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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


I worked in a “datacenter” where the humidifier function for the HVAC unit was turned off because it leaked under the floor into an adjoining office when it was trying to humidify. Management refused to fix the unit due to the cost, and saw no issue with running the room with relative humidity in the teens all winter. Madness.

American here. My ISP blackholes certain sites at the DNS level. Easy enough to work around, but it’s there.

Technology Connections on YT did a side-channel experiment on this very thing.


Normally I wholeheartedly recommend his stuff, but the side-channel content gets very long winded and rambling, linked video included.

Capcom vs SNK 2 ate more of my fighting game hours than any other game, with the possible exception of SF2/Turbo/Super combined. It had everything I could ever want at the time.