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Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I’ve only played a bit of 4 and lots of worlds. I really loved the additional stuff to do in worlds. I was enthralled by the exploration and little collectible stuff as much as the actual combat. I do feel like it’s a lot of fun with friends. Playing with Randoms feels scary lol.

I’ve been trying to finish iceborne at some point but I hit a brick wall at frostfang barioth for a long time and then got distracted with other games. I’ve been meaning to go back and finish but u have a feeling the next title will come out before then. I haven’t even gotten around to rise yet lol!

Man, it’s terrible when politicians shrug at this issue. More should be done to stop senseless violence

In the game, there are stones that you can find, and when you use them, they say something. There’s no voice chat in the games, so these can be used to communicate


So far, that’s exactly what it feels like. Which is good! But I think it could have been better?

I haven’t seen any Rosalina yet, which is a bummer, and the hub area is less exciting. But yeah, overall, the levels are just as solid as I remember them being in Galaxy 1. The music is definitely a highlight so far. Amazing tunes. And playing the game in co-op is actually kinda fun.

I’ve been playing Mario Galaxy 2 for the first time. It’s pretty good, but I’m wondering what the hype was about. Perhaps it’s a product of its time in a way, but overall, it’s still a lot of fun. I keep dying at stupid parts, which is really funny. You can tell the developers really pushed their skills to the limits as all of the levels seem like they’re really well done.

I’ve been streaming a playthrough of Ghost of Tsushima, and I recently got to the DLC. I think the game does so many things right, but I have a few minor gripes. Overall, I really like the atmosphere and the world design. The environments are gorgeous.

What in the bone spurs is this? I didn’t know about Trump mocking McCain for being a POW. That’s fucked up. Trump hasn’t done a thing for his country.

It doesn’t surprise me. I forget half the terrible shit he’s done. You basically need an entire book to keep track of his hourly crimes. Sheesh

Does the game require an online connection? I can’t seem to find the information on the web but I’m also not looking that hard so maybe I’m just dumb lol

Wait what hold the phone. You don’t keep your skins from OW1 going to OW2?

I was thinking about this the other day when I heard Chick-fil-a wants to start their own streaming service. I feel like…it’s starting to feel like every big business is squeezing us like lemons. Not only do they artifically increase prices for their goods, but now they want us to pay for subscription services too.

It’s starting to feel extremely invasive. Surely, you would think there is a tipping point. But I also said that about the inflation of groceries and the general cost of living. But we haven’t seem to hit that point either, lol.

First, it was people of color, then gay people, then trans people, now women.

As per usual, right wingers are projecting what they want / intend to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after people with disabilities, and then eventually loop back around to only approving of blond hair and blue eyed individuals.

Hah that’s true. I thought it was odd that they mentioned how you could customize genitalia and then they had 2 options for penis’s and only one vagina option. It definitely seemed like an advertising strategy more than anything

One thing that always irks me with character customization is how often games have more customization options for girl characters. I have always assumed that developers only allocate so much time and resources to character creators and call it a day.

When Trump was in power, it made all the shitheads come out of the woodwork. So many corrupt politicians (and just people in general) felt like they now had a soapbox or could get away with whatever they wanted. We’re still dealing with it today.

If Trump gets in a second time, I’m genuinely worried for my provinces’ healthcare system as politicians are doing whatever they can to make it worse. They’re causing problems so that they can pose privatization as the solution.

Holy shit. These changes would be awesome. Not only would some of these changes help people in America, but I bet the ideas would spread elsewhere, too. Please oh please I want price gouging of groceries to stop.

Plus the rent stuff is huge too. People are struggling out here.

I’ve gotten a handful of raises over the past 4 years, and they have all been under inflation, so they might as well be demotions. LOL

I really like the switch. My only complaints are: I miss the 3DS like charm and customization.

I find it hurts to hold my switch in handheld for too long.

Otherwise, I think it’s a very neat machine

I’m in Canada and it’s not quite so dire. But I have noticed we are only getting like “main” titles in stores. If I go into a gamestop, their Xbox and play station sections are a quarter of what they were in 2008. The switch is in a much better state with a lot more physical copies (my guess is kids go into stores with their parents and ask for games, so it makes sense to have more physical copies).

I’m really torn because I like physical copies, but I’m also literally running out of living space. Additionally, so many games have patches with bug fixes on day 1. I’ve also been finding online has much steeper sales.

