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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Ignoring the rest of your points, I disagree on porn piracy. Not that I would know, being a good Christian ofc ofc, but that scene feels the most alive. If I want to find content from a certain site/person then it is generally a couple of searches away. No private trackers or special software needed. When I compare that to other scenes that require much harder to find websites, applications, etcetera… and it’s been that way every time I’ve checked. I don’t think it’s going anywhere soon.

I actually think the poor branding is part of why Mastodon is hard to spread. Can you picture anyone seriously saying they “tooted” something? Because I can’t.

This may be unhelpful, but I ended up port forwarding through my VPN. I seem to recall errors with UPnP and while my connection to slsk.net is still buggy, it works better now I’ve manually forwarded. I had already paid the extra $2 a month to my VPN for forwarding so that I could get better torrent performance, so.

Well a good indicator is if I have to check the source code of a packaged program to understand what something does, the documentation is not good enough. And yes I’ve had to do this far too much.

I agree, but I don’t think images should be relied on as the primary communicator. I have seen far too many forums/websites/docs with broken images because the host went down. That and archivers are more likely to fail at saving images. Explain it using text and give a reference image to further display the point.

Good luck convincing the government to enact it when they’ve already decided our poor populace just doesn’t have “enough interest” in the idea.

How do you know someone isn’t vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Blud I’m gonna be fr no cap rn but wtf does blud mean I’ve been meaning to ask for months and I still don’t get it

Have you seen a good method/guide to prioritise release groups for anime? I looked into it but it was super confusing to me and didn’t beat just grabbing a nyaa rss feed.

File format? mkv, so convenient. But media codec would be h265 any day. I find the video quality to file size to be perfect for most films and only have issues with it on the largest files and the lowest power hardware (Roku TV). For the movies I really love and rewatch I sometimes get h264 for the better visual quality. I tried some AV1 files and found the artifacts really ugly, but admittedly these were very small files. That and the lack of hardware decoding on most hardware is preventing me from migrating.

I don’t use invidious much, but this seems easy to use and friendly! Much better than the default from a new user perspective. My only complaint is please use a dropdown or radio select for the quality instead of a slider, using the slider input makes me feel dirty.

I hadn’t thought about the wire affecting it, that could well be! Thanks for the input, I may have to take another look at some buds.

Unfortunately I’ve yet to find a pair of earbuds that doesn’t fall out or hurt my ears (or both), Either my ears are shaped differently than the average or I have to spend more to find the right pair. I would use headphones instead, but they’re hard to lug around and most work days I interact with customers so it’s a no-go.

Article and trend aside, I actually do miss landlines… I have to do the “boomer” thing of talking on speaker phone with my phone out in front of me because no matter what I do putting my flat cellphone up to my ear is just impossible to hear and exceedingly uncomfortable. I miss the ergonomics of a real phone.

I feel you. Feels like the algorithm just does whatever now, on main YouTube and Shorts it is awful as well, constantly showing me the same 5 shorts and recommending me channels I have asked to “not recommend” multiple times. No amount of disliking and clicking “Not Interested” seems to help, at least not for longer than a day.

TL;DR company shady

The main 3 points seem to be: China-owned, predatory loan applications, and spreading themselves across too many concept/trend browser spinoffs. Honestly this is kinda old news and won’t stop anyone I know from using the thing. You can’t just say they’re “probably” harvesting your data for “nefarious” reasons and expect people to all jump to Firefox (as nice as that may be).

I use SY and I get the sense that Bobby is more of a fast and loose type while the Mihon dev is focused more on polish. My assumptions are based on the unpolished nature of SY features and the Mihon dev saying “some of us liked plain Tachiyomi” [sic].

You are correct that it’s 160kbps, I spoke a bit too vaguely as most of them are listed between ~95-130 by my music software instead of the peak of 160. I still maintain that YT Premium are “good enough” and not “high quality”, but that’s a highly subjective statement. The point remains though that you cannot get that 256kbps without paying.

Best you get from YouTube is 128kbps (ish, it’s VBR) without paying or 256kbps with Premium. I would consider high quality to start at 320kbps minimum.

I don’t agree that AI has no uses, you just have to know when to use it. There are multiple times I have scoured documentation and official forums of a niche tool to few results only to ask ChatGPT and get far closer to my goal in 2 minutes than I did in 30. I know the AI has to be getting that info from somewhere, but if Google, Reddit, and a forum search can’t find it then I am sorry but I am going to ask an AI.

Thanks for pointing that out, it’s a bad habit I’ve picked up!

Regex’s are not something you need AI for as there are already tools that explain them for you. Use regexr.com or a similar tool.

The solution here is actual moderation on news communities, but unfortunately it feels as though 90% of Lemmy subs aren’t actively moderated or the mods don’t give a shit. So many of them have no rules and no mod presence.

I tried out Plex when I was first setting up my media server and having to do a bunch of stuff through Plex servers was one of the main reasons I jumped ship immediately. The hardware is in my house, the files are in my house, I never want it to leave my house, I kept thinking why the hell do I need to mess around with Plex accounts and online connections??

I’m surprised you’re getting downvoted so heavily here, they’re literally arguing a point you didn’t make.

This response at least answers the most important question. They are paying Billet for the prototype. Personally I think they should do more than cover the raw cost, but at least they have done something.

Seconded. I love Firefox on desktop but the mobile UI drives me mad so I use Brave. It works really well and you can disable the Crypto garbage from the new tab page. It is the next best option after Firefox.

Image hashes? That could work. It could be a simple system like uBlock where you import filter lists to your instance and they’re easy to disable if their caretakers fill them with garbage data.

I browsed through an anime instance while trying to convince myself to like Mastodon and unfortunately I believe I’ve found some of this myself. I wasn’t going to confirm it was real, I just reported and closed out but considering I’ve never seen such content on other websites and this instance was rife with it, I don’t find this article hard to believe at all.

Since these are coming from Youtube, nearly everything is a 320kbps MP3.

Where are you getting that format and quality from? I use youtube-dl and non-premium audio for everything is ~128kbps VBR Opus, which aligns with other sources I can find. If I use Premium then I can get up to ~256kbps m4a but still not 320 and I see no mention of 320 availability online. Is there a trick you are using?

Port forwarding tripled my upload speed. I didn’t really notice a difference on download.