• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


However, the upside is that there are no bots, dark patterns, or manipulated feeds.

There’s a huge amount of incoming spam, much of it, I suspect posted by bots. I’ve also seen account posting ‘news’ from sites that are clearly AI generated

To be honest, it feels much more likely to see posts on the Fediverse with many upvotes, few or no comments

Yeh. I’m pretty comfortable with this broad mix.

Absolutely. Unless they’re actually evil. Which I’m sure they aren’t. But they could be.

Running your own VPN in that situation is a good use-case agreed - assuming you trust yourself :)

You’re hiding your traffic route from your mobile operator and giving it instead to your vpn company who swear they are honest

Just a quick reminder that Twitter was banning 10s of thousands of accounts of extremists that breached its terms of service, including a certain ex president of the US. It was imperfect, but ‘running rampant’ is a stretch

Were Nazis allowed to deliberately ‘run rampant’ on Twitter pre-Elon? That’s a hot take.

Musk’s buying Twitter had nothing to do with it being ‘monetised’ as far as I see. Musk just offered such a stupidly large amount that the board had to say ‘OK, sure.’

Thanks. I hadn’t really thought of creating prompts like that but that’s a nifty idea

“You will present multiple views on any subject… here is a list of subjects on which you hold fixed views”.

I just don’t understand how the author of this prompt continues to function

Quite a good demonstration of the limitations of deep-fake AI. You just know after a minute or two that this. isn’t Ryan Gosling, or if it is - that he is being held hostage

Fedi Garden to users: “You may need to find an alternative to us”

No. If I’m a doctor with qualifications in microbiology and I tell you that vaccines are important an effective, then I’m it’s worth listening to me because I’m authoritative, more so than the random guy on YouTube. It’s the erosion of **authority ** as a problem that the article is about.

He’s clearly an anti-semite, or at least a sympathers. ‘Nazi’ is getting thrown around a bit too liberally

You do understand the difference between authority and authoritarianism, right?

This article is about authority figures, not about authoritarians. That’s like mixing up paediatricians and paedophiles

I think Threads federation may actually help with. I’m trying to persuade a health body at the moment to switch from Twitter and to roll their own Mastodon instance, based on the fact that what they really want is the widget on the website, control of their data and the ability to reach people.

Twitter has already screwed the widget with the login/authentication requirements. If
Threads actually allows its users to see Mastodon posts, that’s a big old reachable audience.

When the “large” voices leave in significant numbers - in the UK it is used wildly by public sector and charity organisations, there are official governmental Twitter accounts, all the broadcasters have accounts.

This will probably be enough for me to convince my organisation to quit Twitter and spin up their own Mastodon instance if Incan te them that they will be able to reach Threads users

values the data their users have given them

… and will give them

Don;t mention Minecraft. You implemented and adminstered a MYSQL database system which supported N concurrent users and Y transactions per minute with 99.xxx uptime over Z years, you also developed a custom front-end etc etc

There was a fashion about 30 years ago in the UK to convert old-style rotary phones so they worked with DTMF touch tones. I had a rather excellent original candle-stick style phone. Got lost in a move somewhere. Retro is always cool

That failure example puts something in my hind-brain into fight-or-flight mode - mainly flight.

Saying ‘corporations are going to do what they want regardless, there’s no point wore about it’, is a very useful counsel of despair for them.

Is this one of the services that you supply absolutely all your personal details to, to keep your personal details private?

I really don’t see that. You’ve got 3 million users who are happy using the platform- if it were me I certainly wouldn’t turn on federation for them without asking.

I’d probably have a process that initially

  1. Make federation opt-in for existing users
  2. Make federation an opt-in during onboarding of new users
  3. Start promoting Turing federation on for existing users
  4. Make federation the default for new users

Seems like a reasonable way to soft-launch federation to me.

It’s one of those names, which I suspect seemed like a good idea in the pub at the time and which they should have jettisoned as soon as they sobered up.

AI stealing our work. The collapse of social networks. The need to pay journalists to produce impactful journalism. Here is why we are asking for your email address to read 404 Media.

I mean, Apple already gives you the option to collect this type of data using Apple Watch and iPhone - if you want it to. One of the most interesting is gait analysis that can warn you if you are getting a bit wobbly and have increased risk of falling. The already do facial scanning for FaceID (held on-device in the Secure Enclave) and offers the ability to scan the shape of your ears to get the best from it’s Atmos audio when wearing headphones. There’s never been any suggestion that Apple exfiltrates this stuff for any purpose other than those selected by the user.

Residents of 12 states are eligible to participate if they meet certain criteria. But the agency’s plans have already met resistance from tax preparation companies.