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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Threatening google does not seem like a wise political move.

Of all the companies able to misuse data if motivated to. Google really could screw a campaign if the decided to care.

batshit crazy & desperate

Hope so.

Because otherwise its fucking terrifying. And honestly that is the better reaction.

He is indicating at the least he plans changes that voting will not be able to change. At the worst plans to become a dictatorship.

And given his attitude. The later seems more likely.

and Britain

In no way did British Labour support Gaza. At best they were no worse then the past gov. But no viable candidate under fptp suoported gaza.

Labour actually lost 2 seats to independents due to not supporting gaza.

Pretty much.

Edit. But if we are honest. Its not like western nations are going to stop buying vote to teach them the cost.

Unfortunately I don’t drink their products as I’m cheap. So can’t really help myself. But I would be amazed if a boycott of coca cola ever happened effectively.

Lets remember the fanta story.

Coke never left Germany even when the US finally joined the 2nd World War. The traded as fanta to avoid losing sales as an American brand. Once the German people felt they had reason to distrust the US.

Remember this company has a history of refusing to take sides.

’s possible that he doesn’t serve any time

The things you mention. And more importantly the fact that crimes like this rarely involve jail on a first offence.


Well no country is forced to obay sanctions. Such things are (like all international law) built on treaty agreements between nations.

So only nations with agreements to support sanctions against other nations are required to enforce them within there own laws.

And in russias case Those agreeing nations are mostly NATO members. Where as china was a warsaw pack member during the cold war.

The big difference here. Someone who has held the highest position in the US. Still believes he has no legal limits when it comes to his actions on US citizens.

And is attempting to get voted in on promises based on that idea.

“If the president dose it. Its not illegal”

Yep lots of the right wing in the world. Assume they are the only nation with immigration restrictions.

It seems to be a natural assumption from the its us against the world attitude.

Not a very valid point.

Every nation complains about its leaders. Some are still bigger shit heads then others.

Simple fact is human beings are more likely to comment on issues then note boring reliability. It still in no way effects the cross nation comparison.

The best of nations in anything has a right and even need to look for better. That is afterall how progress works.

But you need clear comparisons and data to accusse those complaints of properganda.

I think a diary farmer. Managing the health wellbeing vs cost profit. Dealing with economic and environmental rules.

Would indicate the biggest difference is. The cows do not get to express a choice.

Where as in society the means of production and the customer all have input.

OK so this sounds like you are surprised. That most people upset haven’t done something a relatively small % of the public have done.

And I am unsure why you think the point has any value. Political candidates represent a tiny % of the population. If each one had hundreds of people working with them. It would still be a tiny % of society…

Add to that that the vast majority of society actually has a life they need to work earn raise families. Honestly the largest percentage of society just dose not have the time or energy to protest or take part in politics.

They still have a right to complain that the people they are paying to do the job. To do it to a standard or in a way they don’t like.

Have you ever milked a cow. Do you still feel annoyed and complain when someone sells you off milk.

One side will claim the other did. And respond.

We all know what way around it will be.

But will see debates about weather or not the evidence of it being broken is real.

EDIT: honestly trying to avoid takibg sides. As niether are entirly innocent.

But fuck I am getting fed up with all sides claiming any support for the other is racist.

We have to much fucking racism to allow governemts to pull it out as a properganda move\weapon of war. While ignoring the actual actions.

and revive “partial birth” abortions, which are federally banned.

OK as someone not from the US.

How the hell dose that work. When a state has a requirement in its law. To allow something that contradicts a federal law.

Seems like it would be something only added as a middle finger to the federal gov law. Rather then a change that is able to happen?

Glad to share out my suffereing.

Makes a bit more sence now. Once I have finished dunking my head in bleach.

The guy who tries teasing horses for handjobs.

errk first id heard that one.

I now have the image n my head, of a horse giving a hand job.

I am not grateful.

OK elon is a prick. No one sane can disagree with that. ;)

But I really worry about anyone who feels, the fertility rate of Elons staff. Is in anyway something Elon should be concerned about.

