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Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Tacklkng the affordability and climate crisis by making cheap EVs more expensive to import

With a disarmed police force, who responds to weapons compliants and violent crimes?

Ive watched a few videos of trucks transporting the blades. Really helped me understand the scale of them.

Im all for trains, but i don’t see a train stopping to drop off 3 parcels. Unfortunately we atill need road based deliveries unless we want to completely rethink our economy. There is also the factor that quality of life was a lot lower in most rural areas before these services

I don’t think it would be detrimental, but try convincing the business owners that, try convincing the parts delivery owners that, try convincing the guy waiting on his furnace parts that 3 weeks an acceptable wait time, have fun firing the delivery driver.

We need a slower solution to transition. Get all those suburban commuters into an EV and let delivery vehicles use gas while we get better battery technology or heavily invest into rail again.

Canada used to harvest ice blocks from the lakes and ship them to tropical climates for ice boxs and whiskey on the rocks. People died on the ice, on the boats and everywhere in between. We have always been a ridiculous society that throws away a lot to cater to a few.

And it is the job of our politicians and leaders to create policies, rules and innovations to allow canadians to make better choices without them being fully educated on those choices, without making financial sacarafices in the short term, or without significant quality of life changes.

It is hard for climate change denier to use electricifed transit over their car if the transit takes 3x as long, however they are far more likely to use that transit if it is both free and faster than commuting by car. Those are the kinds of feedbacks we need, where people can make the green decision but still personally benefit by saving time, money, or convenience.

I also thought smoke stacks from factories looked cool as kid, not that i didagree with your point here.

There are regional parts suppliers that have daily/weekly routes that are several hundred kms long. They provide stuff from auto parts, plumbing fittings, and everything in between, often allowing local businesses to get parts quickly without needing to invest in massive warehouses to store larger deliveries or pay extreme delivery fees. These delivery services can be essential to small towns or rural living.

I agree with your points about ridiculous commutes and such, and large cities should defintely be investing in transit and density. Car centric planning is bleeding our cities and our cities are where we should focus improvement.

This is a huge factor. It isn’t just the initial costs. A smaller EV is lighter, a simple EV is lighter, this lets it use less energy overall which ultimately means you pay less in electricity.

Smaller vehicles tend to have smaller tires, which are cheaper. Cheaper vehicles are also cheaper to insure than more expensive ones.

All these factors combined can easily be the difference between affording a new EV or having to stick in the used ICE market.

I’m all for a tarrif on imported EVs if we start making affordable domestic ones. Between the carbon tax, affordability crisis,and Canada’s goal of getting rid of ICE, we aren’t helping Canadians by imposing this tarrif. This is clearly pandering to american auto manufacturers who have no interest in competing in the market, instead they beg governments to ban or tax their competition to keep the “free market” healthy.

It is simple, if the mining company owned the land, they would have to be responsible to clean it up. This way they can take the minerals and leave their pollution behind.

Do we really need another lac megantic incident? This is how we get another lac megantic incident.

The difference between 200m and 2km is 10x. 200m feels very close, closer than many places will even place their bus stops to each other. Something along the lines of 500m-1km away from schools seems more reasonable IMO.

Drug users loiter and use drugs where they can get away with it. With proper resources provided elsewhere many will go there instead of shooting up in the school yard, the ones that linger and become problematic can be relocated to treatment sites by law enforcement and site staff.

The whole point is to move them somewhere safe to consume, for both the users and the public. Drugs can be pretty bad and make people do some bad things, from crimes to indecency. We dont need people fighting each other near schools, we dont need people relieving themselves in bushes near schools.

The railroads would just hire tons of foriegn workers and throw safety out the window to speed up training. And our government would let it happen because it is the “only way” to fix the strike.

I think we should ban cruise ships from the great lakes. They burn fuel, leak oils, disrupt the environment with noise, dump wastes in the water, lose garbage from litter and wind, and will ultimately pollute the great lakes. There is also a risk of invasive species being moved around if the ships travel from one lake to another.

Your second quote sounds a lot like typical complaining from american manufacturers about how cheap imports “ruin the free market” unless they are heavily taxed or banned. This isnt about the consumer or about corporate subsidies. North american manufacturers have no interest in making affordable cars because their profits on more luxurious models are higher. They will beg governments to ban their competitors so they can keep their share of the market without actually providing what the market wants.

