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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Unless you absolutely need MyQ because of a 3rd party integration, I’d really suggest ditching it. The only problem I’ve ever had with the Meross was when my local DNS (AdGuard Home) got flaky — and I can’t really blame that on Meross. Other than that, it’s been rock solid.

I use a Meross. Works very well with HomeKit.

MyQ was always a piece of garbage for me. Damn thing would error out and become non responsive after 5-10 openings, and would require a reboot. Could never figure out the root issue. Tech support was worthless. My hunch is that it doesn’t play nicely with Unifi equipment, or I’m getting interference from industrial sites nearby.

The Postal Service (or technically FedEX or UPS). Worked for The Postal Service.

Just switched to iCloud last week. Yes, it does catch-all (although it needs to be enabled through a checkbox in one of the settings menu). It also does sub-addressing / plus-addressing natively (no menu setting needed), which doesn’t seem to actually be documented but it works flawlessly for me.

I’ve been extremely happy with it so far. Pairing plus addressing with some of the filtering rules allows me to direct bulk mail to the right place automatically. For whatever reason, filtering rules can’t be done on iOS but need to be set through icloud.com (not sure if they can be set on macOS).

My server closet was a mess. I kept justifying it by saying I didn’t need to waste money on proper rack equipment. Finally cracked and upgraded to a 15u rack and got some 3D printed rack housing for some of my non-rack equipment. Everything looks so clean now. Vanity project? Yes. Expensive? Yes. Am I happy with it? Yes. Do I wish I did it five years ago? Yes.

Do it. Go a little bigger than you need. Airflow. Expansion. Whatever. I probably could have made an 8u work but I’m happy with a 15u.

Eh. Frigate+Shinobi on Docker has been the simplest solution I’ve found. ZoneMinder was always difficult. BlueIris was a resource hog.

I replaced an old prebuilt Windows Home Server with a custom built server running unraid about…7 years ago. unraid has been rock solid for me. Great product. Very scalable for the home user.

Highly recommend unraid and it’s well worth the one time license fee.