• 13 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Bit by bit playing HellBlade 2. The game is amazing however, the story and atmosphere is so strong (for a lack of better word) that I need downtime after playing it for an hour. It’s so dark and these voices gets to your own head sometimes, especially when playing with headset.

Recently started Warhammer Space Marine 2. A fun hack ‘n slash to just play after study, work or just general a long day.

Debating to purchase Persona 3 Reload when it is on sale. I played and loved Persona 5 Royal, clocked in 124-125 hours into it. I heard mixed stories about Reload, great character but lackluster dungeons and less social elements.

Now that I know a bit more about security and obfuscation I rather not use any pirated games/software anymore

Then don’t and pay every streaming service, game and software.

If they know how to crack/reverse engineer some complicated stuff, you can be sure they add some shady stuff in it.

The most pointless, baseless and factless argument ever.

They need somehow a way to earn there living expanses ? It’s a service we think it’s free but nothing comes without a counterpart.

If you genuinely think crackers earn lots of money through cracking games, you sure are uneducated.

I have this problem KissAnime shutdown and lost half of the list. Personally decided back then to do it manually on Excel.

Took a bit of time but very much worth it (imo). No stress of losing it due to shutdowns. It’s also easy to track how many shows you watched, dropped or want to watch because of the formulas you can use within Excel.

I’m debating to play ‘‘The Final Draft’’. I read its basically the same game but with a slightly more story regard the ending of the game. I did not notice/ know that;


The three stories were written by Wake to escape prior Alan Wake 2 story. I probably have missed that somehow.

I unfortunately never played any Max Payne games, are they worth to get into?

The gameplay is similar/ the same. You have a light and a gun/ shotgun. Though the game is much more about the immensely dark atmosphere, storytelling and characters played in it. Honestly the game has some great shock-moments. I played it in PC with mouse and keyboard and the controls were (butter) smooth in my opinion.

Don’t forget the very first Alan Wake was released in 2010. So the gameplay will feel dull and lackluster in comparison to todays gaming standards. It’s unfair to compare the two games due to the amount of years and technological advancements of today.

You can watch a video or read synopsis but you’ll do yourself a disservice.

EDIT: changed ‘‘fill’’ to ‘‘feel’’

Just finished Alan Wake 2
I just finished Alan Wake 2 and the 3 episodes of the DLCs. Alan Wake 2 is a literal masterpiece in my opinion, the gameplay was similar to its first game but refined, the story dark, mood, mysterious and weird. I also loved the references to the other games. Like Ahti. The ending of Alan Wake 2 made me wonder and sad (I won’t mention it to avoid spoilers). The 3 DLCs made me immensely hyped up though - they were weird and like a love-letters to their fan-base of all three games. Spoiler tagged, don't open if you have not played the DLCs (you have been warned); ::: spoiler spoiler In the second episode you play as Jesse Faden and try to find your brother, this is basically a teaser for its sequel which was confirmed by the developers. The ending twist of this episode! I can't wait for the sequel. The third episode its a love letter and possible teaser to Quantum Break. I genuinely hope, they do make a sequel of that one too. ::: I was not certain how much, I could write without spoilers therefore it might be a little underwhelming or not much. I assume they're planning a second DLC for Alan Wake and I will get that one as well. In the meantime, I will take a little break and then replay Quantum Break and Control.

Still playing Alan Wake 2 and it stays an amazing game. I’d think I’m close on ending the game though. Spoiler tagging just in case

Tap for spoiler

I already nearly finished Saga’s storyline, all I have to do is the ending story for her. However currently busy with Alan’s story side before finishing Saga’s.

I abandoned Hogwarts Legacy because after 4 hours, I found it immensely dull. The story is boring, the gameplay is boring and didn’t find the exploration satisfying.

I guess after playing Alan Wake 2 and its DLC, I’ll replay Control with the DLC and await the sequel to Control.

When it was just released on PC, I saw on Reddit that it probably won’t happen. Apparently Empress does not like anime games and therefore refuses to crack them.

I, myself, have been secretly hoping for it as well though. Got the game on PS5 (ps4 version) and refuse to pay money again for the game (unless it gets a heavy-heavy sale for like 10 bucks or something).

I honestly see no reason to use Reddit for its Piracy Megathread. Lemmy’s user base is much more friendly, helpful and the Megathread here is the same (if not better) organized than there.

Not only that, I remember there was quite some problems among the mods on Reddit. So I’m not surprised something like this happened. Once there’s a slight fracture, it’ll slowly but steadily get broken into pieces entirely.

I don’t see much decent content on both Piracy and PiratedGames subreddit anyway. Majority is memes, ‘is this safe’ and spam posts about empress.

Thanks, I have applied the vaft one through Tampermonkey. Hope it works!

Thanks, I will try vaft method that another Lemmy user mentioned and if that does not work, I will use your proxy. Appreciate it aye!

Any idea how to fix this annoying message when having ''TTV LOL PRO'' extension installed on FireFox? The Twitch Adblocker seems to be detected and gives either this message or a infinite loading circle.

That’s understandable! I’ll check look around for a decent Mastodon server.

Already glad this Lemmy instance exists lol

Is there a official DB0 Piracy Mastodon server?
I wanted to retry Mastodon after not using my .World mastodon account for months and was wondering if there's an official DB0 Piracy mastodon server before joining any other one. If there's not, which one do you suggest me to try out which is Piracy friendly?

