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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Thanks! Currently I don’t have time at all, but maybe I will remember this one day and come back to it.

I started my PC gaming experience with LEGO Universe, an MMO with a free to play section but most of the content was behind monthly passes. I could never convince my parents to buy me the passes, and they shut down the servers relatively soon after I started playing. But I have great memories of it and still yearn to explore those worlds behind the pay wall to this day.

Well yeah it may just be my perspective, I don’t know how easy it was in ye olde days, since I’m fairly new to pirating and never used a VPN for it (because it isn’t really needed in my country, not because I’m stupid)

The access hasn’t changed much, but I feel like the knowledge got easier to access for a non-pirates.

That’s how it is in Switzerland: you pay a small piracy tax on every storage medium, in return downloading films and series is legal (but not uploading, though I never got a problem with torrenting)

I think water-wise are LA and especially Phoenix much worse than Vegas.