• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Not distributing. The person never possessed it. They looked at something on your server.

That’s like charging me for smelling the steak they’re cooking on the grill next door.

Where do I send the beer? Whoever you are, you are the backbone of what makes pirating great

Never before in history has ANY institution done more to enable open and free access to ALL books for ANY person.



What’s with the DRM message that I got on Firefox when I opened Plex in the browser?
It seems like something new asking me to enable DRM in order to play the content on my Plex? That doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Is there something I should do to make this message go away and make my system safer?

“I need more traffic cone”

“I got a fever, and the only prescription is more traffic cone!"

You’re literally talking about copyright infringement in both cases. It’s a direct analogy.

How you go from “You pirate movies” to “…SO I GUESS YOU’RE IN FAVOR OF MURDER,” is a strange trail.

We disagree. That’s fine. You’re not convinced by me. Many aren’t.

But you’re not allowed to. You’re STEALING, and you should ask, “Am I the baddie?”

Artists are deprived residuals because of your “preservation” piracy. Stop splitting hairs.

In for a penny, in for a pound. They’re pirates. We’re pirates.

Man, I love a person on u/piracy arguing we can’t do something because it’s theft and plagiarism.

Keelhauling is too good for them.

db0, can I write prompts like that for the image generators on AI hoard? Would it select one of the random choices within the brackets to use like your banner does? I think that could be fun.

Listen buddy, your opinion is welcome here!

However, I disagree with you and I like what db0 did

Been here since I started Lemmy. It’s so normal and well-done.

You’re gonna like the way it works. I guarantee it.

“Selling, losing, trading in your vehicle or not using the Service (or any part thereof) does not cancel your Subscription. You can transfer your Service to another vehicle. If you don’t have another vehicle, you can continue listening through the Streaming Service. No refunds or credits will be given if you don’t have an activated vehicle on your Plan or if you don’t use the Service.”

It’s word for word what they said in the mailing. I already threw it out so believe what you want. I really don’t give a s***.

XMSirius just changed their terms and subscriptions are no longer cancelable or refundable starting 3/15/24, even if you sell your vehicle and have no way to use the account.
In unrelated news, music piracy is on the rise. PS. I am sorry that my wording of this rubbed so many people the wrong way. This is a truly a nasty update of terms and agreements, and it's going to hurt a lot of people financially. If it's all fine with you stay in. But if it's not you have a little over 30 days to get out.

It’s funny I have kind of the opposite opinion. I like to keep reference books digitally because I care so little about them and tend to look at them so infrequently. But my hitchhiker’s guide series? My one volume collection of annotated Sherlock Holmes? Zoids Chaotic Century? Harry Potter, Redwall, and all the other books I raised children on? Conan by L. Sprague DeCamp? The list goes on and on.

But yes, to each their own.

Books. There isn’t any real substitute for books portability, smell, touch, ease of use.

Other than that I’m digital all the way.

I have it set up, and running on my laptop. What do I do to get it on my wife’s iPad? I’m not savvy obviously, I just follow steps but I don’t really understand this stuff.

After spending the time getting overseerr to work, I’m disappointed.
I guess it's just the way my brain doesn't assimilate information well, but I went at it assuming that when I was done I would have a product that would show up in Plex and allow me to use as a browser within the Plex system. Now that I'm done I realize it's just a single device install that that results in something that looks like a web page, and will need to be repeated on any other device that I want to use it on. Pretty underwhelming, and a s*** ton of work for what I end up with. Anyway as I said I'm not very good at processing large chunks of information, so if I'm underusing it please let me know how I should properly be doing things. I am requesting comments. Edit: okay, I set it up on my wife's iPad easily using Safari and it seems to work fine. Thank you all, I truly didn't know what I was doing and I still don't, but so far so good.

I’m assuming you mean you were using one of the older, “safe” versions of uTorrent. But yeah, the technology has updated. It’s better.

It seems so strange to me that we are locked in battle with providers mining our lives for whatever, and we have to work our asses off trying to stay anonymous, to the point of being denied service
or even pseudo-incriminated for attempting to maintain our own life. It seems so stupid that I'm like a suspect for wanting an exchange of information without dropping my pants and bending over. No, I don't want cookies. Yes I want to read the article but no, I don't want to "sign up." It makes me feel like being a f*cking hermit. But I prefer to pirate. Even though I'm not that good at it. Screw them. I got two private trackers, a VPN, and I hope that's enough.

uTorrent 2.2.1 Build 25154 is good. There’s a few builds of uTorrent that are fine.

But yeah, qbittorrent is the default “why didn’t you use it?” client.

I’m sure you’ll be fine.

Are you using a private tracker? I probably would for that much stuff.

Well it looks like a lot of Plex shares got kicked and banned over the weekend so we’ll have to wait till the dust settles. It’ll probably be emby shares if I had to guess.

Have you looked into a Plex Share? Low cost and access to pretty much everything. PM me if you want more info on one.

If you just want to rename everything and get the track numbers done automatically you might try the godfather. I used to use it pretty exclusively when I was downloading a lot of mp3s.

The Godfather

MusicBrainz Picard was another one I used a lot to organize and name music.

MisicBrainz Picard