A French gaymer who’s 29 years old. (he/him)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I’m waiting for sale but I’ll definitely pick it up !

Great ! Thanks for all the infos !

Are the hidden tems missable ? Or I can get them later ?

[Temtem] What are the things you wish you knew when you started the game ?
crossposted from: https://lemm.ee/post/1272996 > Hi there ! > > I just started Temtem a few days ago (I'm in the very beginning, I've mosly been leveling up my temtems around Zadar. > > I'm a regular from the Pokemon series. That being said, If I can avoid the beginner mistakes by receiving advices there, that would be great ! > > Thank you ! > > EDIT : One advice I learned from a video : don’t spend money on healing items. If you’re about to lose a battle, let yourself lose the battle. That way, when you reach the endgame, you’ll have plenty of money to start the endgame.

I’m kinda scared that this will happen to me now. I’ve never been that far, but I’m 100% sure I would never touch the game if that happened to me.

I got stuck on Resident Evil Rebirth for the same reason. Took me years before I motivating myself to give it an other shot.

I second Resident Evil games. But, they have multiple ends that require replay the games or a large portion of them. You can watch the endings on YouTube though. But iirc, RE VII, has a whole different portion of game influenced by a choice you make, than make you replay that whole part and it can be long.

Yeah, I understand that. I think I found KH III more childish than the rest of the saga, most of the time.

Meh, I didn’t really like the mobile games, but I might give the story of them a try.

Kingdom Hearts III killed my love for the saga
⚠️This post contains spoilers about the end of Kingdom Hearts III. KH has been my favorite serie since around the airing of the second one. I've beat the main story of every entry and even bought consoles for it, since it spread on so much systems... I was very hyped for KH III and bought it day one, then finished it in about two weeks, if I recall correctly. It's been a blast and it's been such a fun game. Where I had a problem, was that the story of KH III was so underwhelming. The story was almost inexistant until the final part of the game. It has some great moments, but we're talking about a game supposed to end a saga that started early 2000. It was highly anticipated. And all we got in the end was a succession of deus ex machina to close all the story that has been opened and the main anthagonist of the serie that just suddently change his mind after being defeated. His whole life was dedicated to his plan, so why drop it like that ? I've always had this in mind since KH III got out and wanted to vent. I don't feel like playing the serie anymore, since the storyline is just so confusing, and the writting very poor in my opinion. And I hate feeling that way, because It really had been my favorite video game saga... Do people feel the same about it ? Thanks for reading.