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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 22, 2023


Okay yes that’s what I remember reading. I have Express VPN now, and while researching found it’s still surprisingly highly and doesn’t log. it’s on the more expensive side though, so I may still give proton or one of the other recs a try.

Same, I used to use PIA for about a decade, but I could’ve sworn I heard they were one of the ones that had gone way downhill. Otherwise I never had an issue with them. I’ll have to do some digging, see if it was founded or just a reddit rumor.

Yo! What exactly is different about private trackers? Like how does that help? Im lucky enough to have one but due to the seed ratio rules, I find myself downloading from my usual sites more frequently because I worry about seeding indefinitely.

Seems weird to me in a day and age where switching apps is literally just a swipe of a finger. People will jump from Instagram to tik tok to texting to emailing to Whatsapp without thinking about it at all, but a podcast app is a hurdle they don’t want to deal with. Even more bizarre because until very recently it was always like that, for the entire history of podcasts. It’s a shame too because podcast apps are so intuitive these days. Listening to podcasts on Spotify feels clunky by comparison.

To each their own I guess, but I personally just don’t understand it.

Makes a lot more sense. I don’t listen to very many but when I do I use an app that isn’t Spotify. I don’t mind fast forwarding the commercials in the app. I have no desire to have Spotify try and algorithm my podcast tastes, especially not on top of injecting extra ads into them

Genuine question - why does anyone listen to podcasts on Spotify? There have been and still are a TON of quality podcast apps that are 100% free and don’t do this bullshit. Like, I’m aware Spotify has podcasts but in my mind Spotify is music, podcast app is podcasts. It was that way for more than a decade. I just don’t get it TBH.

Yeah, unfortunately could just be (probably is) good ol’ enshittification then. In this case at least.

No, this was not a baked in ad by the podcast hoster but literally inserted by Spotify.

Just FYI, those two things don’t need to be exclusive. In this case Spotify is probably the one sponsoring the podcast, and so they inserted ads themselves, as opposed to the content creators including their sponsor ads. Many more successful podcasts are doing this now, and it seems like the ads get shoved in when there sometimes aren’t even breaks.

Not saying it doesn’t suck, it absolutely does. Just pointing out that it’s a new trend. So it’ll probably get worse!

Hey man I have a question for you! Is this service download only or does it offer streaming too? Seems like a traditional torrent site to me, but just wanted to ask! Limited info on the site obvi.

Here’s a fun anecdote. Apple, Warner Bros (HBO), and Google built an enormous new mega office complex in Culver City LA, that combined has like 6,000 employees or something. It’s absolutely massive and has destroyed the infrastructure of that area since basically none of the employees live in the area and they all drive in. It just opened last year.

All three raised the prices for their streaming services this year. But yeah, I’m sure it’s just inflation.

Most people also have trouble empathizing with people who lash out and get hostile anytime they receive feedback that can be even slightly perceived as criticism.

If you’re wondering who would ever do such a thing, I encourage you to visit the nearest restroom and look into the large piece of glass hanging above the sink.

You should really re-read what you’re writing before writing it. The point has now gone over your head three times.

Do…do you not understand the basic function of an acronym? Which is mainly to serve as a means to shorten things so that they’re easier to remember?

What other purpose would an acronym serve? Regardless of what it is?

A) LGBT is/was fine, and yes I live in an area

B) Yes, at a pride parade most recently of all things. Had to be defended by my two gay room mates.

C) Don’t deflect. Homey (forget if it was you) was being an asshole; and the reality is that nobody can keep up with your brand if you’re constantly changing the name. Things rebrand seldomly and deliberately for a reason.

I’ve been to gay weddings, two of my best friends are gay, members of my family are gay, my wife’s best friend works in gender affirming care. All of the people I just mentioned acknowledge that this constantly expanding need-to-include-everybody in a name somehow has a negative impact on both perception and support. So if you can’t accept that opinion, even if you disagree, it’s short sighted of you. And challenging anyone that points it out as a bigot is closed minded.

The acronym used in this post is ELEVEN characters long. When you have an acronym that long, you’ve lost sight of the purpose and acronym serves.

Nice knee jerk response to valid criticism. It is objectively difficult to support a cause when a) you can’t remember the current “correct” name, or b) you get non-inclusive shamed for not using the (current) right name, or c) you get called a bigot for pointing out either of these things by knee jerking shit heads like yourself.