• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I don’t know, but there might be pdf viewers that permit editing layers. Try LibreOffice Draw or gscan2pdf. Maybe The Gimp can do it.

At least Chromecast for TV basically does this. I can search for something and it will tell me all the ways I can watch for any installed app even unsubscribed.

Still, the issue of paying multiple monthly fees to see what you want is ludicrous. It’s as if the media companies maliciously complied with consumers’ desire to pick and choose what they watch rather than pay $200 a month for 1000 stations they don’t watch.

Now, you have to pay $200 to get all the services that have what you want to watch - and you still have to sift through the drek.

Much better, that. /s

Well, I just ripped a few of my old DVDs with handbrake, and I upscaled by setting the resolution to 720p and ensuring the “upscale” cjljeckbox is ticked.

Tovmy eye, it looks pretty good on my 55" 1080p TV, and I noticed in my voddeo player it scaled to my display size appropriately. If I imply ripped it, the video would have a hugee black box around it ony high red display.

I’d say using handbrake is fairly effective once you get it off the disk, for which I used a rip to mkv app in Linux.

I use ocrmypdf, after being a bit frustrated with gscan2pdf. There is a simple ui available, but I just created a tiny script that does the ocr , deskew, etc. In one operation with wildcard file selection.

I also installed a jbig compressor that really shrinks images. My processed docs are generally 40% to 80% smaller, and it seems to get better tesseract output than gscan does.

Wow. This is what makes Lemmy different from Reddit. On reddit, I’d be baited to rage-post repeatedly.

Anyway, apology gladly accepted, and I’m glad you aren’t the person I feared you to be. I’m willing to keep my mind open on the Barbie movie, though everything I know so far points to anti-male themes.

Did you read the tagline on this very thread? That’s enough for me to make my conclusions, but add the statements made by the creators, and various reviews by people who’ve seen it, and I can comfortably live with my conclusion.

Oh, and your comment dripping with derision and insults to someone you don’t know at all reveals your true nature. Go spend some quality time with yourself, if you can stand it.

You forgotvto mention the serious misandry of that movie. Another double standard. Women do it, it’s all good fum. Men do it - canceled.

OpenVPN to server, then ExpressVPN to the outside?
I use openvpn to connect to my server at home. When I surf the Internet or any of my apps on my phone go to the Internet while I'm on the VPN it's going out to the internet from my server. Does anybody know a way to set it up so that whatever goes out from that server goes through expressvpn? I can't seem to get it to work on the router because openvpn then cannot connect to my server.

I generally stick with Firefox, but I do have chromite ony degoogled secondary phone as a backup in case something only works with chromium renderer.

Perhaps the curator is running a red herring with the intention or blocking liberal media?

I was not saying 25 for a dev job, i was saying that for other kinds of work i might be able to get without getting a new degree.

I understand how it works. The fact remains that companies already laid off people because of AI, and until now, I have never been unemployed more than 2 months.

I’ve also never seen a market in which most job posting garner 200 to 500 applications within 24 hours. It is armageddon out here.

Wow. You mean people might gave to read actual books for entertainment?

If by some miracle the legal establishment takes this schmuck seriously, it is the end of the entertainment industry.

I’ve been unemployed for 7 months. Every online job I see that’s been posted for at least 6 hours has over 200 applications. I’m a senior Dev with 30 years experience, and I can’t find work.

I’d say generative AI is an existential threat as bad as offshoring was for steel in the early 80s. I’m now left with the prospect of spending the last 20 years of my work life at or near minimum wage.

After all, I can’t afford to spend $250,000 on a new bachelor’s degree, and a community college degree might get me to $25/hr, and still costs thousands. This is causing impoverishment on a massive scale.

Ignore this threat at your peril.

However you use heat energy to generate other energy, it will not solve the problem of heat being increased in cities. Heat is an end State energy form.

This is why you may have heard the phrase the heat death of the universe. Entropy can be thought of as all energy being converted to heat, evenly distributed in the universe. The best you can do is move the heat elsewhere.

Heat death of the Universe happens when the heat is evenly distributed and there’s no way to move it to produce other forms of energy, like electricity.

Theoretically, heat can be turned into matter per Einstein, but we haven’t figured that out yet.

Lying about voting locations and dates aren’t subverting the constitution? Really? So we only have the constitutional right to vote if we can figure out the real times and locations on our own, and giving false information that causes people to be unable to Vote is all just lulz?

We both know it won’t prevent them. They will just repackage their arguments to get the result they desire. For example, the supreme court appointments arguments.

Free speech does not include subversion of the constitutional right to vote or seditious speech. The judges are clearly partisans. I’ll wager they are Republican appointees.

One where Republicans block all Democrat court appointments, then push through their candidates at high speed when Republicans are in control.

What I can’t figure out is why the Democrats can’t use similar tactics successfully. This is how we got a Republican Supreme Court.

Somehow they were able to stonewall Obama’s nominees for over a year, then pushed through conservative appointees fast enough to give us whiplash - legal problems be damned.

