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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Words evolve, and sometimes, they gain new meanings. “Bare metal” is not a scientific terms, and so it can be bent depending on the context.

You can either accept that or not, it doesn’t change the fact that that’s what it now can mean.

It’s just what it means in this specific context.

They’re not running directly on the host, with directly meaning directly.

If you go by definition, I agree with you, but the definition is not always the thing to go off of.

Have you read my comment? It’s about where the packages and services are installed.

In this case, they’re installed in the container, not on the host

Not in this context. Bare metal means all packages and services installed and running directly on the host, not through docker/lxc/vms

Yeah, but people don’t like change, and I’d expect low level engineers to like it even less.

And looking at Linux, that shit still supports ancient hardware, being able to actually get rid of old code (that now has to be maintained alongside the new code) is gonna be a PITA.

I’m just guessing, but what about backwards compatibility? Or cross-system compatibility?

For example, something like a syscall that’s existed for 20 years. Changing it would break old apps.

Of course you could just keep the now “old” syscall and add new methods that replicate it’s behavior, but haven’t you then introduced bloat? More ways to do the same thing, meaning (eventually) more bugs, more fragmentation, memory usage, etc.

Yeah that’s very far from the definition of a scam. A bad product isn’t a scam, you know exactly what you’re getting, it’s on you if you “fall” for it.

Still more complicated than Netflix.

Also, none of the money you pay goes to the original creators. If I’m already paying, I want at least of the cash to go to them.

But this is a Piracy community. RD costs money. Not good enough. We’re talking about the “ideal” solution.

So that’s interesting, how exactly are they scamming people?

Yeah but you just named three things you’ve got to setup to work together, where RD is actually paid.

Netflix you open and it works, that’s my point.

Netflix, with everything and with an option to download an .mp4 if desired.

They literally say “it doesn’t matter” if you leave it open, but that you might come across issues if you don’t

Well, looking at how popular VSCode is, looks like people don’t mind the web browser thing

Just fyi - running TrueNAS with zfs as a VM under Proxmox is a recipe for disaster, as me how I know.

Zfs needs direct drive access, with VMs, the hypervisor virtualizes the adapter which is then passed through, which can mess things up.

What you’d need to do is buy a sata/sas card and pass the whole card through, then you can use a vm.

Yeah, whoever thought that sd cards were a good idea for anything even resembling operating systems is a dum dum

The issue is, you can optimize a software encoders continually, you can use tricks for better quality etc.

A hardware encoder is just that - hardware. As soon as it’s burned to the silicon, you’re not making any (at least substantial) changes to it. You might also be limited by what you can actually do directly in hardware without using too much die space.

Tldr.: no, you won’t get the same result

The R5 is amazing, though yeah the 5.25" bays are kinda a waste.

I found a thingy though that fits into the bay and houses 6 2.5" SSDs, it’s pretty cool!

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here, zfs can be quite finicky with some sata cards, especially raid cards.

I suggest you connect the hard drives to the motherboard directly and test again.

Often the mining rigs use just 1-4 pcie lanes (per GPU), because more isn’t required for mining and it saves on other costs

I noticed it tries to start listening on, don’t see a “network: host” in the compose file, don’t think it should have access to that IP address.

Not sure how to explore that further but might put you on the right path

Notify (hope I remmeber the name right) has an option for both push notifications (with the usage of Google services) and polling based notifications (fully self-hosted)

It’s pretty important career-wise, suggest this video if you’re interested.

I, too, have a profile on LinkedIn, doesn’t mean I use it more often than once a month or something, just to check up on notifications

I’d probably suggest raising an issue on the Immich github as a feature request. You said that there’s already a slideshow feature present, just without a customizable interval, should be easy (even if low priority probably) for the Immich guys to add.

I do that, each separate docker stack has its own unprivileged LXC as a base

Not sure rolling it into Nitro would be worth the effort, I’d consider that quite complex personally

What is a password? A string of characters. What is a link? A string of characters.

If you make it long enough, it’ll be impossible to guess one.

Your files are safe

Yes, it’ll be uploaded elsewhere. That’s the whole point.

Discord doesn’t want to host any of this data, they don’t want to be connected to criminal activity. It makes sense.

Also, while it might slightly lower their storage costs (if the hackers move elsewhere), if you send a file to someone, it’ll still stay on Discord’s servers. Only difference is the link to said file - it’ll only be valid for a day, and then you’ll have to use a new one (in a way that’s probably transparent to the user)

Yeah, fair, there is a UI, but it’s veeery basic, not at all comparable with TrueNAS

If they really want just ZFS, Proxmox offers it.

It just doesn’t come with a built-in UI

I’ve got 2FA set up and required, so I’m not too worried about brute force attacks.

I’ve got firewall set up, services are only accessible through the reverse proxy, was more concerned about something like logging into keycloak and having the password leaked with MitM or another attack of the sort.

Cross-container/vm communication security on Proxmox
Hey, I've got a bunch of services all running in their own containers/vms on Proxmox. All of these have their own ips that are accessible from my network. I also have a container with a reverse proxy, which acts as a gateway for access to these services (it's IP is the only one allowed to go through the firewall of each service). These services have http servers, no encryption. Could someone on my network listen to comms between a service and my reverse proxy? Would have to play around with VLANs if that's the case... Thanks