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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


WhatsApp is the app for pretty much everywhere BUT United States.

Astral projection? Heh, what a bunch of nonsenses.

We all know you need a custom-made cyberdeck and your favorite assortment of ICE breakers and you can run any server you want, SSH be damned!

Stardew Valley Expanded, it gives us huge tracks of land to work and a metric fuckton of extra content.

I use ChstGPT as a slightly-higher-tech version of my desktop rubber duck. Whenever I’m stuck at work, I explain ChatGPT what I’m trying to accomplish and how, and in the process of correcting ChatGPT to actually get working code, most of the time I find a better solution during my explanations.

Soooo… When do we start the Fediverse fersion of SO?

What all these trend chasing CEOs fail to grasp about ChatGPT is that the Neural Network is trained to return what looks like like a human written answer, but it is NOT, IN ANY CASE, GOING TO RETURN INFORMATION. If you ask ChatGPT to write an essay with sources, ChatGPT is going to write a somewhat coherent essay with what looks like sources, but it’s going to be a crapshot if the sources are even real, because you asked for an essay with sources, not an essay USING any given source. Anyways, I’m going to heat some popcorn and wait for the inevitable fake articles and the associated debacle.

This is hilarious,and a testament of the attention to detail NRS is putting in the game.