• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


Once you have Playlist in Tidal, Tidal will make recs just like it was before

I see. Now I’m kinda bummed I never took advantage of that option to mix personal collection with the Tidal Playlists - did not know it did that.

A quick search turned up tunemymusic.com which let’s you upload a m3u Playlist to Tidal. This might be a good solution. I’ll have to play with it myself later.

Can you clarify what the plex relationship has to do with this? I use plex and Tidal and always thought it was a little weird that I could access my plex account through plex app or Tidal app. I still think Tidal has some of the best algorithms for finding new / new to me music. I’m very disappointed that most AI engines seem to suck at good music recommendations ; I thought this might be one meaningful thing I could use them for.

There are lots of barriers to this. Artists are firewalled to make sure everyone else gets a cut first. I general pirates tend to seek out direct support routes and undercut gatekeepers. Make it easy enough for people to access media directly and cheaply without ads with minimal middlemen and the majority will take this route. These opportunities are rarer and rarer though.

Well glad you beat me to it - one bit of unpaid writing I don’t need to do now! You also have to recruit a free labor force to do the really important work - your reviewers. Reviewers are more inclined to work for higher impact journals and join their editorial boards. It is messy and there are alternatives, but it is a culture of altruism that has become abused and engrained.

Books! 😂 I’ve written chapters and been chief editor for multiple books. The pay for these scientific rags is absolute dirt for authors. Tons of work and unless it’s a major success, no one respects them as they aren’t peer reviewed. We just can’t say no. I’ve spent months writing chapters for absolutely nothing.

Most do now. Just spent 100 to submit to a highly reputable journal with good impact factor and now $700 for three color figures. It’s a parasitic system. Massive pressure to be publishing all the time too, so you can’t just say fuck em’.

I knew the moment I saw these stickers on my dvds that the links to the online content would never last. This happens to me with textbooks all the time - oh great - digital searchable access to the content, but then after awhile the hosting site goes under or changes hands and it’s never easy to just download the content. Whether I purchase a text or not. I always try to find a pdf version of it that I can just save. No one is going to let this legally happen with video in any kind of format that you would be satisfied with. Pirating is often the only way to really own useable digital copies of media. Im at the point where I would prefer the simplicity of paying a fair fee to easily download an unfettered mkv file, but I don’t see that becoming a real thing.

I think it’s just your wording really. It is off-putting. Why not say, “I’d love it if there were a site that did this… Anyone aware of any efforts toward this? I’d love to contribute in a small way (since you seem to have the resources to help at least).”

Sounds interesting. Like some sort of underground secret sporting thing that the French are doing? I wonder if this will catch on in other countries too? Are there nude pillow fighting videos and stuff like that?

Funny, I followed the same exact course. IPhone 2-5 then switched to Samsung after 5. I feel like they had a strong edge at that time and it was getting to be more and more of a PITA to jailbreak the iphones then. Pixel w graphene sounds intriguing but I can’t imagine it’s without headaches. If you are already sideloading things frequently though you might be the type to not mind some of the extra steps graphene will demand. I wouldn’t blame anyone for going with Apple right now - I don’t think the Android benefits are as strong as they used to be. At the same time, I don’t see any attractive reason to switch since for me it would mean more cost and dealing with the frustrations of an ecosystem switch without any clear reward in return.

Discuss with a lawyer or local law enforcement. This is not a reliable place to ask if you are genuinely concerned about this

I mean, quality is nice. But prefer the better streaming experience and faster d/l of 1080 vs 4k. Won’t go lower than that though. What really gets me is when audio quality isn’t good or not clearly listed that it’s 5.1 channel though. I don’t like to skimp on audio experience.

If they are going after sneaker net distribution, this is the most inefficient use of resources ever! As a taxpayer I would be outraged to hear about something like this. I can’t imagine this being an issue outside of N. Korea

I almost envy the place where this is the kind of shit police are able to worry about.

If your coworkers are the level of douche bag that they might take you to court, then probably don’t even talk about your favorite show with them

Just give them a usb of the show for Christ’s sake! Sneaker net that shit. Which show btw?

Sounds like a lot of potential points of failure but would probably be real nice when it’s working!

Isn’t stremio just an aggreagator for streaming services you pay for?

I use plex for streaming downloaded media yes, but it does have a free streaming service with incredibly bad movies, like almost watchable because they are comically Bad. No issues with storage or file duplication that I’ve ever experienced.

I don’t know what Rd is

Damn you. You had me with that beautiful tuxedo. Where are the mods? This isn’t even fair.

I’m an old school plex user and think it would serve your purposes well, but I know jellyfin is the more popular option around these parts. Being comfortable with plex and reading about jellyfin, I’ve felt that jellyfin seemed a bit more fussy to implement but I assume that comes with greater customizability.

Haven’t noticed this in Tixati. I’ve only noticed better d/l speeds since I switched over.

I’ve considered that. Any recommendations for one? I’m a bit skeptical about how the quality will be though. A good player piano midi file sounds like Ben Folds is in your living room. A not so good one sounds like a third grader learning a new song.

copyrighted music for player piano?
Looking for more modern high quality files for a QRS player piano system. New to this, but it seems like midi files are the most likely to find since specialty qrs / player piano file formats seem nearly nonexistent on the internet. Having a hard time finding copyrighted more modern (most available internet midi files for piano are from 1800s) song libraries of decent quality. Can anyone here point me in the right direction?

Oh man, normally I don’t respond to these kinds of posts because I’m always worried I’ll just be helping someone that does CP. BUt, since you 100% definitely don’t, which I think is really cool that you don’t btw, I’m going to give you the advice that you shouldn’t be concerned about IP exposure.

I just want the convenience store clerk to finally get arrested because he failed to review the customer’s medical records before selling him the red bull that put him into cardiac arrest. It’s time to have more thorough disclosure between merchant and customer everywhere. Time has shown over and over that anonminmity is only beneficial for criminals to abuse well intentioned systems.

I usually give it two or three shots and if they are not syncing properly I adjust the offset (think you can do in vlc, definitely can do in plex) until it’s right and that usually works pretty well and doesn’t typically take too long to get it right.

They’ve gotten away with Sesta / fosta with flying colors, so why not, people are more complacent than ever now. If I were their lawyer I’d tell them to strike now with this too and mention something about thinking about the children for extra street cred. Since I’m not their lawyer though, I’ll tell them to suck my ass.

high res art?
Where do you find large collections of hi res art? Old masterpieces and more modern pieces? Extra points if I can find stashes of hi res versions of NFTs that other people were silly enough to buy.