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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2024


oh im aware. expecting me to cave is not a good bet though. there are two options. they can have my eyeballs for the ads which I accept for it being free or their competitor gets it. if they all go away I will visit the library more often. they will never. ever. get a drop from me.

I would love this. Not only would it be great to have a central point but often times their search is bad. Even intentionally so. Like crunchyroll makes it impossible to see whats available to a free account. You end up having to roam around until you get frusted and realize plex, freevee, pluto, tubi, roku, etc has a pretty good selection with less runaround.

how exactly does one protect onesself with a meme?

ah. I have only played elden ring so did not realize it meant the prattling pate. though it was like a certain color of glowy stone.

I almost never put why. this cycles though hostnames and parses out blah blah blah. I guess I assume the why is self evident.

the powers laid out to him do are not in anything you spoke about and to boot he is not actively doing anything to make it happen like trump did with his scotus picks. its redic you make this statement when one of the things you put in your initial thing is 100% from action of trump. if a few folks had voted for hilary we would still have roe vs wade. I get it the nose needs to be held but I prefer to to live in the better outcome.

When did biden declare homelessness illegal again. You do know the abortion rulings were by the judges appointed by trump right? And again not sure when biden founded some cop cities. This is exactly the crap of hey lets take the worse option and complain about the effects as if it came from the better.

So far my experience with ai is it cannot evaluate the quality of the data it uses to any significant degree. As such it can summarize which is convenient for searching and give examples but ultimately you have to correct its mistakes and know enough to do so. There is some savings for a programmer in the sense you might be able to get some rough scaffolding and its a bit eaiser to identify relevant search links but I don’t see it replacing developers. It definitely allows one to do more though or even increase the quality. One really great thing it can do is auto commenting of the code which does not need as much improvement as actual code and makes it more likely for you to do the task (both because it does it and because it causes you to go. no don’t explain it like that). Is similarly helps with documentation. I doubt it could more than double productivity though. At least as how it stands now. Im not sure it can do much better without becoming general ai.

even imprisonment??? not cooperating I would think it would be definite.

yeah but trump is ready with pogroms for them while harris has none.

Yup. I dreamed of such things when I was young but as computers came up and labor efficiency increased I only saw an increase in the work week labor and the income disparity where the common man got less and less.

IBM could have done it more but they came from a time of laws not allowing that behaviour. So they just did not change with the times.

this gets into what if the price changes between pikcing it up and purchasing. They should really guarantee to not change prices while the store is open and find an hour to close and make 24hour stores 23 hours.

not really. he already won with the alternative facts and blackmailing zelensky and firing a missile at at iranian general and all. We can’t just ignore all the childish behavior and hope they grow up.

I get ya but lets face it. before trump they were at best high school leve and with him they have devolved to grade school. Its really the only way to deal with them.

I mean thats great but finding the notes is always a chore to because so much has been done between now and then and there are a lot of stuff done with their own notes. We are actually required to document in like 3 different ways although we don’t need to do all 3 all the time. informal, formal internal, formal customer.

I get this one so much. I don’t consider myself a developer because I tend to just touch code but that means I won’t touch any for weeks. Worse I tend to do a lot of poc or boot strapping type of things and so its like there was a user story last pi to check the feasibility of something and now have a user story to get it regularly working in a poc env and I have forgotten everything about that particular system or language or whatever.

me2 if you mean the first primary. I had a similar thing with my current governor. Not wild about him at first but he won the primary and the general. Was pleasantly surprised at his performance.

I liked him and sad to see him go. His term was the best I have encountered in life (lets be clear this is in comparison to other presidential terms, not ideals) and I think a large part of that was experience. Especially as vp of obama. I will vote harris and hope she bring the experience she got as vp and continues the administrations work.

finally they will understand that one american version of the office episode!

its not rhetoric when you are talking about what folks have written. Talk about reaping what you sow but unfortunately reaping goes all around when you sow like they do. https://youtu.be/BN5kBCTH-zk

so does china have a national religion now or are they going to groom reps for every one? if so its an interesting tac to say the least.

its not rhetoric when they are talking about things they wrote themselves.

ugh. I thought this was a followup on the shooter.

yeah honestly I know the answer even though I did the joke. the star wars mythical travel requires hyperspace navigation where objects still exist in it and the nav computer is basically plotting the smallest safe distance (or something like that). Basically all speed in hyperspace is the same its just about the route. Its basically explained in the original movie when han says (spoilers ahead /s):

“Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that’d end your trip real quick, wouldn’t it?”