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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Highly recommend. I moved my web hosting from my home server to a CPX11 server for better uptime (my tinkering around in the homelab was always bringing things down) and couldn’t be happier. It’s dirt cheap (cheaper than shared web hosting, even), performant (performance is better than shared web hosting) and reliable. With a 20TB bandwidth limit at the lowest tier, I can reverse proxy for most of my homelab, too.

It can save data by excluding data streams that you don’t need. For instance, I don’t need French, Italian, Japanese, German 5.1 audio streams that each have 700Mbps bitrates or higher, nor do I need an English 1.5Gbps master audio stream, a 700 Mbps English stream, a 500 Mbps descriptive audio for the blind, and 5 different special edition commentary tracks for a film I’ll watch once or twice. All those tracks can really add up, and torrent sites are often country or language specific, so remuxes might have original language and/or native language audio only.