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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


According to @postcard64 below I’m oversimplifying things (at minimum).

Thanks. In that case is it known which of those two possibilities are most likely?

I thought that SSD fails “better” than HDD because SDD become read-only first.

Anyone know how this compares to FreshRSS?

Update: I see a few differences. It’s mobile friendly and is more simplified in some ways. That’s all good. They say to expect breakage so it mightn’t be as stable yet.

When you put it that way, it sounds beneficial and like something I’d like to use. Thank you!

The article may have been dissing it as a sole strategy.

I have read elsewhere that port knocking is just security through obscurity and isn’t worth considering. I found it when searching for ways to set it up and that put me off.

Do you see much activity there?

I know that they say that security through obscurity doesn’t work, but to me (a novice) it sounds like a good idea to route the default port to a dummy server.

Kavita reader or Calibre-web?
Can anyone who has experience with both share a recommendation? I’m interested in the user side of things for ebooks (no comics) but also ease of installation and maintenance. I currently use Calibre-web and while it runs well, I find it cumbersome to organize my books through it. Edit: great responses, thank you. I do like the idea of just having the epubs in a folder and share those but at least on my setup, the desktop Calibrw app doesn’t open libraries that are mounted from remote locations. They also advise against it. So for now I guess it’s a choice between a local folder or calibre -web