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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


But your username and server will be seen and could potentially be noticed by someone you don’t want.

But it IS giving the copyright holders less attack surface to bite into. Haters gonna hate, let them.

This is what I mean. This won’t help in your case.

What if I put a C-to-A Adapter on both ends? Is that okay?

I’m really sceptical an insurance app can do that. And even if it does work, what’s stopping them from taking the photos from the mail (Don’t start with data protection, if they really want to they can give me a link to upload stuff; or a key to encrypt the mail)?

I agree that an app would be a better user experience. If it would refrain from sending any kind of data other than the photos. Also the photos need to be only the pictures, no EXIF or other stuff.

Also LIDAR in phones? I need to read up on this.

Edit: ah, apple only. Welp.

Huh, didn’t realise Windows is on a level to be compared to TempleOS. And losing. Thanks for that.

I just saw discussions like this

So no, there are more parts to your phone. You forgot the whole part you, the user, solely interact with.

I want to say “Haha, Idiot trusting Microsoft”.

But honestly I want the same stuff he wants. Including modems in mobile phones. Including EVERYTHING I own.

They already are throwing punches because they noticed people being less gullible than them. I’m guessing this would result in a “double down”, like “The developers wouldn’t have to kill this game if the pirates would have bought it.”