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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


far right group advocates for website that caters to far right groups

not even remotely a surprise to me, beyond I guess the fact that the taliban would have said anything at all about it

A fence is someone who knowingly purchases stolen goods, typically for less than retail price.

It’s dead for me right now. I’ll miss her.

I disagree. You need to fix your relationship with your employees and overuse of crunch. I won’t buy any of your shit until horror stories stop coming out of your studio. Same deal with Blizzard, did they even fire the rape guy?

So that’s why RF5 is so janky? Don’t get me wrong i’m playing it right now and deeply enjoying it, especially getting to see Doug and Margaret kicking around town again, but I have so many issues with this game lol.

The camera lags when you rotate 360 degrees around your character, sometimes the rocks that spawn on your field will be totally invisible until you save and reset, preventing you from tilling certain areas. I’m having some weird lighting issues too but that doesn’t bother me really.

On the bright side, they give you a lot of farming room quite fast if you play through the dungeons, and they finally made it possible to be a lesbian! How cruel fate is that allowed me to not get married to Margaret in RF4… For the record, I ended up with Vishnal.

I just finished Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin.

Its one of the best farming games I’ve ever played, but it’s also like… a real ass simulation game. You don’t get to grow whatever you want, you will grow rice and you’ll either like it or leave. Kept your paddy’s water level too high? Mold. Didn’t get rid of pests? Disease. Didn’t keep enough water in on a hot day? Uh oh, water evaporated and now your rice is under watered. If the waters too cold it won’t absorb nutrients right.

It’s also 50 percent a action rpg platformer, but don’t think you can get around doing the bare minimum in the farming just to play it: your stats are directly reliant on how good you rice farm. No level grinding through combat.

I really enjoyed it but I’m still not sure who the target demographic for this game was. How big is the overlap between “traditional rice farmers” and “action rpg enjoyers”? At any rate, I high key reccomend it if you think you could be interested in rice farming whatsoever, because the story is great too.

Rune factory 4 actually came to PC as of 2021 so you don’t have to own a 3ds to play it anymore. I’m currently playing RF5, and I’m enjoying it.

If your intention is to make games, I reccomend Gamemaker Studio 2. If the pricing model is something you’re not willing to work around (and trust me im still kinda salty about the change so i get it) Godot seems to be the move for 2d development.

GMS2 works on its own scripting language called Gamemaker Language, or GML. I’m told its similar to JS kinda. I used to redirect people to the r/gamemaker discord, but if you’re in the fediverse that might not be something you care to do. The community there rules though and is always happy to help people learn.

I think Godot is on c#? I haven’t used it yet, but it’s open source so if that’s important to you go for it.

Personally, I use Unity3d now, but I wouldn’t reccomend jumping right into that. C# can be kind of challenging (but highly rewarding once you know what you’re doing. serialized variables ftw)

Fallout: New Vegas is on the same engine and satisfies the dungeon crawl loop condition flawlessly. Additionally it’s one of the better written rpgs of it’s type with a ton to get invested in.

Oblivion is good if you can get around it’s mild clunkiness by today’s standards. Morrowind is supposed to be amazing if you can get around it’s clunkiness (though I’ve never been able to. maybe someday they’ll make a remaster)

In some of my worse moments, Amazon has genuinely recommended me a “these things bought together” purchase of a tank of helium, a plastic tube, and a tank regulator. Corporations will do literally anything for money.

Have an antigravity arrow.

Is that not what I was supposed to be calling them?

If it was too soon now then it was definitely too soon yesterday when people were making fun of it i’d think.

People can barely drive regular cars, there’s no FUCKIN way i trust them with flying cars

Did you know some guy on youtube made a mod/virus for red and blue that makes it so if you trade with a cart that’s infected too? The only other thing it does is make it possible to use strength to push the truck and catch a mew.


very fun video

For what its worth, if you have a decent PC wii U emulates flawlessly, to the point where you can play BotW at 60fps with no frame drops. GC is even easier although that might have some audio issues.

I wish he was honest to begin with and said “Hey, we’re no longer supporting third party reddit clients. I get you’ll be pissed about that but them’s the beans we have to drive more people to our app for money reasons”

Instead, this whole charade reeks of stupidity and desperation.

Oh there’s definitely stuff wrong with me, I just don’t know if this specifically is it

Wow that’s a classic! I haven’t seen that video in the wild since the early internet!

There might be something wrong with me for that to be nostalgic…

It’s projection. Every single thing they accuse “the woke left” of doing is something they are already doing.

Succinctly stated. I wish authoritarian left types would understand this.

No matter how many developers you get, you’re never going to have a good product if the guy calling the shots won’t allow it. I’m confident that the developers working on Reddit probably know damn well that their product is trash and there’s nothing they can do about it because their job isn’t “make a good site” its “do what your boss tells you to do”