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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I’d prefer no implants ever if I can help it. I’d only be fine with one if it saved my life. Otherwise, there are just too many things that can go wrong with it in ways our current technology can’t. You can go off-grid now if you get sick of tech, but that becomes infinitely harder if you have a chip in your brain

I’ve been using Discord almost since launch, and in that time, not a single feature did I find as an important addition to the program. It is now much more bloated with unnecessary stuff, stuff for which they paid those talented devs you mention.

I would have been perfectly content with a one-time payment to use it and it would have worked perfectly well for them with that model if they didn’t get greedy and want to stuff it with random junk to justify a subscription.

I don’t mind paying as long as it’s not a subscription scam for no reason at all.

I don’t want to use Facebook on my phone. I just need to talk to people on there that refuse to use other apps.

Same. Just have to hold out until the EU makes all messaging apps cross+operable and then I’ll be able to talk to everyone again.

Genuinely ignorant, what wrong with Al-Jazeera? Sure, it’s biased on some topics, but aren’t all news sources?

Would it be feasible to fork the internet if this comes to pass?

Literally the only point of advertising is to manipulate people into buying stuff. I don’t need your product, I don’t want your product, and I hate it when you shove it in my face exclusively for your own profit.

If I decide I want something, I go looking for it.

Same. I feel like this will just push me offline. I refuse to relinquish control over my system.

Personally, I couldn’t get through the main and faction stories because of that. I liked the stories well enough, but getting through them was so tedious because I couldn’t even use all my skills. I don’t know how end game is, I have one max lvl character with a bunch of cp, but I rarely play an mmo for end game content.

If they had like a difficulty slider for the open world content, that would be enough to make me return, but I don’t want to shut down my brain while leveling, that’s not fun at all!

Astroneer has some of that vibe, but it’s a simpler and more casual game. Really fun though, worth playing! Your character also needs oxygen to breathe and that makes exploration interesting

Also it’s no proof that any piracy took place. It would be a different thing altogether if they already had evidence and you confessed to it, but as is, not everything said on the internet is true. Here, my “confession”

I broke into Area 51 on September 5th 1997 at 07:43 AM and I took photos of a top secret spy satellite program meant to track UFOs.

The fact I said that in a comment on Lemmy doesn’t make it true.

I want to be free to avoid those discussions and not have them forced upon me. Call it freedom from commercialised discussions. It’s not something I want to see or engage with, so I would rather not use a platform with ads and such than tolerate them. If Lemmy becomes ad infested at any point, I’m going to go touch grass instead.

Exactly! I believe that once Rexxit is over, a big part of those that stay and have joined the big instances will naturally migrate to smaller instances with rules and philosophies that match their own.