Out of interest. Where do I sign on to this buy every one a puppy stress reduction initiative. That is some spending I can get behind. ;)

While I hate to give the little shit the benifit of the doubt.

It is worth considering. That there are plenty of other people out their. Who truly think letting russia keep the ground they have taken. Is the best way to prevent the war continuing on.

I disagree because evidence is give russia an inch. And they will just wait until they build up again. And take your whole nation. They are just not trustworthy when it comes to peace treaties.

But plenty of folks are less untrusted (more stupid imho)

There is also more direct fiscal reason why he may want to discurage the US from supporting Ukraine.

If the war continues with the current US weapons spending on Ukraine support. Eventually the gov is going to have to raise money to do so. This drematically increases the risk that industries like his. Will lose some tax breaks or loopholes he uses.

Giving a nation the idea you may support an enemy. Is in no way a protection from that nation taking control of your assets. It is at best giving the nation the ability to rationalise the need to limit your own power.

After all dispite not seeing any reason why any corp in the US would be worried about current potential govs nationalising them. It just not something either of the main parties are fans of.

Its even less likely musk would see cooperation with russia as a way to prevent such a thing.

In Europe. The abolitionistmovement started not long after slavery. Most of of the newspapers in England had articles portraying slavery as a positive pleasant enviroment. Purely to try and remove the political power of the abolitionist movement.

Not much has changed really.

Given tory voters spent most of the 80s and 90s. Arguing that poor people should.d not have children if they cannot afford it.

The whole idea that not doing so is selfish. Shows how freaking arrogant the right wing always are,

As much as I love any option to wind up transphobes.

This in no way indicates the skeleton lived a trans life. Just that the roles of men and women were not as defined as modern historians have claimed.

This is more a critisism of common era historians for assu.ing any body found with tools they think relate to male roles. And assuming pre history also only expected men to carry swords etc.

While it is entirely possible that this lady. And probable that some others. Lived as a man. Their is no evidence to support this over the idea that living ad a woman was not as restrictive as cultures expect today. Pre 5k years ago. We really have no way to know. Other then to use modern science to I’d many past bone examined. And assumed by biased historians.

due to the polarization brought about by social media echo chambers.

Due to the actions of recent right wing political parties whe gaining any power.

That’s a bit like saying

"How dare you call us all arsehole. Because we keep voting for arseholes to lead our parties. "

Unless you and others are prepared to form a right wing that opposes these ideas. Then that is the reputation the right deserves.

The wonder of a federated system. Is you or anyone else can set up an instance that is dedicated to open political debate.

But no one can force you to do so.

The issue is to encourage the current right wing to join, you will need to allow prejudice and hate. Because tha is what the far right has turned into. At that point no one else can or should be forced to allow your instance to be federated to them.

Most instances have no objection to fiscal right wing politics. They just ban the hate. If right wing supporters are unable or unwilling to debate in that environment. I have no desire or ability to force instance owners to accept them.

News articles were published about the boat.

How ever much we may dislike it. Media is a capitalist business. As such its obvious that 100s of people are dead. Is going to end its coverage quicker then are 5 people dead yet. Its hard to publish extra stuff when the answers are known. Speculation will always be more profitable.

What anyone chooses to spend their money on. Is none of my business.

How they earn it and what share of taxation they face, really is the only debate any of us should feel entitled to.

Really want to know what the employer said.

I can see “f off elon” resulting in elon suspending their twitter account. But any other answer past. “What the hell are you telling us for”. Is unforgivable.

It is common to hear stories of village pubs. Where the white GIs asked them to not allow black GIs. And the locals instead welcomed the black GIs.

My grandmother told me of one in her village. And how a friend married one of the black GIs.

Racism deffinatly existed at the time. More so in many cities. But when brits are told to lower someone’s status by visitors. They tended to side with the downtrodden.

Well she is correct. Having a non elected PM that compares unfavourably to a lettece. Is definatly not funny. And every MP that supported her accession should be removed ASAP.