Tubi has one. I think it is called The Final Days of Planet Earth, and is about an insect-like alien accidentally brought here from a moon landing.

This is my view. I went the privacy route. The result is the addictiveness of the service went way down. For me, that’s a win.

There are other ways to give us content we might like. For example, have a list of topics and categories we can select. This reduces invasiveness while providing some benefit.

The problem is that does not give Google what it wants out of the relationship.

This is the way.

We’ve been able to survive for 200,000 years without any of this s***.

I’m old enough to remember when none of this stuff existed. I have a threshold Beyond which I simply stop using the service.

I’m actually pretty close to my lifestyle from before 1995. I don’t have any cable I have basic internet I don’t do any of the Music Services. Video-wise I only have Prime and any free services I can get on Chromecast for TV. I’m getting close to my threshold with prime, as the annual fee is getting real high.

I’m already starting to lose interest in most YouTube channels. It’s not so bad here, really. I get to experience reality more.

Are straw men all you have? When did I say we should treat Taiwan the same as China? I said they are the same culture and history. The same situation exists for Korea.

Anyway, you are just looking for a fight, so I’m disengaging since nothing I say will change your understanding of what I said.

I agree that if it is already AAC, it should not be changed as it has the highest fidelity and best compression.

While AC-3 is not the best, it and AC-4 are the only formats i know that can encode TrueHD and Atmos metadata, so that should be kept it it is there.

Any transcode will lose fidelity unless the target codec is lossless, and I don’t think AAC has a lossless mode.

No, but the fact you think that is telling. I’m saying it’s a wholevlot easier for Chinese to spy on Chinese. Just like it’s easier for Americans to spy on Americans.

How did you come to the conclusion I’m Communist out of that? Again, your assumptions are telling. Spend some time with a mirror.

Where does the racism enter the picture? This is about the civil war in China, in which the non-communists were driven out to Taiwan in 1949.

The Communists took the mainland and intend to finally destroy their enemies.kind of the way north Korea wants to take over south Korea.

Why is AC-3 bad? It’s pretty much compatible with everything, holds Dolby Digital and atmos. Especially if the source is already encoded in AC-3, would it be wise to re-encode it?

So you don’t believe that Communist China could possibly get away with espionage against ethinic and cultural Chinese Taiwan?


You also don’t appear to consider the clear intention of Communist China’s plans to annex Taiwan.

Also interesting. Do you know the history behind the creation of Taiwan? If there was a “clear plan”, I would say it was ill conceived.

You assume too much, yourself. I think the point is the U.S. finally realized they were giving away critical technology to a nation that not so secretly plans to replace them.

Unfortunately, I think they were asleep too long, and China has enough knowledge to press forward without stealing from Americans.

Now, America must accept the fact they fucked up and have to compete as equals, which is much more difficult.

Matrix has too much metadata, i read, and XMPP so far does everything Matrix claims to do. I am sticking with XMPP (Jabber) for as long as i can, especially because it has proven itself over 20 years.

Yes. The FCC is part of the Executive branch, which is lead by the President, who appoints the leadership of the institutions that carry out the executive branch’s assigned job: enforce and execute the law.

Nobody is advocating tolerance, at least I didn’t see it. This is about ensuring free speech cannot be subverted silently.

Note I pointed out that the issue is the arbiter of “tolerable”. Citizens need to make that decision with accurate information. In our case, that would be done through some department of the justice system combined with awareness and involvement by civil rights organizations.

Also, if you saw The Blues Brothers, you saw that Skokie Nazi march from the ACLU case, and the derision of them portrayed. Counter protests were equally allowed. This airs the issues in the light, where the unacceptable ideas can be countered.

The alternative is that those ideas spread quietly like a virus, unimpeded by facts that expose the flaws in those beliefs. Once people identify with the movement, it is very difficult to change their minds.

I’ve read an awful lot of comments yelling at EFF for supporting very bad people. I think you all do not understand the point being made.

It is not the isp’s job to police the network. The proper route is to raise the complaint to the proper authorities and let them police the problem. Specifically, So they can do it in a transparent auditable and citizen visible fashion.

What happens when the ISP decides to block a person or organization because they think what they’re doing is unacceptable, but they’re wrong? How do we police that?

Nobody sees anything because they’re blocked before anything can be shown. That is instant hidden censorship that nobody can stop because nobody knows about it.

Even the ACLU went to bat for a Nazi organization on a free speech topic because letting it pass would set a precident that would not be reversed, and thus eventually would be used to silence just causes.

Edit: if that’s still too complex to parse, replace the target with the sermons of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

By this logic, any untrained citizen who interrupts a robbery by shooting the robber in the head from behind should not only be absolved of the crime but should be lauded for it.

Good sources for obscure educational videos?
Hello. I am having trouble finding a video I own on VHS format. I want to get a digital copy, but it probably does not exist. I think there are rules against asking about particular titles, so I'll just state the topic. It's about skills used by guides for camping in the wilderness between north central US and Canada. Are there any places might have such videos?