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Cake day: Mar 08, 2024


My only beef with this video was needing to pause it dozens of times to read the tons of text that flew by too fast. Otherwise, it’s what you expect from Frost: meticulously researched, eloquent, and passionate.

I knew nothing about Nick until the Escapist exodus. I just went with the narrative that it was a solidarity move, and I was thrilled to see SW take off. Frost leaving abruptly (to the public) confused the hell out of me. But that was point 1 addressed in the video. And then the deluge of receipts started.

Holy hell.

I hope the rest of the SW team kicks this turd to the curb. He’s been riding Yahtzee’s coattails long enough.

I felt that way going from a 360 to XB1. More of the same, just shinier. I don’t think I’ve used my XB1 for anything except Rock Band in over a year. And the only reason I felt the urge to get a Series is that so RB loads in less than 10 minutes. (Well, that and Flight Simulator.)

Nintendo and indies are the only things keeping my interest in console gaming.

This is exactly it. But it doesn’t fit on a hat or bumper sticker so the details get ignored.

I’d argue that the 20th century already selected for that and we are reaping the “rewards” as we speak.