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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I am a student and can’t get into rdr2 either, because I know that I have to play for a few hours to get to a big, epic, story mission. I gave up after the first two missions. For me, the game would’ve been better if it didn’t have an open world, bur rather, you just get send from mission to mission. Like Call of Juareze Gunslinger (which is also western themd), where it’s just a bunch of story missions. Nice 5-6 hour adventure iirc.

I think I can talk for a lot of people if I say, that I’m not really surprised by this decision.

Enter the Gungeon is fun if you like bullet hell And Spelunky 1 and 2 are nice if you want a roguelike as a jump’n’run Although if you want to play Spelunky, definitely start with the first game. The second game is more difficult and more complex.