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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


So how about we petition to require rainbows everywhere? Apparently you only need 10% of votes

Wouldn’t go that far, but it’s an annoyance for sure.

Some people just like to watch the world burn

Yeah, usb-c is pretty much the awesomeness they set out to become with USB a

Yeah, “politicians” like him don’t want more uncontrolled journalists asking questions

This totally is accidental and coincidental and totally not be design to get some sweet money from these foreign parties

I’m Sure I’m sure they’re selling it as something enormously negative whilst missing the part where this is very positive

I honestly have grave doubts about Canada conscripting citizens over a finance war, that would not fly, I imagine it would cause a shit storm from the public.

From what I’ve seen in this article,.and the world at large right now,.I fully believe.the point stands for what if Russia or China starts a war with NATO. Unfortunately, only a.few years ago that seemed an impossibility, now it seems damn likely.

As per usual, it’s not all that easy. Sometimes war breaks out no matter what you do, see Ukraine. Sometimes you need to go to war to stop genuine evil, see world war two. The Netherlands, as far as.I know, still sends a large batch of tulips to Canada as a thank you for their soldiers liberating the country. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Of course everyone is against conscription, but once shit hits the fan,any will feel different and for those that don’t, would you prefer living under the gentle hands of Putin, desperately trying to stay away from high windows? Downtown Vancouver would be screeeeewed!

No one wants conscription, but we live in an imperfect world

Police officers also have to follow the law. Only in specific circumstances to they get to break certain very specific laws, like drive through a red light.

They’re police officers, they are supposed to give the right example, ALWAYS. They’re supposed to at least try to be better than the rest of us. Parking where it’s dangerous can’t be just waved away with a pretext like “I need quick access tpy car”

Great but… What’s there to investigate? They parked illegally, they refused to even say “oopsie”, let alone ticket themselves as they should, and then gave the finger. It’s all on a few minutes video, this is not rocket science.

Just punish this behaviour accordingly, put them on a week of unpaid leave and require them to take some training or something, tell the rest of the police force to start fucking behaving themselves like the example they are supposed to be.

No investigation required

I should become a Loblaws C executive. I’ll be able to commit all sorts of crimes that normal people get jailed for, only a thousand times bigger! And I won’t be punished at all, I’ll just have to pay a little bit of tax and that’s it! And then the kicker, they’ll just let me continue commitingy crimes as of nothing happened!

I grew up with the four Horsemen of the apocalypse, Dennett, Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris. Voices of reason that still linger, even though two of them passed away.

Oh absolutely! I sometimes forget to mention public transportation, but yeah… < 2kms is walkable, < 10 kms is easily doable by bike, beyond that public transport. And short range public transportation of course as well for those that can’t bike, or for when it rains

You read it all yet completely missed or ignored the point.

Religions are ALL make belief, sometimes based on nonsense written thousands of years ago, sometimes nonsense written just a few decades or even years ago. There is zero evidence of any supernatural part of any religion nbeinh even remotely true or having happened.

Religions have not brought a net positive to this world. The majority of wars have been over religious differences, it leads to discrimination and suppression. It has been used to justify the most terrible horrors this world has seen, it has been and is continues to be used to control people.

These two facts combined makes it something that may not ans cannot even remotely touch government, education, healthcare and other areas of civil life.

Religions people either mix their religion one way or another into their work because that is what religion dictates. I do not want your stone age or modern myths and fables in a class room, I don’t want to have to talk about humna rights to someone whose religion requires him to suppress the rights of other (that would be just about every religion out there)

Call is a vitriolic rant.if you will, I’m still right. That straw man argument actually is based on news reports about doctors not wanting to treat certain patients. Same in the US there are loads of doctors who are unable to disentangle their religious nutjob beliefs from their professional duty and use religion to discriminate.

Do I really need to make a more comprehensive list of the negative effects of religion on humanity? Don’t make me go there.

If you work at the government, medicine, schools… You shouldn’t be allowed to display any religious symbols, and if it were up to be I’d require those jobs to be atheist only. If you still haven’t passed the stage where you’re 5 years old and make belief fables are real to you, then you have no place in auch jobs. Grow. Up.

Oh absolutely, fully agree.

I’m just saying that this does not necessarily means that the company was already negligent

So the people pay money and that gets tripped with money… That was also paid my the people. Okay.

Having said that, sure, donate.

Well in all fairness…

It may be a recall after they found the issue. It could be that simply a machine part broke down or had a quality issue that caused this, with no I’ll intent. Sometimes an accident is simply an accident.

I’m not proposing banning cars or other forms of transportation altogether either. I do propose that we severely restrict (in comparison to today) car traffic. Make it more expensive, make the roads to take longer than by bike, push it all where possible out of city centers.

I’m not proposing banning cars or other forms of transportation altogether either. I do propose that we severely restrict (in comparison to today) car traffic. Make it more expensive, make the roads to take longer than by bike, push it all where possible out of city centers.

