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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 14, 2023


Love this,

i’m a silverbullet user, any chance to have some interoperability between them?

the perfect thing would be to integrate the task.md interface in silverbullet, and make task queries return tasks created in task.md.

i would love to see them working together!



this is my setup, ofc is still and will always be working in progress

immich has a great guide to move a takeout from google into immich

yes if you use logiops on Linux, otherwise the crap ui will not let you configure all buttons with all functions

i like to have them separated by service, i have 3/4 dbs running, at least 2 of them are postgreSQL.

i have ssh configured on a different port,

more than one time i enabled ssh in ufw, restarted the service… and the connection dropped

i’m using it at work to take notes and write documentation.

i think it’s a fantastic app.

i have it as a pwa and have at least one silverbullet for each desktop.

i have ~100 notes perfectly organized in silverbullet!

the only things i would change is compatability with other tools. there is no way to export to PDF, if you nees to convert the note to docx you need to copy paste everything.

Hi i like your project and i will most likely start to use it.

i also use silverbullet.md, it could be awesome to have some kind of interoperability from the two.

i’m also using termius to connect from mobile, i also have a couple of scripts

how does this compare with silverbullet?

can i link pages? do queries?

you could use btrfs snapshots of the volumes you want to preserve. then send the snapshot to a remote location.

if the ssd fries you just need to download the snapshots and restore their layout.

i have a script for it and i use it on my server: https://github.com/simone-viozzi/btrfs2cloud-backup

i have been running the new owncloud (ocis) and, with some quirks and very basic functionality, it’s been running for 2+ years and survived multiple updates without major complications

you should exclude the immich stack from auto-updating and subscribe to immich releases.

most of the time will just be a docker compose pull && docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f

maybe is specific to my country, but here the majority of network plans have a CGNAT down the line. So we have a private ip at the router and there is no way to reach it, unless you reley the traffic to a third point.

if you want a public ip (even dynamic) you need to pay up

this is a great idea but it will only work if they have a public ip

can you stack btrfs on top of LVM? is there any advantage of doing so?

right now i have each docker volume mapped to a btrfs volume, so that i can snapshot the volume and send it away.

can i replicate the same thing with LVM and ext4 for example?

i’m mostly interested in the ssd as cache feature and the possibility of just adding more disks. Stuffs that are not possible in my current setup.

nop, i’m using owncloud infinity scale, the go version

well fuck. now i need to move my stuff off my own owncloud instace.

i have all my stacks on docker compose. if it follows the same specks, i would only need to convert volumes and networks

i would like to try… but as far as i know, there is no “docker compose up -d”

this is a long shot but the keycloack container is connected to 2 networks, does this couse a problem?

i’m saying this because traefik need you to specify on the labels which docker network it should use. maybe there is something similar.

but as i said this is a very long shot and it’s probably bs