Greg Clarke


  • 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 09, 2022


To be fair, there are definitely parts of Canada that are broken, like my dishwasher in Belleville Ontario

That’s a strawman. I never said the US was operating in a completely free market, I used the VC example because it’s relatable. We all remember when Uber and Amazon were cheap and we were told that these new cheap prices were the new norm. Then the VC capital ran out in the case of Uber and the online market was monopolized in the case of Amazon and the prices are now higher because existing competition was destroyed.

It will help keep prices competitive in the long term. Chinese EV makers aren’t competing in a free market as they are heavily subsidized by the government. It’s no different from what Silicon Valley VCs do, pump loads of capital into a new industry so that it’s difficult for any competitors to emerge. Once a company has a monopoly on a market innovation suffers, products stagnate or actively get worse, prices increase with a lack of competition, and the consumer suffers. In the case of EVs, there is the added issue of manufacturing capacity which is important for security. While I would love a cheap new EV now, I would prefer for my children to have sustainable cheap EVs in the future.

It could also be that Berliners are apparently collecting them 😂

I’m surprised that Tailscale can’t get through, cleaver routing is one of Tailsacle’s features. Though I do sometimes have connection issues with Tailscale when running DNS-over-HTTPS on my laptop.

I wonder what impact these kinds of government protections have on artificially inflating the property prices in BC

Where are you getting that 500K killed number from? That’s a lot higher than any legitimate sources

I never assumed you didn’t have exposure to conservatives and I didn’t assume you wouldn’t have encountered the example I provided. I’m not arguing from ignorance. If some part of my argument isn’t clear please feel free to ask questions instead of making assumptions. I’m happy to continue the conversation and I’m sorry if I came across as dismissive.

I appreciate this discourse and your thoughtful responses. These kind disagreements are what we need more of. I still disagree that supporting trump necessarily means condoning racism as depending on what issues you prioritize, it may be a case of choosing the lesser of two evils.

The problem is, “racism is not important to me” is still a position with its own moral implications.

That’s strawmanning my argument. I’m saying that just because someone prioritizes another issue over racism doesn’t make them bigoted. And if they believe their priority issues are best addressed by the Republican party or won’t be addressed by the Democrats, it would make sense for them to vote for trump.

The “all trump supporters are racists” argument comes from echo chambers and is dismissive of people’s legitimate criticisms of the Democrats. It’s not accurate or useful in creating meaningful discourse.

Try and be more open minded. The world isn’t black and white and the issues that are important to you are not universally the priority for everyone. For instance, imagine if you were an immigrant from a country that was heavily drone attacked by the US. You might make your voting decisions based on the party that bombed your homeland less. The world will make more sense if you can invest time in understanding other people in stead of labelling them.

the tracked and statistically-validated rise in racist rhetoric in conservative spaces online, in conservative candidate platforms, in conservative legislators’ bills, etc etc etc.

While this may be true, it doesn’t mean that trump supporters must be bigoted. Remember, America is a two party system. People are often forced to vote for who they disagree with less.

This is a huge over simplification of a complex problem. Sure some people are bigoted and support trump but it doesn’t follow that all folks that support trump are bigoted. Wingers on the left and right use the same strategies of othering folks they disagree with. It’s ignorant to assert that people only support trump because they’re racists or people only support Harris because they’re communist/woke.

It’s not an ideal solution but you can save your Google takeouts to Dropbox. It might be worth signing up for Dropbox for one month and use Dropbox’s sync features. I haven’t used Dropbox in years but they used to have quite solid syncing.

It’s probably time for an upgrade, the RCAF still has a Spitfire parked outside at CFB Trenton

Funnily enough I think pirating the content from a torrent site would be the easiest option

Fun fact, DEDSEC is a type of memory used in Soviet era mainframes.

That’s 128GB RAM, the GPU has 24GB VRAM. Ollama has gotten pretty smart with resource allocation. Smaller models can fit soley on my VRAM but I can still run larger models on RAM.

I’ve installed Ollama on my Gaming Rig (RTX4090 with 128GB ram), M3 MacBook Pro, and M2 MacBook Air. I’m running Open WebUI on my server which can connect to multiple Ollama instances. Open WebUI has it’s own Ollama compatible API which I use for projects. I’ll only boot up my gaming rig if I need to use larger models, otherwise the M3 MacBook Pro can handle most tasks.

