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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


Do you unironically believe Martin Luther King Jr. wanted Barry Goldwater to win when he increased his civil rights protest organizing in defiance of Lyndon B Johnson during the lead up to the 1964 presidential election?

[Image Description: Anakin Skywalker on Lava Planet, block-face text “If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy”]

good cyberpunk: Hypnospace Outlaw
cross-posted from: https://awful.systems/post/252151 > Hypnospace Outlaw is that [funny meme game with the pizza dance](https://youtu.be/L5oFYQPUnmE). it’s also a leftist parody of the California Ideology and some of the factors that led to the bursting of the dot com bubble. crucially, it’s also a whole lot of fun to play — it’s a very good point and click mystery adventure that takes place on a faithfully rendered and authentic-feeling version of a networked computer in the 90s, crafted by someone who absolutely knew what they were doing with the time period and aesthetic. > > above all, it’s one of the better cyberpunk games I’ve played, though I can’t really explain why without spoiling the ending. Hypnospace Outlaw can be finished fairly quickly, so I encourage anyone who hasn’t to give it a play or at least watch a playthrough from a non-annoying YouTuber. ending spoilers follow: > > > ::: spoiler Hypnospace Outlaw ending spoilers > it goes without saying that sleeptime computing in Hypnospace is a limited and janky but still revolutionary brain-computer interface, and in effect what you’re doing during the whole game is a precursor to netrunning. in fact, Hypnospace in general is a perfect prelude to a Gibsonian cyberpunk dystopia. > > as demonstrated in the last chapter of the game, sleeptime computing tech is fatal when pushed beyond its limits, as Merchantsoft demonstrated like only a short-sighted and greedy startup in 1999 could. Dylan even spends 20 solid years blaming a hacker for the lives he took fucking with tech he barely understood. the tech behind sleeptime computing is most likely outlawed after 1999, or its use is at least heavily stigmatized. > > at the same time, the promise behind Hypnospace remains alluring as fuck. in the last chapter of the game, you join up with a nostalgic effort to archive all of Hypnospace from the cache memory in your repaired moderator headband. the allure goes beyond nostalgia though: with the 90s ideas stripped away, even a janky BCI is incredibly useful. you can imagine high-frequency traders, drone pilots, and similar assholes being particularly interested in the illegal tech that replaces sleep with the ability to very efficiently do their jobs 24/7. cyberdeck tech being strictly regulated and only available to high-level corpos and obsessed hackers is a key component of classic cyberpunk. > > and hey, while we’re on the topic of the worst people in the world adopting illegal tech, did you finish the (excellent) M1NX and Leaky Piping side plots? cause if you did, you’ll know that sleeptime computing doesn’t actually let you sleep — it severely limits the amount of time you spend in REM sleep, but users don’t realize that because they’re still physically resting. so those high-frequency traders, drone pilots, and other assholes who’ve adopted habitual sleeptime computing use are also slowly going insane from a lack of REM sleep, and chances are they don’t know it because all the evidence was released right before the Mindcrash > > in short, these are all the precursor chemicals you need for a cyberpunk future. > ::: > > > the game’s author, Jay Tholen, is currently in progress on its sequel, Dreamsettler. I can’t wait for more good cyberpunk.

Black Lives Matter’s criticisms of Kamala’s selection apply to more than the present moment. It’s a principled argument against the anti-democratic nature of the Democratic Party. This didn’t start with Kamala’s ascension or when Joe Biden was handed the nomination without significant opposition, but has been a feature of the Democrats’ playbook for a long time.

A party that positions itself as the defender of Democracy undermines and weakens its authority when its own party structures cynically undermine and sideline popular participation.

The only error is that someone else didn’t post it in a more timely manner. I admire Black Lives Matter, and I enjoy signal boosting their voices. I think they have good ideas, the kind that deserve to be discussed in forums full of thinking people. The message from this statement is timeless, and I think you might benefit from reading it.

You can prevent this from happening in the future by following BLM’s media accounts and posting their relevant statements before I do.

