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Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


I’m hoping federation will allow me to get rid of my github entirely, but that’s wishful thinking I fear

My HR told me I could no longer email bills, but instead had to give them the original paper. I’m afraid somebody there will have a heart attack when I tell them that that PDF file is the original.

It’s funny, because a quick online search shows gitlab runs operations in Saudi Arabia. But at least a bunch of idiot westerners get to feel good about themselves 🤷‍♂️

Ugh this kind of BS virtue signaling is so pointless

With such a broad definition you could call even Haskell an oop language

I have the same problem with oop. 10 levels of encapsulated calls just to see you were in an overridden methods without enough data to find out which implementation it was. Ugh

Having to run a debugger to know what gets called at a given time is awful, and this oop practices exacerbate this

I spent my day today setting up nginx with mtls at work, and I actually think it’s a great approach for what op is trying

I haven’t opened the article yet, but are you complaining that the article talks about what’s in the headline?

This is virtually the same thing with a different keyword, I’d like to hear where you (and the down voters) draw the line.

goto is used in C for this exact kind of early return management. The person you answered to does not maintain code I think

And I’m going to make you read those blocks because they are there for a damn reason. What are you even reading at this point if you’re not reading the preconditions? That’s how you end up dereferencing null pointers, when you have ten nested ifs you can barely see it on your screen

Certainly better than throwing a perfectly working machine because Microsoft won’t support it 🤷‍♂️

Sometimes the info lost is just a typo or a revert. I’d say heavily depends on the workflow of the people involved. Some like long history, some like rebasing, others, something in between. How you review those approaches changes a lot

A simple but hackish solution is to version your types. New field? Foo becomes Foo2! Now nothing builds and you’re sure you’ll have to go over every usage of the type.

Add a second commit to revert to Foo, and there you go. Of course you’d need two reviews but the second one is trivial

There are absolutely the problem, that’s actually the difference between a programmer and an engineer: the liability.

Every job you mean, of course anything you do at work is your company’s property.

I didn’t bother reading the other answers, but few things I can say:

  • netbeans is crap, intellij is much better
  • if you go with python, please do bundle the runtime and do not use the system one. No one will if your software is 5mb bigger, but they will care if they need to manually create the python environment (if they have both the patience and knowledge to do so, the intersection of which is rather small I reckon)
  • if you go with Qt, use QtCreator, the integration is great. Please do not use visual studio (especially if you’re going to use qt). It’s slow, expensive, unstable, dumb, slow, both too complex yet missing trivial features, and slow.

Yeah let’s audit code using heuristic tools, after all safety is just about probabilities in the first place!

Ugh I think the gap between c and c++ is wider than between java and Javascript, but admittedly I haven’t done much of the latter two

He has a rant where he’s calling software engineers basically idiots who don’t know what they’re doing, saying the need for unit tests is a proof of failure. The rest of the rant is just as nonsensical, basically waving away all problems as trivial exercises left to the mentally challenged practitioner.

I have not read anything from/about him besides this piece, but he reeks of that all too common, insufferable, academic condescendance.

He does have a point about the theoretical aspect being often overlooked, but I generally don’t think his opinion on education is worth more than anyone else’s.

Article in question: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~EWD/transcriptions/EWD10xx/EWD1036.html

Mullvad doesn’t do port forwarding anymore, AirVPN seems like a good replacement but I forgot where they are based

Sure, and then the big client bankrolling your company needs the feature in production for next week.

If you’re gafam you can tell them to get screwed and that you need more time, but at least in my experience I’ve always been on the other side of the table, and sometimes you gotta change a setting in a production DB because the related GUI change was not approved since the guy doing the review was sick and the other reviewer was not sure which shade of green to use somewhere on the page.

I agree with that security is not something you add on the side, but circumstances change and things are not always in control. You say mistakes happen, but not everything I mentioned is caused by mistakes, sometimes the shortcut is completely intentional. Companies only care about security when it’s too late, at which point they will blame you for writing unsafe software, but if your company or your job depend are at stake, that’s often a risk you have to take

Dependencies, scope creep, feature creep, off by one errors, misconfiguration, unclear/unenforced contracts/invariants… Most of those are trivial to solve at small scale, but the more moving parts you have, the more complex it becomes

I think this has to do with web/mobile dev and higher management usually being apple users

Ugh? Are you implying that every white person is a native English speaker, that non whites cannot be, or that they are unable to learn the language? Honestly your comment doesn’t reflect good on you

Now don’t misunderstand me, those personality tests are bullshit and HR is to employees what police are to citizens, but your take is bizarre to say the least

Agree on the bootcamp part, but 8k a year for a degree? Hopefully OP has more options than that

I like how you addressed the problem with this approach in c++ but somewhat still clicked on the “post” button

find -regex pattern -exec git add {}

Might work for you?

There are some jobs for agent planning using discrete / continuous (boundary value problem/mpc) / hybrid approaches, in autonomous driving and other related fields (e.g. drones). Sometimes single agent, but multi agent problems are also hot stuff

That’d be in academia mostly however. If you’re interested you can always look for some papers and see whether the chairs of the authors are recruiting

To give some example, I saw recently an article about a Frenchman looking to fill some paperwork, which was possible… Except the account needed you to install some Android app, and the app used Google services.

Author was saying that, since he doesn’t think he should have to create a Google account to fill in some paperwork, he will send a letter instead. A damn letter, like Germany or something

Same thing for companies that run out of business. When you pay for something there’s a (sometimes tacit) agreement that bugs will be fixed. At least this would allow companies/users to do that themselves when needed.

I really wouldn’t call anything that hits the network pure, because errors are quite likely. But I guess we all put the bar at a different level, I would not count logging as a side effect yet I’ve been bitten by overly verbose logs in hot loops.

const-ness gives a mini version of purity, although nothing prevents someone from opening /etc/lol in a const function… I think GCC has a pure attribute but I don’t think it’s enforced by the compiler, only used for optimizations

Of course we don’t, otherwise social media/tobacco/petroleum industries wouldn’t exist.