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Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


No she’s really like that. A first gen double minority eta: American, former teacher, former Sikh Did nothing for women except mostly performative domestic violence law tweaks, nothing for schools or teachers, nothing for minorities or immigrants. Married decently, got hers, the rest of y’all need to bootstrap it. Oh we stole your boots? They’re really ours because we allow you to exist. Fealty, peasants!

ETA: oh, I was wrong. Michael married up https://sg.news.yahoo.com/know-nikki-haleys-parents-ajit-193904063.html

You are exactly right, too. A while back, something about lifestyles of the wealthy in the gilded age in the USA blipped across the news. I looked up tax rates for then, and right before the Black Friday market crash. With the dismantling of Glass-Stegall and anti-trust/anti-monipoly laws, we’re very close to those tax rates. We keep repeating lessons learned and it’s very sad. You’d think the ultra-wealthy would remember why there was a middle class, to begin with, but they can’t manage to retain even that memory.

I bet a lot of bikers and gang members are embedded in the system. Money talks. In fact I remember reading in the news a couple of years back where some gang members were threatening to spill the tea on some lawyer-prosecutor-addict-dealer-murderer. They didn’t, ofc after he was convicted and sent away, but nothing more was investigated, either.

I grow weary. None of us are perfect but I guess dirty is on a spectrum, like mental illness. If one has enough money and doesn’t draw too much of the wrong kind of attention to themselves (and their associates, by default), everything is a-ok, if not and/or one does, one is lucky not to “commit suicide.”

The* USA could address this legally, no bikers needed, but we won’t, because the wealthy and powerful would have consequences, instead of just the poor and disenfranchised. Besides Epstein who “died from suicide,” and Maxwell, have you heard any news about anyone else who visited Epstein’s Island being charged? How about Matt Gaetz? Or his buddy? What about djt or the Clintons or Bill Gates? Have they even been investigated? No. But there’s a biker group who help a few.

*Edited word

To try to get the money, he would have to take the order through the complex Small Claims Court enforcement process. That’s because, as an administrative tribunal, the LTB doesn’t have the power to enforce its own orders.

So the tenant was rough sleeping while suing for wrongful eviction, without a lawyer and won, the landlord hasn’t paid what to him is pocket change, and now the tenant still has to sue again because the tribunal can’t enforce their own orders? Welcome to the Americas. I’m so sorry USA Americanism has metastasized so far, so rapidly, infecting Canada, the UK, Oz and everywhere else.

Lancing a boil is painful, but it’s the only way to start healing @

I know. It’s the maintaining that’s for reasons. I’m working on it, because every time that wound scabs over and they sense it and find an opportunity, ripping it off and rubbing dirt into it is a gleefully taken opportunity. They are unwell, probably clinical npd. They were extremely violated for about a decade, as a child and never sought help (sign of the times l suppose, insurance didn’t exist, psychological help was out of reach financially and well, the parents were the abusers), etc etc etc. at ~8 decades of life, it’s just not going to happen, unless some wild miracle happens, and I’m not counting on it. Whether I completely cut contact or not, there’s a he’ll of a mess I’ll be cleaning up, and I would suppose death after a cut may add another heaping pile of rot on top of it. But I’m currently doing all within my realistic ability to do that. Still stinks and is extremely painful, either way.

I realize I just trauma dumped a huge pile of emotional baggage on you. I almost want to delete this but want others who are in a position to cut contract to see it. Get out because it gets worse with age, not better. And layers of layers of scar tissue can become extremely painful, festering, leaking wounds.

ETA: Please accept my apologies, if this is too much.

Yeah. It’s sad. It breaks me, almost every time they are particularly vile. Maintaining minimal contact, for reasons.

I think that’s true for some. In this particular case, I think they are so invested in abhorrent policy and opinions, they absolutely know those policies and opinions are vile, but pretend to believe that nonsense just so they can pretend it’s ok when some portion of conscious manages a dying breath to whisper truth to them.

Iana psychological professional, so I could be very wrong. I hope I am, in this particular case.

I don’t think any of them believe any such thing. My xenophobic parent let it slip when they accused someone of lying with “your name must be D***** T**** 2.”

I looked that up recently, in the USA, for us. Many major food corps are still taking in almost double (Cargill, Tyson, fur example) their prior record profits. Standing with my Canadian brothers and sisters in solidarity as I rue that we just pay more and think it’s ok, here.

They may get badly beaten, and it may well be about their COVID policy, but that’s about where I stop agreeing. But ianal, just an average consumer, so there’s that

When they can afford to get sued by content owners and feel like coming off with that kind of money and/or bump their heads, I would imagine. Unless it goes to dark web.

I can’t even begin to imagine the price gouging* going on in the USA.

I am a parent of an adult. I agree with the comment you replied to, even though it would cause me great personal suffering to lose my child. I love them enough to prefer then not suffer to appese me. They’re happy, but it could easily be different. I’m lucky.

I can’t even begin to imagine your feelings. I’m so sorry you went through this.

Especially when it takes more than 40 hours to “earn” a living.

I don’t currently have transportation and will be heavily occupied for several months. That said, I have attended events and spoken with Food Not Bombs people, and they are amazing, really good people. I had traveled a state north to do it, though, and if my plans pan out, I intend to find and work with them (in general, not necessarily the exact same people) in the future. Working with Atlanteans are quite possible, I won’t discount them but in general hope to travel northwards a bit. But who knows what tomorrow holds, I could well end up in Georgia.

I live in the Deep South, and that’s been my experience with the (precious few) anarchists and socialists, for that matter, that I’ve met, as well.

Very much like “the captain” in The Handmaid’s Tale (book version, never saw the tv version).

The Handmaid’s Tale is upon us. It’s available free to listen online.

Yep. I’m in that situation now because my iPhone is about to be obsolete, so replacing the battery makes no sense.

Sure. Allow me to give you a little background about my area, from personal experience a hundred years ago in the industry: security by obscurity was the standard, a CTO had zero experience with anything computer related, beyond powering his on and pecking out emails, was not interested in learning about (let alone learning any) current or new technology, coding, or security related. The sysad couldn’t code a lick, depended on an online scanner for malware removal (and it was a persistent problem), and did absolutely zero auditing, wondering why the better team members stayed long enough for a reference and ran screaming. This was the worst, but not by much, company I worked for in the industry in a very wealthy area. I’m sure things have changed over the years, but from friends in the industry, not by much. They still stay long enough for the reference of official experience, then end up moving companies, or the better ones go on to self-employme t, often contacting for the same companies, at 4x the hourly rate, because it’s still cheaper than getting sued by by clients or the government.

The weird thing is, I’m about to try to re-enter the industry, personal and industry issues aside, at a later point in the year.

Or they just work for the same bosses to give us the illusion of choice.

Get ready for clay tablets and possibly cuneiform record keeping. I saw this coming from a mile away before health records and billing were due to go live online, and everyone pooh-poohed my alarms. We can’t go back to all paper, we’re still squandering life-breathing trees. But a lot of this is simply board members and C-Suite not allocating enough dollars for proper hardware, software, and strongly knowledgeable minds to implement good security.

Plus it actually could be used to do something* crazy, like help people or the environment.

  • Autocorrect awesome sauce

Just like anything else that started good and had more pure intentions than “money at all costs!”