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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


This is very true, although from what I’ve seen both sides are correct. They give very little guidance to any of the stuff they put out, see killing off stadia or how badly they have been messing up chromeOS and just let their engineers do what they want until they lose their way then it falls off. They just don’t care about that because the ad money keeps coming regardless. It seems almost like a result of the fact that google just hires talent so no one else can have it and then they just let them do whatever they want. It’s almost like there are two googles.

I wouldn’t even open 22 and would switch that out for a 1024+ port

Perhaps we could see even greater improvements if we stopped and looked at how this works. Eventually we will need to as there is a limit to how much real text exists.