• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


I have set it but it wont change anything. You can access the docker inspect here https://pastebin.com/t1T98RCw I can imagine that this problem is before homeassistant as even if I ignore the certificate error , it will not forward me to homeassistant but to my router / a warning page from my router saying it has blocked me.

If I test the server reachability inside nginx manager it will ask me if npm is configured correctly, so you might be onto something with NPM configuration …

I have now set up duckdns over docker instead of over my router, but it hasnt helped anything. My Duckdns IP is the same (and its correct, if I just open this IPV4 Address it will redirect to my nginx landing page).

Okay I think here is the error. AFter doing the Test Server Reachability the following will come up in the nginx-db logs: 2023-12-29 21:06:25 3 [Warning] Aborted connection 3 to db: ‘npm’ user: ‘npm’ host: ‘’ (Got an error reading communication packets)

Now I have no clue why this is ( I think this is the end for today as my head is about to explode). Docker inspect nginx reveals that this request for sure came from nginx (as it has the .0.8 ip).

using a vpn or similar is not really an option as I have famiy members accessing it and I dont want to always connect using a vpn just for example to open my garage or accessing my shopping list. Security wise I just use 2FA so I dont think thats the issue.

Now I get a error Fehlercode: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER, and if I continue it will again go to my router with the DNS-REbind / Host-Header Issue

if I close the 8123 port and remove my cache, firefox will warn me, if I click on forward anyways it will forward to a website from my router for some reason saying that the DNS-Rebind-Protection has blocked my attempt and that there is some issue with the host-header.

Mainly I want to expose it so I can access my stuff remotely. What would you recommend otherwise? Traefik looks alot more difficult to me from the get go but I haven’t tried it out yet (because I dont know where to start) Issue is just that I have a basic understanding about docker/ubuntu stuff now (or I know how to manipulate stuff like I want) but basically everything with Web and https is a big black hole for me which I can’t seem to grasp yet.

Help needed setting up NGINX reverse Proxy / HA / Vaultwarden using Duckdns
Hey Guys, so I still have no clue about most of the stuff im doing hence why I am doing it :) I have a ubuntu system running all kinds of docker containers and I want to expose homeassistant and vaultwarden to the internet. Now I have set up a Duckdns account, I have setup my Router (fritzbox) to update the dyndns settings, I have set up my homeassistant the following: ``` homeassistant: internal_url: external_url: https://ha.xxxxx.duckdns.org http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - ``` Following is my Homeassistant Configuration: ``` homeassistant: container_name: homeassistant image: "ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable" volumes: - /homeassistant/:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro restart: unless-stopped network_mode: host privileged: true ports: - 8123:8123 - 5683:5683 nginx-proxy-manager: container_name: nginx privileged: true image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest' ports: - '80:80' - '81:81' - '443:443' environment: DB_MYSQL_HOST: "nginx-db" DB_MYSQL_PORT: 3306 volumes: - /nginx/data:/data - /nginx/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt nginx-db: container_name: nginx-db image: 'jc21/mariadb-aria:latest' environment: volumes: - /nginx/mysql:/var/lib/mysql vaultwarden: container_name: vaultwarden image: vaultwarden/server:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /vaultwarden:/data/ ports: - 8125:3012 - 8124:80 environment: - DOMAIN=https://vw.xxxxx.duckdns.org - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_TOKEN= - SENDS_ALLOWED=true - EMERGENCY_ACCESS_ALLOWED=true - WEB_VAULT_ENABLED=true - SIGNUPS_ALLOWED=true ``` I have forwarded the ports in the router. I have set up nginx the following: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/534b7ad1-c10d-42a8-9da4-90e2aac4c67f.png) Issue is when I open the website, it will give me the error that hsts is enabled, even though I definitely did not check this option ( and I never did (today!). What is the reason for this? Do I have to set some sort of header? Same thing with vaultwarden, basically I set this up 1:1 except for the url whichi is vw.xxxxx.duckdns .org.

No in my opinion its worse in every way

Can I send you a pm regarding my progress so far? I’m kind off stuck at configuring everything:/

Vaultwarden using Docker Compose with existing Certificates
Hello Friends, I have a small ubuntu Server and I finally also want to transfer my Vaultwarden Instance to it. On this Server I have several services running (homeassistant, ...) and Certbot via Dehydrated (right now I get a certificate for my duckdns address). In some directory I have the privkey and fullchain files. Now my Problem is that when I start vaultwarden it wont load as https. I believe, my Problem is telling Vaultwarden, where my certificate files are located so it can use them accordingly. This is my Compose File right now: ``` vaultwarden: container_name: vaultwarden image: vaultwarden/server:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /home/vaultwarden:/data/ - /home/(directory to my certificates):/usr/share/ca-certificates/ ports: - 8129:80 environment: - DOMAIN=https://hurrdurr.duckdns.org - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - LOGIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_MAX_BURST=10 - ADMIN_RATELIMIT_SECONDS=60 - ADMIN_TOKEN=token - SENDS_ALLOWED=true - EMERGENCY_ACCESS_ALLOWED=true - WEB_VAULT_ENABLED=true - SIGNUPS_ALLOWED=true ``` The Volume Mapping to the certificates was just me trying it out so maybe its working if I map it like that. If I open the 8129 in my Browser it will just time out. I also managed it to start but it wouldnt let me register as theres not https certificate.