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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


Do you honestly think a random drug addict on the street makes sure he’s a certain distance from schools before shooting up? I can tell you there’s a school near me where the custodian has to walk the school yard every single morning picking up needles because the addicts sit on the portable steps to inject themselves.

If they had a nearby safe consumption site, even if it was literally across the street, those needles would get disposed of safely instead of being left in the school yard.

SCS aren’t about solving all our drug problems. They’re about making things better for everyone affected.

Yeah and they’re not for anything. They just have a long list if things they’re against

Where the hell is “London City”? Do they mean London? Because I’ve lived here for decades and I’ve never heard it called that once.

Also I’m glad to see we’re ranked in the top 3 though. There are so many more options here than there used to be even 5 or 10 years ago.

What’s the advantage of a private indexer vs a regular one? Why would I want one over another? I’m a complete Usenet newbie.

He’s about to about to repeat himself.

He’s cute though so its okay.

Would you recommend just getting the base game, or is it worth getting the Community of Planets Edition with the DLCs included? Do they add much to the game?

No, they’re driving modern urban assault vehicles though.

You can build as many houses as you want but until you restrict investment firms and landlords buying all of them you won’t put a dent in the problem.

That’s a great feature, because their employees are fucking useless for knowing where things are.

That’s why I clicked on it too. Also, mammoths and mastodons are different animals.

Also when you ignore someone breaking in to Cretien’s fucking house in the middle of the night. Maybe they should’ve been spending a bit more back then too.



Me, over here committing war crimes: Uhhh…

It’s still a valid metric because why would you keep playing a game you’re not enjoying? The number of hours isn’t a measure of how much time it takes to beat, or how much time I feel I should get out of it. It’s how much time I do get out of it.

I don’t care if a $30 game claims to have 100 hours of content. If I only play it for 2 hours before I drop it for being boring, then the cost/time is $15/hour.

If it’s tedious, why would you keep playing? Just stop and move on to a different game. If you only play it for 15 hours before dropping it, then that becomes the figure for the $/t ratio.

That’s just basic self defense.

If any foreign power came in and tried to evict everyone in my neighbourhood so they could colonize it instead, I would fight back with whatever I had at my disposal. Are you saying you’d be okay with someone doing that to you?

I just read it. I’ll paste it below. There’s nothing in there I disagree with.

Statement of Solidarity with Palestine

Content warning: The following statement has content on genocide and ongoing violence in Palestine.

We the undersigned Unions present at York University reaffirm our solidarity with the Palestinian people, within Palestine and the global diaspora, and their ongoing fight against settler-colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. We vehemently condemn all forms of colonial violence and support Indigenous sovereignty.

Recently, in a strong act of resistance, the Palestinian people tore down and crossed the illegitimate border fence erected by the settler-colonial apartheid state of so-called Israel. These resistance efforts are a direct response to the ongoing and violent occupation of Palestine. Since 1948, Palestinian people have been systemically displaced from their land and homes as a result of state-sanctioned violence, siege, and genocide.

In response to Palestinian resistance, so-called Israel has continued to escalate attacks on Gaza by bombing residential neighborhoods, deploying white phosphorus bombs and cutting off access to food, water, power and medical supplies. These tactics are not new. So-called Israel has continually restricted Palestinians movement to & from Gaza, creating an open-air prison and obstructing access to essential resources within the apartheid fence for decades. From Turtle Island to Palestine, and across all occupied lands, these events serve as a reminder that resistance against colonial violence is justified and necessary. This is “decolonization” and “land-back” actualized as we continue to see the Palestinian people stand firm in their resistance against their oppressors.

We are witnessing clearly how the mainstream media utilizes strategic rhetoric which erases the decades old violence Palestinians have faced and the intentional subversion of responsibility for these atrocities from so-called Israel. Using language like “conflict” and “war in the Middle East” further delegitimizes the Palestinian people’s struggle for self-determination against the apartheid state of Israel by deliberately hindering the ability to acknowledge the ongoing violence as a form of ethnic cleansing. Settler-colonial states like so-called Canada and their institutions continue to legitimize their existence and those of other settler-colonial states making them complicit in the ongoing genocide. York University is complicit as they continue to invest students’ money into weapons and arms manufacturers. We denounce the statements put forth and stances taken by the York University Administration as they use their platform to obfuscate the ongoing occupation of Palestine and absolve themselves from their role in the ongoing genocide.

Our Unions remain unwavering in our support of the Palestinian people’s fight for self-determination and liberation. We actively affirm that Palestinians are inherently entitled to the right to shape their political, economic, social, and cultural future. This struggle confronts the persistent oppression, displacement, and human rights abuses inflicted upon the Palestinian population. We stand firmly in solidarity with those resisting such oppression, actively contributing to the legitimate fight for justice against settler-colonial nations. We as students’ unions have a responsibility to spread awareness and support the liberation of Palestine and all struggles for Indigenous sovereignty.

For more information on the history of Palestine, visit: Decolonize Palestine: https://decolonizepalestine.com/

Rimworld for sure. I paid full price for it on Ludeon’s website and played it a lot. When it released on Steam I started playing it there and now it’s my most played Steam game by far. Based on some quick and dirty math, it’s cost me under $0.03 per hour of enjoyment.

Another big one is Against the Storm. I’ve only played a few hundred hours so far but that’s been worth every penny I spent too. I bought it during the last Winter Sale on Steam and I’ve put in about 200 hours.

Our form of capitalism requires constant growth. One way to grow profits is to sell to more people.

If we stop immigration our economy collapses. If we keep it up, lots of other things collapse.

Don’t worry, next time he’ll make sure the bulldozers are ready to move as soon as he makes it available to his buddies.

don’t let the early access tag dissuade you

The game is fully playable and has hardly any bugs. They have a set schedule for updates: every two weeks. I’m amazed at the changes they’ve done since I picked it up during the winter sale (9ish months ago). The devs are dedicated, that’s for sure.

It’s one of my favourite games. The devs are really good at making the choices you make interesting and meaningful.

What’s wrong with a kiss, boy? Hmm? Why not start her off with a nice kiss? You don’t have to go leaping straight for the aerosol like a bull at a gate. Give her a kiss, boy.

-Monty Python, probably

“Brainwashing is brainwashing,” her post read.

Agreed. Teaching an irrational hatred for people with different sexualities and identities is brainwashing. Nobody is born hating.

If they can change the rules to allow building in the greenbelt, they can change the rules to allow higher density residence.

We have a limited number of builders and resources. It’s not helping by having them build a ton of mcmansions when they could be building high density condos instead.

Here in Ontario Ford’s government is busy under-funding, dismantling, and privatizing our healthcare. This is a system that was in slow decline, COVID nearly broke, and which is now being abused by the government in power. This is anything but a temporary problem.

You dithered over the dithering.