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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


You also need to fully encrypt the traffic in your bit torrent client. You will get fewer peers, but it’s much safer

Before looking at VPNs, you should be encrypting your torrent traffic in the client

Note:* Remember that the encryption torrent option only encrypts your inbound and outbound torrent traffic. Although it will not be readable, your traffic can still be intercepted and tagged as torrent traffic. If you want to increase your privacy, you’ll need to encrypt the entire layer 3 traffic (at the IP level), so it is recommended to set Deluge with VPN. To hide traffic at layer 7 (application layer), use a torrent Proxy. And finally, to hide, encrypt, and speed up your torrents, use a Seedbox.*

To be fair, the overwhelming majority of people regardless of age don’t know what LaTeX or markdown are. Not the best examples. I’m a millennial with a 4 year STEM degree and I maybe used LaTeX once because it was required, and before Discord became a thing, I’d never heard of markdown. Most people who use Discord probably don’t even know it supports markdown.

I’m just yanking you chain. In all seriousness though, I’m curious if you could enable finger tracking on a headset and line up your physical buttons with the virtual ones. Could be insanely immersive if the scale is correct!

You went through all this trouble and you’re not even playing it in VR? Tsk tsk

This is out of date and Deluge is S tier.

It was rewritten and 2.0 came out in 2022 to address the slowdown issues when seeding a thousand plus torrents

The article linked actually says in every instance it was a double whammy of a concern about caffeine, but that the actual reason was because they did not have bilingual nutritional information on the can.

I edited my post to include a video I highly recommend you watch as it will better explain what I was saying.

It’s not the drivers. I suppose you could say drivers have become slightly more distracted due to touchscreen consoles, but the real issue is vehicles keep getting larger and pedestrians no longer ride up the hood onto the roof when being hit by a car. Instead you are hit by a 5 foot tall wall (grill) and die, and the driver doesn’t brake because they never even saw you due to the enormous blind spot in front of their truck/suv

EDIT: I’m getting a disturbing amount of pushback on this comment, so I’m dropping this video here: These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us | Not Just Bikes