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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Barely anyone uses Linux, and among those who do, distros vary wildly enough between each other to the point of breaking viruses that it’s just not worth the effort to make viruses for them compared to Windows or Mac

Trump was exposed to large amounts of highly classified information as president for four years, and has shown a willingness to sell it to the highest bidder. He’d 100% throw the US under the bus to stay in Russia, and his supporters will deny he ever did such a thing just as they deny he publicly called for storming the Capital or as they deny the current charges against him

They’re just normal people running the instance, not a major corporation with a legal team. While it’s unfortunate they defederated, it’s understandable that they’d rather be overly cautious when it comes to stuff they can be sued for

You just need 3 largish televisions, a small TV or monitor for the top, and stuff to mount each screen in that configuration. Your PC doesn’t need to be that good unless you are doing something like gaming, just enough to run 4 1080p windows. Once you connect them, it’s fairly easy to adjust the configuration in Windows to extend and rotate the monitors to make the setup work. Depending on how you get the televisions (you can buy them used, flat screen 1080p TVs have been popular for a long time and are relatively affordable) and how you decide to mount them, you can build this setup for only a couple hundred

Awesome. We get to save money on storing and disposing of old, surplus equipment, and Taiwan gets weapons that will prove vital should war break out. In the event of a war between Taiwan and China, US intervention is not guaranteed, and it will be significantly more difficult to send arms to Taiwan compared to how we’ve been sending arms to Ukraine, so ensuring that Taiwan has the means to defend themselves ahead of time is vital if the US wants to make sure Taiwan survives. The amount is basically nothing compared to the US military’s annual budget or the aid we’ve given to other countries, but hopefully this opens the door for further investment into Taiwan’s military