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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Back when I was in school, there were at least 3 people in my grade ( of like 30 kids) that both wanted to become a doctor and had the grades to probably do it. Not a single one of them was able to afford the schooling.

Canada really needs to do more for potential medical students. Why is the most important industry gatekept by wealth?

Seriously, the only people who can 100% say if she is or isnt are actual natives.

A little bit off topic but I know plenty of white presenting people who have some native ancestry that know fuck all about native culture, Mostly because of the residential school fuckery. Many of them would like to learn more about the heritage that has basically been erased from their family’s identity but hold back because they dont want to get labeled as a faker or whatever the native version of a weeaboo is. A few have gotten their status cards and have started to get involved, but who does and doesn’t get their status seems random at times.

Its more economical to produce a low-value but high volume product as close to where its being used.

Were people thinking that their big bulky packs of toilet paper were being shipped by boat across the pacific from china? The shipping cost would wipe out any profits.

Honestly, my biggest worry/criticism is that there is no way to prevent these 99 homes from becoming 99 Airbnb’s.

Don’t think there is any way for them to prevent that though.

srsly, the malls here are mostly empty except for a few larger clothing chains and an ungodly amount of phone stores.

Used to have a locally run craft store, musical instrument shop, a place that sold decent quality footwear that also did repairs (holy shit is it hard to find good everyday shoes that don’t fall apart after a season), there was a place that did custom frames for paintings and large photos that also sold local artwork. Hell it used to have a food court with a few non chain takeout places there and the only dairy queen in the entire town, but that all got torn out and replaced with a Rossys.

Sure none of those businesses were super vital for the community, but they are gone and nothing has replaced them really. Mall owners would rather half their building be empty than charge a sane amount.

switched to freetube yesterday, pretty good so far, though I cant figure how to import my playlists over.

Grew up in Newfoundland, always thought school lunches were some American tv thing like how every ‘struggling’ sitcom family being able to afford an apartment in the city/suburbs. Thought that people complaining about the quality of the free food they were given was some sort of running gag.