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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 01, 2023


One could argue that they aren’t capable of these types of jobs due to the end product being a fucking half billion dollar joke a piece.

There are many things wrong with how the procurement process works in Canada. Most of them are in Ottawa.

Civilian oversight is necessary, but moving at a snails pace “to prevent corruption” is a fucking joke.

Weird that a resignation tour is a thing.

TBF, just because he isn’t the the jead of the conservative party anymore doesn’t mean the animosity faded.

A vaccine preventable disease is on the rise. Fuck anti-vaxxers.

Edit: spelling.

Huh, sounds like the typical filling of pockets that politicians do with their friends.

They aren’t kissing his ass, or harper’s as, or even the specific asses of the correct Conservative donors. That or they went to the wrong school…

Shamu would have succumbed to a .308 to the brain pan. There ain’t shit that is “to big to be killed”, just those unwilling to do the killing.

A child under five years old has died of measles

This is the first sentence of the article.

So, my comment is accurate.

The parents should be charged with manslaughter if the child was old enough to receive the vaccine.

11 years without a death in Ontario. Now these fuckwits who think they know as much as a doctor who studied this shit are going to get more people killed.

So you a vegan or do you like a little fight in your meal?

Did I miss the introduction of paper lids somehow? I know I don’t go to timmies that often, but what?

I know Citadel Hill in Halifax and the Fortress of Louisbourg have entrance fees but they also have reenactment there. Citadel Hill only charges during tourist season. Not sure if Louisbourg charges year round or not. I suspect that the fees are tied to how many staff and how much maintenance or other extras are present.

Taking someone to a place under false pretenses. Then telling her to change into clothes that she didn’t want to wear. Then sexually assaulting her.

That definitely sounds like kidnapping and attempted rape to me. Just because she was let go doesn’t mean that it wasn’t a crime.

who kisses another person without their consent

You are seriously are doubling down on defending people who sexually assault people. No consent is assault and that can get you jail time.

The pig was in a position of power and is supposed to be better than the average person.

I’m not defaming him, as it’s my opinion that he is a pig and deserves jail time for his actions.

Edit: either a lot of people don’t know what defamation is, or they are hand waving sexual assault.

And why was black face used in a show? It has always been a racist practice. Where 2 of the other known times weren’t preformances.

Mimes aren’t a negative portrayal of a ethinc group. Neither are clowns.

While Trudeau has had his run as Prime Minister and should be replaced as the leader of the Liberals for good reason, and the liberals need to wake the fuck up. These chuckle fucks in the media are driving people to Bitcoin Milhouse as if that stain on his parent’s mattress actually would do good things for the country instead of dragging us backwards like his voting history tells us he WILL.

Edit: seems like everyone is just glossing over the fact that there are pictures of him in black face. That shit wasn’t cool.

Well, I hope the ones thay can be released are and the ones that can’t get accommodation in a reputable rescue.

Conservatives say they voted against the bill because the trade deal says the two countries, which both have a carbon price in place, will promote carbon pricing.

Somehow I don’t believe this.

God damn, piss on Steve Jobs grave and his concept of walled gardens and less consumer choice.

Well whoever this Everyone is, they seem like an asshole.

Not the first time he’s misunderstood how security clearances work. Maybe if he actually had one he’d learn about them.

And what ideas has the CPC put forth? Crypto currency? The fake money that regularly dumps thousands of dollars in value because of reasons?

Edit: Forgot to add, they want “parental rights” that interfere with the rights of everyone but a minority of parents.

We would be in a much worse position. The CPC hasn’t had a spare neuron to dedicate to policy since Harper stepped down.

They had chicanes in my neighbourhood for a couple of decades. They aren’t good in an area that gets snow as the plow will fuck them up, as well as drivers not knowing how to use them and create traffic jams by being idiots. The replaced them with more of the wide speed bumps. They seem to have a better effect at calming the speeds while not causing unnecessary traffic blockages.

They seem happy to be ignored. In my experience they act either like boomers or millennials; depending on which group they are closer to.

Yes, fire breaks are a good tool to fight an active forest fire.

Forests can use a little help after the largest fires in recorded history happened. Forests can’t regenerate properly when that happens.

It sounds like they are taking a page out of the Irvings book.

The trees haven’t even been given a chance to grow and people (the article doesn’t mention experts only industry and municipalities) want to cut them down. No where is there a mention of best practices.