• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


The title feels a bit off. I doubt very many of the subreddits have actually “relocated”. As the site itself states, these are just lists of alternatives that provide topics that match existing subreddits.

Most of the subreddits mentioned are still going to be active (especially in comparison to their alternatives) for the foreseeable future.

I think you’ve summarized the biggest problem with Halo currently. Even if you enjoy the game, its one if those games you play for a while, maybe beat the campaign and then move into other games.

It just doesn’t feel like a flagship title anymore. And if it wasn’t for the Halo name it would be even more forgettable then it is now.

Inside North Korea: “We are stuck, waiting to die”
For months, the BBC has been communicating in secret with three North Koreans living in the country. They expose, for the first time, the disaster unfolding there since the government sealed the borders more than three years ago. Starvation, brutal crackdowns, and no chance to escape.

Kingdom Come is a solid game, but it’s also still a very narrow game compared to Skyrim. You play as a specific character and the “sandbox” nature of the game is much more limited.

It’s more like the Witcher where you can roleplay slight variations on one person, rather than Skyrim where you can role-play as a vast array of potential characters.

Open world games like Skyrim are hard to make, and modern expectations are making them even harder.

People are shitting on Bethesda for taking so long, but no other developer has managed to make a worthy competitor in the decade+ since Skyrim released.

lemmy.ml isn’t explicitly “tankie” but the main devs are and the moderation will include not allowing posts/comments critical of China/Russia/communism/etc.