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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


This, I have been using it for many many years. I wouldn’t call it perfect but it’s better than the other options in my opinion

I can however, store my entire life history of notes and shopping lists inside the sd card

Id hardly call that a user fucking things up, that’s not even good on paper. Those are a retarded pair of things to have next to one another regardless of any coloring on them. Especially with the same handles

I just wish it would stabilize. I’ve been using it but half the time indo a docker-compose pull it breaks

Yeah no, i don’t have the time I’ve got my own shit to do. My Plex system is almost entirely automated. Ombi let’s me request a show with a single tap, sonarr finds it from my sources, sends that to transmission, then once it’s download imports it and puts symlinks with proper naming into the library folders. And then plex properly matches up the metadata.

I’m still waiting for it to be up to par, I have jellyfin on the server and I check it maybe once a month with the latest version but it still fails miserably with my library.

It’s a very clean high organized library managed by sonarr. All Files are in

“series name (year) > Season xx > series name SxxExx (episode title)”

format and yet it still just fails miserably at matching so much of my content (its a rather massive library) especially on anime. Half the time I have to manually match it, and I have to use the Japanese title in order to pull up the English metadata, because that makes sense.

Playback also just… Fails for no reason on tons of my devices. It’s been getting better recently but until it’s on par with Plex I am not leaving sadly

I didn’t realize that next Cloud was so bad, might I recommend people having issues try Seafile? Also open source and I’ve been using it for many years without issues. It doesn’t have as many features and it doesn’t look as shiny but it’s rock solid

Have a random meme from my instance


If you just want file storage Seafile. Idk about all the other crap it can do but id imagine there are plenty of good options for each one. Immich is great if your mostly concerned about pictures/videos for example

There are plenty of good ones out there, but be ready to invest a lot of time getting into them. The accounts I have I have had for over 10 years and it took probably a good 2 to 3 years to actually get into those better places. You have to actually build up a reputation of maintaining good ratio at smaller sites and get invited by a member. It’s a pain in the ass but it’s also worth it, way better content, way better speeds

Sites like these are always useless, they never showed jack shit for me. Because I don’t use public trackers I stick with private ones and those stupid Bots don’t have access to private trackers

I already do this, everything in my media is extremely cleanly named because they are handled by sonarr

series name/season 00/EPSxxExx-“episode title”

so it’s not a file format issue. It gets a lot of them but there are certain things especially if they are recently aired or currently airing where it will simply fail to find a match until I give it the Japanese name at which point it manages to find the metadata for the English name. Really stupid stuff like that

I keep trying, I have an extremely large collection and it keeps falling flat on metadata matching. Especially with anime, yes I have installed the add-ons. They still suck. And for whatever reason it’s transcoding performance is nowhere near as good. It also still has an unresolved memory leak issue with a ticket that’s been open for a long long time about it. I want to replace Plex but it needs to be with something as good as Plex

There’s actually a few of them, but the most recent I can remember off the top of my head is probably the DRM leasing. That was a fun one. Everyone got together discussed how to do DRM leasing, gnome agreed and signed off on the implementation, stayed quiet for a long time, someone made a pull request for the agreed upon implementation, silence for a bit, and then all of a sudden “actually this implementation bad should be portal so nvm not doing it this way everyone else should change to use portals”

ah right another was variable refresh https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/1154 basically sat for 3 years with no review, and when users started being like hey we really need this what’s going on developers got all super defensive and ultimately locked it claiming harassment

The comment about 8 years was a reference to the thumbnails in the file browser. If I recall correctly that one took about 8 years

or you can be gnome, and “accept pull requests” by letting them stall for 8 years for no reason, refuse to elaborate, then claim your getting bullied when users get upset. that’s a solid third option

plex let’s you choose the target bitrate. 1080p can be done at 8Mbps so a cable connection with 30Mbps up could do 3 with some spare room. like yeah if you are rural or just stuck with dsl.

but generally people with their own media library to share have okish net

If you are using Plex to host your media this feature is built right into plex. Watch together on Plex

I would like to recommend Seafile if immich doesn’t work out. I’ve used it for a long time and it’s always been the best self hosted cloud imo. it’s not as shiny or pretty looking as some but it’s been reliable