my answering machine so I can hear the caller even as the voice greeting is on, so that can help, but only if they call my home phone and only if I’m near the machine.

It’s infuriating that “nothing can be done” on a wider scale. These numbers are coming from somewhere, and I find it hard to believe they can’t be whitelisted/blacklisted on a national level.

This is speculation, but I think that picking up fraud calls makes you more likely to be called again.


Yes. Constantly.

I went from ignoring them, to politely asking them to remove my number from their list, to letting them know that their call is illegal. I also played along for as long as possible (wasting their time), and tried yelling at the top of my lungs. Nothing works.

Criminals don’t care, as long as they can make money from someone.

Now, my folks have this feature on their phone where the caller has to verify (pushing a number) that their call is legit. This apparently works well enough that they don’t get scam calls.

There’s a pretty good chance that if this person or persons are never caught, they will do the same to humans. One of the traits of a serial killer is this kind of animal torture.

Unfortunately, even if this person or persons are caught, animal abuse has no real consequences in our legal system.

But can it earn the trust of Canadian patients?

How can any Canadian patient trust a company who is STILL being caught for price fixing, gouging shoppers, and lying about why their grocery prices are high?

I saw a guy wearing an “I love oil and gas” shirt this past weekend. Unless you’re profiting from the industry, it’s a bizarre statement to proclaim.

foreign investors

Yeah, for sure. But the poster in the OP seems to suggest that people are mad at ordinary immigrants for food prices. I’ve literally never heard of that.

Wait, who’s blaming immigrants for the price of food? I know they’ve been blamed for housing shortages, but food prices? Never heard of that one.

And they continue to say that the doubling of prices had nothing to do with them increasing margins. Funny how a company can turn such a massive profit, get caught for actually gauging customers, and continue to gaslight everyone into thinking it’s all in our heads.

$500 million

What a joke. When I was buying bread from Fraudlaws, I was buying multiple loaves a week, for years on end. If millions of other customers did the same, they really should be refunding BILLIONS in money they stole from us. And someone should get jail time from this.

I just went and checked and yes, it is indeed real.

This totally makes my day. LOL

I know, you’re right.

I was quick to comment and really didn’t give it much thought.

It’s a character flaw that I’m working on.

As a result of that search, 41 baggies containing a total of 25.5 grams of crack cocaine were discovered concealed around Cromwell’s midsection.

Then they did their job. Give these officers a raise and fire the judge for not wanting to keep the community safe.

I use a blender and then run everything through a French press!

I don’t have experience with an actually nut milk machine, but this method works for us.

Since we’ve always used unsweetened versions of nondairy milk, it’s just water and almonds. Approx. 2tbls of almonds to a little over 1000ml of water.

Parker was shot in the cheek, nose, shoulder, thigh, calf, hip, abdomen and foot but survived.

Bro, WTF?

The extra equipment simply makes it easier, but you don’t really need any of it. Bread, pizza dough, pasta, muffins, cookies, tortillas, and anything else that’s flour-based can be made without anything but a stove or oven.

I guess it depends on your priorities. For me, it was about saving money, even if that meant a small investment in extra kitchen stuff.

Yes, a blender, bread machine, pasta maker, pressure cooker, microwave, and coffee maker all take up space in my kitchen. But for me, it’s totally worth it! They’ve paid for themselves many, many times over!

We bought a $99 bread machine a few years ago, as the price of bread at the store climbed. It takes a minute to assemble the ingredients, then you just walk away. 3 hours later, you have bread that puts store bought to shame, and all for less than $1 per 2lb loaf.

We also started using a pasta maker, which is just as easy to use. Fresh pasta for pennies, instead of $3 a pack.

In addition, we started making out own almond milk too… using fresh almonds and water. Compared to unsweetened store bought, we’re saving over $40 a month on almond milk alone.

I’m tired of these companies… all of them… overpricing their products. Make whatever you can; fix whatever you can; reuse and repurpose as much as you can!

More police funding just means more arrests, not fewer crimes.

You can’t blame police when our “justice system” (i.e. our courts) makes it a habit of releasing high-risk offenders.

Every time a violent offender is arrested nearby, I check to see what they were arrested for, and without fail it’s multiple failure to comply with court order, and a half dozen breach of probation orders, etc.

And then they are released on a promise to appear… where they re-offend, because, why not?

Until judges are held partially responsible for any crimes committed by people who were released, things will never change.

And I can’t imagine how much it costs taxpayers to arrest the same clowns over and over and over again.

To those using Tube Archivist, does it often freeze for you too?
I'll start by saying that I really love [Tube Archivist](https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist). It works flawlessly in doing what it does (archiving YouTube videos), and the UI and UX are great. However, no matter what browser I use (Edge, FF, Opera, Samsung mobile, FF mobile, etc...), I run into issues where the video will play, but the interface freezes... I can't do anything on the screen until I refresh. I don't have it set to any strange codecs, so videos are in vp9. But I also tried a few different codecs to see if the quality/size could be better optimized, and had the same issues with freezing UI then. If I run the videos through Jellyfin, they work fine. It's only through the TA web interface where things lock up. Is this normal? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working better?

Tube archivist + Jellyfin. Anyone have luck getting thumbnails and titles working?
I've tried a few jellyfin plugins that are supposed to sync metadata and thumbnails from tube archivist, but it's just not working right. I can see some thumbnails, but then the titles are just random gibberish. Or the titles somewhat work, but no thumbnails. Any secret I'm missing? Both are running in docker containers on a synology nas.

Any way to update the software in Raspian without updating the OS?
So, I've had a Raspberry Pi 4 sitting brand new in a box for a few years, and decided to install BirdNetPi on it yesterday. It's working like a champ, but because BirdNetPi needed a legacy version of Raspian, it's got old software on it. Is there any way to update the software (i.e. RealVNC) without updating the OS? There is no built-in software updater, and I seem to very easily break Linux every time I make an attempt to use it. LOL

For those self-hosting RSS feeds… what options do you have when the source doesn’t have an RSS feed?
With Twitter being worse than ever, I can no longer pull local news and municipal events through Nitter's RSS feature. Since so many groups have stopped using RSS to deliver news, and have put all their eggs in the social media basket, it leaves a void that can't be replaced by signing up to a dozen newsletters. Do you guys have any other solutions for maybe scraping websites to generate RSS feeds or something like that? I'm using FresshRSS. It has web scraping, but seems to require a lot of manual syntax entry, and seems to error out regardless.