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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Just ran this thru a few decoding things, and this is garbage. Might just be a private share to someone who has the key

Was it the hate campaign that made any of your associated address with the company were never a place you were at? Was it them who used unpaid interns to mod and build the game, then left them out to dry with no support when the hate for the state of the game came in?

Those who open the windows, let the bugs in.

very well could be. I know the line I recall was for the reason that he became a candidate so early in the 2020 election cycle and there was something about it protecting him from criticism, maybe he had to be allowed a rebuttal if they did those things while he was a candidate. Still looking into the laws that govern political people and the media, it seems that cable stations have different rules then those that apply to over the air stations (which cable news stations use to their benefit but this would also apply here with showtime, so even if there was something to the thing I am thinking of this is still odd, maybe it is just they dont have the war chest to play in court and dont wanna get bit right now)

It may have been hinted that it was used in that way, what I think was the end goal was the fairness of all things, and this was going to give trump a lot more cheap air time for himself when ever they had any mention of democrats jockeying for office but I am still looking into the relevant laws on this and trying to find the reddit thread that gave me this thought to start with.

And to those downvoting me, thats fine. But also understand just like I said here and in the DM’s I wrote back, I never claimed I knew this to be 100% true, so calm down just a bit.

I thought it was only while they were running, it was the reason there was limited bad press for trump (this is why I recall it, but again this could all be a fever dream) as he stated he was running for prez VERY early so that his camp had to sign off on opinion pieces and other things, havent had a chance to look it up and see where I got it from yet.

I swear I thought that you couldnt run pieces on people that were running for prez with out some kinda write off from the campaign. But that could have been a fever dream