I’m an immigrant from Australia and I remember having to change my word choices even though Canada and Australia are nearly culturally identical. It must be a lot more work coming from less culturally similar places.

I work remote, live in Belleville, and visit our Toronto offices every couple of months. My experience with VIA Rail has been positive though I appreciate that I have a lot of flexibility. I can work while on the train so the commute isn’t wasted time for me. Working while commuting is not something I could do if I drove or took a bus. The train can be late so I wouldn’t organize an in-person-meeting within an hour of the scheduled arrival.

I agree that the ticketing system should be improved to encourage commuting, it would be a headache to buy tickets individually weeks in advance if I were using the service more frequently.

Renting a 3 bedroom house in Toronto is more expensive than a similar house in Belleville + $1500 in monthly VIA Rail tickets. Plus lots of jobs are partly remote which makes the equation even more appealing.

Algorithmic advertising big tech companies (Meta, Google, Amazon, etc) generate profit at the expense of society. They blindly follow short term algorithms with no regard for their impact on society. We obviously should tax them but we should also make sure our laws enable us to prosecute people who profit by destroying society. Hold them accountable

how would anyone know if a particular name is being unused?

I have a couple of nice domain hacks and I use them for email and random services I run so the root domain appeared to be abandoned. I received so many messages from people wanting to buy them I just started pointing them at other sites so they would stop hassling me. I’ve had one of these domains for nearly 20 years and it’s my main email address. I’m not selling because it would be a year long full time job just to update all my services 😅

Take these numbers with a grain of salt. The real number of troops sent will be unknown because they’re all wearing camouflage.

These raccoons were having an epic all day love making session outside my window yesterday. They're nocturnal so I guess this is the equivalent of an all-nighter and I assume the masks are a kink ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Every 30 mins they'd venture out of the dead tree's hollow and start up again. Putting the wild in wildlife. Awww, to be young again...

Canadian soldiers need to get up to more mischief, obviously these MPs are bored

Holy shit this is embarrassing. How can someone who is so easily manipulated hold a security clearance? I’m a veteran and I hate it when people abuse their uniform like this.

Why wasn’t he required to have a surety/translator?

That’s a valid question no matter where they were born. I’m not arguing that there were no failings in this case, I’m arguing that those failings are not related to the original citizenship of this individual.

As I said earlier

We all want to reduce violent crime in Canada so lets focus on identifying real causal relationships so that we can support at risk individuals.

Let’s identify at risk individuals (both possible victims and possible attackers) instead of scapegoating non casual and even non correlated attributes of individuals who commit violent acts.

re: traffic laws in Canada. From my experience, it depends where you are in Canada (and what number plates you have). Driving the speed limit on Toronto highways is dangerous but going 10 over with Ontario plates in Quebec can get you a ticket 😅 There are lots of unwritten road rules here, it was difficult to learn as an immigrant. Especially coming from a country littered with speed cameras where 7km over will get you fined hundreds of dollars. And don’t get me wrong, I think Canadian drivers are generally really good, it’s just the laws don’t align with the reality which can be confusing.

Calling for genocide is illegal in Canada so why is it necessary to cover it in school policies? I wouldn’t expect murder to be included in school policies either.

most people are terrible about rolling stops, its insane

The stop signs seem more like a polite suggestion here 🤣 And why don’t they just increase the speed limit to 120 already.

just because the data says one thing DOES NOT in any sense preclude the existence of severe outlier data points

That’s why we should rely on the data, decisions shouldn’t be based on anecdotal outliers. No one is excusing the horrific acts of Ali Ibrahim or any other immigrant. It’s just that their immigrant status doesn’t have a causal relationship with crime so immigration status is irrelevant. We all want to reduce violent crime in Canada so lets focus on identifying real causal relationships so that we can support at risk individuals.

The data does not support the argument that an increase in immigration leads to an increases crime. As a side note, I’m an immigrant and I come to a complete stop at stop signs and drive the speed limit. None of my Canadian born friends do 😅

I wonder how this news is affecting, the 100 year old lighting shop. My guess, they’re receiving abusive emails while also selling loads more white lamps

I’m trying to understand how it is different in your eyes. How is the Israeli government’s segregation different from the Apartheid South African government’s segregation? Obviously you see a distinction but it’s not obvious to myself and I want to understand your perspective.

From your perspective, how does the current situation in Israel and the territories that Israel controls differ from Apartheid South Africa? I’m trying to understand your world view.