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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 11, 2023


I’ve had one of these running for years, honestly I didn’t expect it to last this long as it looks really cheap

If whatever you’re doing works with av1 then I’d say go for it. I do AV1 for Plex since all of my devices can hardware decode, however I keep my own videos at h264 software encoded (for smaller filesizes) since Synology photos doesn’t support AV1.

I use tdarr for my large scale conversions to AV1 but I use shutterencoder for everything else. It’s like handbrake but friendly for working in large batches and the UI is really nice https://www.shutterencoder.com/en/ It will add H265 to the end of the name too

I use plexamp too with a large library so I can comment on the android side (I didn’t know some of these differences existed)

  • the app has settings for audio quality dependent on connection type, including not converting hires audio
  • as far as I can tell the EQ in plexamp is global across devices, though it has presets for specific devices -same on Android I don’t think you can manually listen to downloaded songs outside of the app

I’ll also comment that I sort all my music by folder and Plex does ok with this Not great, but it works