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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I think it’s more about having sympathy for the cruddy situation they might be in, not necessarily what the best or optimal outcomes would have been.

Please elaborate on this trading feature! When did it change NPCs/quests? Maybe keep spoilers hidden or to things already discussed here.

Mother’s maiden name and birthday of the “researcher”… That’s a little odd lol

I adore the Kingdom Hearts series, but I couldn’t even get through a few worlds in KHIII due to silly and younger tone of all the cutscenes. I get that at it’s heart it is a kids game or at least was. But their core audience has grown up.

I was so excited when it came out, only to be extremely turned off with the lack of FF characters and the over the top childish tone.

Dying is an overstatement, I’m sure the scene is there.

But it’s not as popular as most people are generally able to easily access all the music they want legally for reasonable prices.