Lots of CEOS playing the blame game, worried about their profits, worried about selling their product, worried about losing customers, did a single one of them say “give the workers a raise and better hours”?

They are so afraid of the detrimental effects of all these strikes but they won’t stop for a second to consider why the strikes happen and how treating workers better could prevent them.

“If the abuse and misuse does not improve”

What if we just actually regulated it? Instead of just praying corporations won’t be shitty. But this is Canada so I guess the best we can do is politely ask them not to exploit people.

Our cars keep getting bigger, our houses keep getting bigger, even places like walmarts feel like they are getting bigger. We aren’t building any electrified transit, we aren’t heavily investing in renewable energy sources, we haven’t been shifting away from a natural resource based economy.

No one should be surprised Canada’s pollution is increasing, overall Canada isn’t really trying to reduce it.

This isn’t fair to Canadians who may need those jobs. This isn’t fair to the foreign workers who are often being exploited and may be trapped in that job for life. The only people who benefit are the ones at the top that pay for the wages and benefit from the subsidies.

How are these corporations seriously able to claim they couldn’t find someone local qualified to pour coffee?? It is clear the system is being abused.

It is a result of line goes up policies. Everything must always get more valuable. Profits must always increase. Budgets must be spent to get more next year.

Canadian government: noooo don’t burn fuel heres a carbon tax

Also the Canadian government: nooo don’t order a cheap electric vehicle, you need the luxury chevy suburban XL mega cab EV green hybrid edition.

Seriously, how do we expect canadians to make greener decisions if this is how we act? Most people can’t afford a house right now, they dont want to spend more on a car than they have to. American auto manufacturers have proven they only want to make larger, more luxurious cars. They aren’t really trying to compete in the small cheap EV market, so their solution is to beg governments to ban their competition.

It is more like an oil company, a mining company, and a logging company all on each others shoulders in a trenchcoat

It will probably just listen to us and try to sell us stuff, just like the many of the others.

How the hell is the bus expected to be effective if it stops before even really being in the city? Do these nimbys realize that everyone on the bus is someone not in a car clogging their streets?

I don’t think the government has the spirit. The governmsnt knows this is just another scheme to keep inflating the bubble and keep prices high. What we need is a plan to carefully deflate the bubble. All we ever do is inflate or keep it the same size, never deflating it and just praying its a different government in power when it finally pops.

If thats the case, will they review their maintaince scheduling to see if this could be prevented in the future, or will they just shrug it off and wait until the next little accident and pray it doesn’t cause anyone any harm?

Even if it is 100% accidental the company should be responsible to investigate the exact cause and come up with a plan to prevent a similar situation in the future.

We should also address how wasteful and poorly planned our cities are

Cars aren’t accessible to everyone either. A blind person cannot drive a car and probably can’t commute on a bike, but they may be able to take transit.

If we want car free city centers, we need transit.

I would love to see laws or bylaws written and enforced to limit exhausts. Breathing their pollution is bad enough, people shouldn’t have to tolerate being exposed to noises loud enough to be considered hazardous on a worksite in their public spaces.

More strict enforcement of catching people doing burn outs and donuts in parking lots would also help. Many walk away with just warnings while a ticket or impoundment could be more effective

I meant my statement to be inclusive with cycling.

We also need localized transit because some people are unable to cycle. Some people may also refuse to cycle in some weather. Some people also work labour jobs and don’t really want the extra exercise on their commute.

Trams dont need charging stations. We need more trams. We had them 100 years ago we could do so much better today

If the police aren’t to be responsible to remove dangerous drivers from the road who should be? Everyone is quick is call all cops bad but no one really has a solution to replace them.

Honestly pointlessly revving an engine at any time should be illegal. There is no reason for that excessive noise. Many of these exhausts are loud enough to damage hearing (which should be illegal to begin with).

Okay, lets just keep burning fuel until all of us are harmed by earth’s wrath. Will you show the same sympathy to flood and wildfire victims? Those events are going to happen more frequently if we do not bring an end to climate change. Many currently inhabited places may become too hot or too dry to survive.