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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


It’s not missing from the discussion, since the HH publisher literally mentioned sales numbers and that it’s a solo dev? I’m confused what you mean.

Also, because they are so cheap they just throw them out when the battery is empty instead of replacing the battery. It’s great for the environment! /s

The only difference between bugs and features is documentation.

I often incorporate features into my software that ensure it shuts down automatically on certain actions, or when you’ve used it for too long. So you can go out and see some nature. It’s totally not crashes.

Really nice article, except for the work time section. Can we start to agree that overtime should not be normal? (To be fair, I don’t work in an industry with actual emergencies. There’s always tomorrow or next week. So maybe I’m missing perspective here.)

Well that, and the being laid off. At my (unionized, European) company it’s usually the longer you’ve been with the company, the more secure your job is.

What a rabbit hole I fell into with this. Really nice options, thanks for sharing!

This was really interesting to read. Do you have some links where I can read more about what ChatGPT likely is and isn’t capable of?


You can make classes, but you can only ever make one instance of them. This shouldn’t affect how most object-oriented programmers work.

I feel like this is based off our code base at work, where they never saw a singleton they didn’t fall in love with.