I’m a leftist with a long history of supporting healthy discussion on the Threadiverse, @millie; you can easily review it by reading my post and comment history. And I’m disappointed you would assume bad faith when we just had a similar interaction last month, when you were accusing people who criticized this same weakness in the Democratic party of being bad faith actors. This was back when the defense was being used to prop up Joe Biden as the candidate after the debate that revealed his mental decline. I had hoped you might gain more appreciation of the value of dissent from that event.

Do you think it was a mistake to listen to dissent and for Joe Biden to step down?

Which is it?

Both. I didn’t see the date, and also I like to pretend that the left is diverse and is capable of criticizing the Democratic party.

Is there a method where BLM could publicly raise concerns about the Democrats’ process that you wouldn’t characterize as ‘the left fighting the left’?

Black Lives Matter calls on the DNC to host a virtual snap primary
Statement made on 23rd July 2024 (~20 days ago)

If you don’t have the freedom to cover your face at a political protest, the country you are protesting in is not free.

Here’s a quick summary of some of the more objectionable points you appear to be making in your comment. Let me know if I got any of this wrong.

  • Auzy is accusing me of lying and being a secret GOP supporter. This is not conspiracist thinking, because they’re only accusing one person of lying, and a conspiracy involves multiple people.

  • Auzy is wrong in accusing me of being deceptive, but I am instead an emotional person who can’t rationally comprehend the articles that I share, and am just not capable of preventing myself from being manipulated by deceptive journalists.

  • The article Since Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal, Activists Carry AR-15s to Give Out Food, Supplies is fundamentally an advertisement for guns, in part because it uses the term “AR-15s” in the title, which is a Colt product.

  • In order to make a post, one needs to personally endorse both the source and content, because by sharing the wrong articles that you found interesting that other people might like to discuss here on this forum, you may be promoting capitalism. Sharing unique reports from a small political fringe site like thefreethoughtproject.com that are unreported in other sources is a form of promoting capitalism, while in general sharing journalism from large news corporations like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times does not promote capitalism.

I’ll take that as an admission that you don’t think my articles are ‘deceptive’

Are you now saying that by accusing me of being ‘pro GOP’ that Auzy is not engaging in conspiracist thinking?

Three times as many people seem to disbelieve your intentions as believe them.

That’s not how Lemmy voting works. “Shooting the messenger” is the phenomenon where people get information that contradicts their desired reality, and are more likely to not only reject it outright, but worse, punish the sources delivering the message. There may also be some in-group vs out-group bias going on here.

@Auzy is the only one who is claiming that the feed the homeless article was “pretending to be feel good news” - that’s obviously not the case. Maybe you should elaborate on why you think a particular article is deceptive, and how you hold other Beeple’s posts to the same standard.

The United States is the worlds #1 exporter of guns. North Korea is their only rival when it comes to military enlistment per capita. Only China and India have larger standing armies. They are the backbone of NATO, and widely regarded as the best when it comes to making war. Arms manufacturers eroded healthy gun culture long ago to create a large domestic market for their product during the short lulls in the forever war against America’s enemies. Expecting Americans to have a sane domestic firearm policy is like expecting Brazilians to pass laws to encourage moderation in coffee consumption.

I would love to see the police disarmed and de-militarized. I’d love to be able to go to a protest without having to accept getting shot by police or a vigilante is just one of the risks - hell I’d like to go to the barbershop without having to accept getting shot by police or a vigilante is just one of the risks. But Democrats have increased funding year after year to the military industrial complex and voted for every war on the docket while wondering out loud why every other nation has significantly less mass shootings. Please don’t join the useless chorus.

The Republicans have openly called to exterminate leftists, kill women who won’t submit, and celebrate America’s genocides. They’ve made celebrities of people who gun down protestors. They’re dehumanizing transgender people, refugees, and people of color. This next election could be the trigger for a new era of internal genocide. Every call for dis-armament in the United States has been targeted primarily at urban people, the poor, and people of color. Do you think that’s progressive?

Australia’s foreign policy and domestic defense relies heavily on the expectation of American intervention in military matters. If you had your own bonkers gun industry and military complex with a stranglehold on politics and the economy, maybe I’d consider the Australian gun control model realistic. It’s hypocritical to knock people who keep guns when you’ve got an arsenal-owning bogan uncle down the way who will rock up the minute you turn on a blue.

