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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


Try guild wars 2.

You can play without completly downloading it.

Its f2p and you can explore all together, since every starting map gets unlocked no matter what race you pick at the start.

It is also very easy to learn and you can even outlevel each other if anyone wanna keep playing in private, since you get levelcapped depending what map you are in.

Brilliant game design all around and still one of the best multiplayer games out there IMHO.

Guild wars 2 has one of the best artstyles of any game IMO. Also very nice to just explore the world and the core game is free 2 play with a generous way to buy and keep forever without sub or mtx.

If i think about card games i have to mention “Inscryption” but it is very weird in a good way.

Then there are great positioning games like “Into the Breach” which has a very tight and simple gameplay loop and the Last Spell which is more complex with RPG elements.

Had fun with all 3 for very different reasons.

Coreborn was very nice. Cannot wait for it to be released next month.

It is a bit like Valheim and Rust but more chilled. Especially at the start. Very unique world based on a german Pen and Paper series.