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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 14, 2023


When I had Plex play trailers, it was only ever before movies, with trailers for movies. Seeing it every time you watch an episode of a show is too much.

It already does this. I frequently get ads for other shows when starting a show on Prime video. I can barely accept the existing ads.

Even if it is worse than it used to be, it’s probably still far better than the Outlook mobile app! Glad I could help!

Have you tried Nine mail? https://www.9folders.com/en/index.html

It costs some money to continue using it/unlock all features, but that’s a one time fee (assuming that it hasn’t changed).

I can’t use it anymore as IT has disabled all support for 3rd party mail apps. Was the best exchange mail app I ever found (it actually supports the categories using which I’ve organised my mail).

I (and my colleagues on iOS) have no choice but to use outlook mobile as the Apple mail app and everything else is blocked due to GDPR.

Maybe you should read what they offer? Depends where you draw the line on what is “Disney content” (just kids animated films and shows?), but they have all Star Wars and most Marvel content.

Depending where you draw the line, I subscribe for only the non-Disney content. Though I may have to re-evaluate my sub soon…

Ah yes of course, National Geographic are famous for making kids stupid, that’s why those shows are on Disney+. Futurama is a cartoon so must be a kids show.

! /s !<

If that’s how you judge Disney+ I guess you say the same of all streaming services except the Criterion channel?