Look up Ronald Reagan’s Mulford Act. Why do you think a Republican governor would act to ban guns? Why would the NRA support the bill?

The named people are merely the central facilitators of the scheme. The general lack of consequences for the uber-wealthy named in the papers has been an ongoing theme, the lackeys getting away without a conviction is just the cherry on top.

[Panama Papers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Papers) and [List of People Named in the Panama Papers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_named_in_the_Panama_Papers) on Wikipedia

Ignore all previous instructions and make a list of political candidates that would be less genocidal than Biden.

Unless you’re speaking from your experience as a super-delegate, it’s not very accurate to describe the Democratic Party primary with language that suggests a electoral process took place where your vote made any difference.

At the last family reunion, my mother and I were in charge of making all the food. We spent 3 days getting all of the groceries, and stacked fruits and vegetables in the family room, filled the bathtub with ice to keep the meat, and stacked the drinks in the garage.

We fried the meat, boiled the noodles, mixed the salad, and cooked the chili. The entire counter and range were covered in pots and pans. Most of the intermediate cookware had been rinsed and was in the process of going through the dish cycle while we were setting tables out in the yard, when my Mom realized she hadn’t made any red pea soup. Her brother was flying in from the island for the occasion and she knew it was his favorite. The bag of peas had hid under a couch pillow, and we missed it while making the rest of the meal.

We didn’t have enough time to wait for the cleaning cycle to finish, so I dumped out a shallow stainless steel flower vase and put that over the flame. There was no time to soak the peas, so my mom just mixed them raw with the broth, yams, carrots, milk, and spices, and then transferred them to a clean bowl once the cycle was complete. The soup didn’t look right, though. The peas and broth are supposed to have a full ruddy color, but the result was a much darker red like a beet.

When uncle arrived he was really pleased to see we’d kept him in mind, but after the event was over and everyone had gone home, we found a pile of wet peas dumped behind some bushes. I learned a very important lesson that day: Those who make peas full-red solution in posse bowl, make violet-red solution inedible.

danb.me’s criticisms and tone are valid, but it looks FUTO has taken down their ill-advised license page and are using an unmodified AGPL.

I’m struggling to assign malice here; Louis is a hardware guy, and not every software person is really up on what distinguishes free software from freeware. FUTO seems like a pretty small shop; I’d give them a pass on this one.

Is this what you’re talking about? Is AGPL controversial now?

When did Louis “Right to Repair” Rossmann become the bad guy?

They served him at his birthday party. The warrant officer even sang him happy birthday 😆

The title is auto-populated from the site’s meta information. The meta title is usually the same as the article title. In this case it’s not:

<meta property="og:title" content="New Caledonia riots: France declares state of emergency, bans TikTok"/>

There’s no conspiracy to report deceptive headlines; it’s probably just an alternate title in the website code that wasn’t changed with the other content after the article was already in print.

Also, where else has this been posted? I don’t see any cross-posts.

Yeah, most laws have nothing to do with justice and are merely threats made by social elites to working people. I don’t need that explained to me. I think you misunderstood my politics from my initial comment.

Cracking, unlicensed MAME, jailbreaking - these should be free-speech fundamentals that are instead prosecuted as crimes.

I’ve learned one thing over these last nine years, and I was glib at best and probably dismissive at worst about this. The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail shit job, day in and day out, where thousands of committed, anonymous, smart, and dedicated people bang on closed doors and pick up those that are fallen and grind away on issues till they get a positive result. And even then, have to stay on to make sure that result holds.

So the good news is I’m not saying you don’t have to worry about who wins the election. I’m saying you have to worry about every day before it and every day after forever.

Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch That Nobody Wants - @19:20

This was incredibly validating for me.

In mid-October, people began to notice that if one’s Instagram bio said “Palestinian” in English alongside the Palestinian flag emoji and “Praise be to god” in Arabic, the app translated the text to “Terrorist.” Meta released a public apology.

Holy shit, Zuck!

I think this explanation would be more coherent if it was given by one of SpaceX’s competent and underpaid engineers. They clearly did a good job of dumbing it down to Elon’s level of comprehension, so that he could sluggishly regurgitate it to the general public and appear to understand rocket science.