I’m not proposing banning cars or other forms of transportation altogether either. I do propose that we severely restrict (in comparison to today) car traffic. Make it more expensive, make the roads to take longer than by bike, push it all where possible out of city centers.

Because frankly, religions are made up nonsense. I stopped believing in Santa Claus with I was 8 or so. Why are there still adults believing in magical sky beings? More importantly, why do we all act as if this is normal, actually still the norm, and all agree that it’s something untouchable even when it’s clearly evil and not for the betterment of humanity?

Seriously, if you think about it for even a second, it makes no sense. What does make sense is that religions are widely and pretty much exclusively used by those in charge to control those that follow the religion.

The church of the flying spaghetti monster (FSM) exists for a reason: It shows how easy it is to make up some nonsense and fly with it. You want to allow religious clothes? Then you have to allow me to wear a spaghetti strainer on my head as it’s the official wear for followers of FSM.

What, you don’t allow it because FMA is made up nonsense? Well, I got bad news for you… Christianity is also made up, same as Islam, same as Scientology, same as Hinduism, same as all religions. If you start looking at religions you can see how one influences the next, and so on… The stories of Jesus and Horus are really very similar.

Simple fact: there is exactly zero scientific evidence that any supernatural person or entity exists, there is tonnes of evidence that we have all made it up, and continue to believe in it for… Reasons?

And yes, religion always exerts its influence. Merely displaying religious wear is to show what you think and want. Do you think I’d be able to have a free discussion about human rights for women with a government official wearing a burka?

So with all that in mind, do I have to sit and look at your religious wear because you somehow failed to grow up? How far should we let that go? I’ve seen multiple arguments that Muslim women should be allowed to wear burkas. Are you going to sit at a government office in front of somebody you can’t even see because she is 100% covered, even the eyes? Should we allow it a step further, allow that in class rooms (yes, I’ve seen cases for that too)? How about then the next step where they will demand that they can only interact with women because their god demands it?

You might think that these are edge cases but that is what’s att he core of this issue. If you allow one, you HAVE to allow all. I say: allow none. If you wan tto work for the government, if you want to work at a school, you wear and express no religion, period. It’s the easy and fair solution. Again, if your religion doesn’t allow you, that’s on your religion, not your government.

And if you allow your fantasy wear, then you have to allow mine too, or start defining what religion is real and what not and I would LOVE to see that debate…

Too, yes. Under 10kms all can and will be bike with good infrastructure. Anything beyond that can be public transportation, again, with good infrastructure

Then what ARE you focussing on? You cherry pick two points, Boise and arrest, comment on that you shouldn’t be arrested for noise… He wasn’t arrested for noise, that is cherry picked.

Then when I say this, you say that you were focussed on something else…

What are you, fox news?

That’s why I said most of the times. Anything under 10km can easily be done by bike, especially once you get used to it.

I ride my bike to work every day and I do the ~5km on bike faster than by car, every single time

Yeah did you read any of it?

He ran red lights, drive erratic, went up to 90kph in down town, ON TOP of behaving like an asshole


You just have to take it off.

If you don’t, you’ll also have to allow full burkhas, and sorry, not sorry, that is so far over the line that the line becomes a dot.

If you’re stuck in believing faerytales, that’s fine, to each their own poison, but you don’t get to display it in government positions. Or school positions, for that matter.

That is not unfair.

You work for the government, you can’t show religious involvement, any at all. Separation of church and state as such. If your religion doesn’t allow you to be without religious clothes or artefacts then maybe you shouldn’t work for the government.

Can a right wing conservative stip religioua abuse?

You’re kidding, right?

Just to be clear: if Netflix would have high quality versions of ALL movies and series and now the bullshit it’s turning into, I would never Pirate. Too much trouble, too much work, too expensive. Netflix would be could be easy but instead it’s getting shittier by the minute.

Don’t get me started on Amazon or disney

Over 2500 movies and over 200 series. There is a lot of todo maintenance (adding subtitles, converting some movies that are still in blueray or dvd iso) and in total some 100TB. A lot of it is lower quality, working on improving that

Edit: it’s a huge amount of work and money and I’m only doing it as a sort of hobby since netix turned to shit. Give me one provider that can show me everything from every country, whenever I want, on whatever devit I want, no gro blocking, no ad bullshit, and I’d happily pay twice, three times the amount I do now. But here we are, and here is my collection because half the shit I have can’t be watched anywhere else. Fuck the enshitification

Most promises from all politicians are meaningless marketing, calling just one group out on this is disingenuous at best

Yeah, dial down the rhetoric! We only want to get rid of all undesirables, dismantle all social systems, dismantle democracy, remove taxes for the rich and put all tax burdens on the poor, install a theocracy, jail our opponents and remove all climate protections.

And then you have the gall, THE GALL, I TELL YOU, to call us bad? STOP THE RHETORIC!

Which is funny because legalized weed can be taxed but something tells me he’s against that too.

Gotta find easy scapegoats somewhere