I kinda feel like the shift to online screws us all, though. Idk I’m just a giant ball of being conflicted about it lol

Dude, what a bummer. Like, I’m glad we have lemmy but there’s certain subs and such that reddit had that aren’t available here.

On one hand it has completely cured my reddit addiction, which is awesome. I’ve put a lot of time into more productive endeavors. But on the other hand, I do miss finding niche subs that had amazing communities.

Aaron Swartz wouldn’t have wanted this

The head of bungie spent a shit ton on classic cars, but they’re laying people off… I really want to see wtf happened to bungie internally. It went to shit the past decade.

I’m hit or miss when it comes to walking sim games but I really enjoyed firewatch

Right now, companies are chasing LLM’s and subscription services. I’m terrified of what’s going to come next, lol. At what point does late stage capitalism stop?

Laughs nervously in Canadian

It sucked when he was president. It emboldened all of the cockroaches in our society. Some of our politicians are trying to emulate him, and it’s working. Some people love dictators and bullies, I guess.

They’re currently causing more problems with our public health care as a way to then be able to present private health care as a solution. If they take away or ruin our health care, I don’t know where I would go or where I could go really. But I wouldn’t want to live under that kind of government that actively harms its population.

I think my favorite in the series is New Leaf so far. Granted, I didn’t play a ton of the GameCube version.

The only thing I wish new leaf did better was how you unlocked public works projects.

Additionally, villagers moving in and ruining your paths/designs was a pain. Otherwise, I thought the game was great. It could have used even more dialogue (which is crazy because it was already very long )

The games hit such a good mix of customizing, collecting, and discovery.

Oh shit that’s not good. I suppose it’s bound to happen, though. Money talks.

Could happen anywhere

I’m Canadian but was surprised to recently see two types of onigiri in my local 7/11. I looked at it in shock, and then sighed because I would absolutely love that. But there’s no way in hell I’m eating that from a gas station.

I would end up like Fry from Futurama, but instead of worms that make me smart, knowing my luck, I would get a parasite/illness that puts me in a coma lol.

After I looked at it, I walked over to the slurpee machines and grimaced at the thought of gas station sushi while noticing how the floors are perpetually sticky/ moist and nothing looks clean

I did, however, notice slurpee themed merch, and I’m tempted to buy a shirt

Bernie is such a cool dude. I really want to see a timeline where he became president

Ohhh dammit. Of course. Man that sucks. Thank you for clarifying!

I was hoping they would make gold cheaper because that’s really all that I need. But of course they tack on every other thing and then raise prices even more.

As a rental service game pass is great. But at regular price it is too much for me. I’m gona miss converting 3 years of gold to ultimate, though, lol. I’ll be going back to the cheapest tier when I run out.

I’ve been tasked with some notion testing and research this week. I tried asking chat gpt some simple questions, and it kept feeding me this exact scenario over and over. I guess notion doesn’t like any kind of recursion. Or at least not without extensions being added.

I thought the games fundamental gameplay wasn’t as fun as the first game. But the story was interesting

I’m torn about this myself. The tolerance of the intolerant is not really doing anyone any favors. But a subset of the population in North America seems to want to be as intolerant as possible.

It feels like tensions are rising, but I have no idea how you can reduce that without having the rowdy group be less hostile towards everything that moves

This made my morning :3

Edit: not a fan of Frank’s new look, though. He looks…different.

Sorry for the late reply! This is an incredibly extensive list, thank you so much! I’ll have to give the game another go at some point here. It seems super charming, so maybe if I go into it with this added knowledge, I’ll be able to get my bearings. Have you tried the new game that just released a while back? I think it was called my time at Sandrock?

I am begrudgingly continuing my NG+ run of elden ring today so that I can play the DLC on Friday. It’s my own fault because I started NG+ thinking I would get through it. But after an almost 200 hour first playthrough, I was done and put it down.

I am not a big fan of how the DLC requires you to get further into the game to play it. But that minor gripe aside, I am quite interested to see where they take us in the DLC. I’m thinking I’ll need to fight my way to be able to respec again and I might go into the game as a spellcaster once more. Not quite sure just yet, but thinking about the possibilities is getting me a bit hyped haha

The first time I tried my time at Portia, I found building stuff took forever. I was trying to build a bridge(iirc?) And I felt like it was just going to be a lot of waiting. Was I playing it wrong?