The only thing that could get me a little bit of LeagueOfLegends feeling is Hades 2. Though not even that can give me similar dopamine as LeagueOfLegends does.

I honestly think there’s no replacement for it unfortunately. So I suppose, got to just detox and get used to the lower dopamine from games (speaking about myself).

  • Recently finished Cyberpunk 2077. For all its hype, I found it a mediocre/ generic game.
  • I’m trying to get into Baldur’s Gate 3 but it seems, it just is not my type of game (first D&D). Might also have to do with the fact, I tried to replace LeagueOfLegends with Baldur’s Gate.
  • (re)playing Last of Us 1 (remake version on PC). Stays a great game.
  • Debating whether to quit Returnal and play another game such as Alan Wake 2 or Hellblade 2.

I’m also trying to find a isometric/ top-down game to replace LeagueOfLegends with. But no luck.

I will never ever fucking purchase a console or game of that shit company. I will always pirate and emulate.

People wouldn’t pirate so much if their prices were not so high and their console itself not so trash. If they made a decent product and decent prices, many would’ve purchased it.

But €70 for Mario Kart that’s approximately 8 years old and on an outdated console? No thanks. Not to mention them suing people and such.

Gosh, I hate that company.

At the end of this week, I will be getting a new game PC. So, I will play:

  1. The last of us part 1 remake
  2. High On Life
  3. Cyberpunk 2077
  4. Alan Wake 2 (half replaying it, already played 4 hours on the PS5)

One Piece story & Burning Blood game
So, I just got past the episode of the timeskip where Luffy's training of ::: spoiler Tap for spoiler Haki takes place ::: . I really enjoy the story and the character development. I was considering purchasing the Burning Blood game. However, I'm a bit hesitant and wanted to ask if it's 'okay' to get it at this stage of the story. Will the game spoil a lot of the story for me, or can I enjoy it without major spoilers? Note: wasn’t sure which community to post this, there were like 3 gaming communities. So apologies if this isn’t the right one to be in.


Apparently I missed the “YT-DL”. Got it now and it works, apologies.

Issue for me with MPV is that it crashes whenever, I’m trying to put an URL in it.

r/piracy is mainly active with 3 things

  1. Memes
  2. Random questions
  3. Drama

I, personally, never ask questions on that subreddit. Only viewing for random entertainment or boredness.

Both Piracy and PiratedGames subreddit are the 3 above. If you ask a particular question, you’ll often get randomly ridiculed (for nothing).

I’d just say - post it here and if that really doesn’t work out then try it there. Though out of personal experience this community on here is much (much) more friendly, willing to help and actually get to the point.

This community also had actual discussions and not random shit throwing in the community.

Just wanted to chime in and say that uBlock Origin also blocks Spotify Advertisements through web.

So if you’re okay with the webversion of Spotify, you can use that.

Nothing nowadays.

I’ll pirate indie games, see if it like it and if I do - I buy them to support the developer.

Similar with ebooks, I pirate them, read and if I like it. I will buy the physical book to support the author.

So we can still things from them but they can’t see things from us?

I suppose that’s why people make at least two accounts.

I think, I worded it wrongly.

I currently just pirate the roms and play the games through emulation. Wondering whether it is worth it to purchase an V1 Switch, that can be ‘hacked’ and then put the pirate roms into it to play the games handheld (traveling, in bed, cozied up next to the heater).

I have been told only the V1 versions can be hacked/ jailbroken.

Well, my plan was to put the roms into the switch to play the games. Pirated the roms. But wasn’t certain if this is possible.

I’m not really planning to play online more of solo gamer

Switch V1 still worth it in 2024?
I currently play most games thru emulators but been wondering whether it is worth it to get the Switch V1 version for handheld. my plan would be putting the roms onto the Switch and then play handheld (is this possible?) Playing when traveling, a few hours in bed before sleeping or cozy up next to the heather in the evening seems nice. However is it still worth around €300 euro for it, may I have your opinion on the matter?

Like I said, it is easy hiding behind a screen. You are probably a teenager or an manchild.

It is okay though, let adults handle the real world. You can play the “pretend to be cool” thing on the internet.

I saw your edit but have no idea where to change that. Got to do it on PC? I’m using iPhone as mobile device.

I’m not the one hosting it, another person is. The particular person mentioned we need to make the bot send the files to our own private channel. To do that was needed to it manually ‘’/usetting’’ and then do the steps.

I done all the steps and when, I want to do it the bot only gives me exactly that message. Here’s the screenshot: https://i.postimg.cc/zBGdVq2w/Screenshot-1.png

Telegram issue [Question]
So I’m trying to get a bot from a channel to forward its messages to my private channel. But I keep getting this message and I have no idea where to change this I have checked both channel settings and the telegram setting. This is the message I keep getting: “Disable UserTransmission so bot can send files to users!” I tried to upload a picture but for some unknown reason, Lemmy won’t let me.

You beat me to it. I’m quite certain, we can download it for free but it will have an immense amount of micro transactions.

I’m curious, are you a teenager? The way you are writing makes me think, you are. For example “fighting” and “killing” . These terms don’t really suit the topic.

Not only that you write about things, you clearly have no knowledge of. They are not cowards at all, they took the best and smartest route for themselves to not get into even more financial debt, mental health issues and immensely stressful situations.

I’m quite certain, you have no idea how big of a toll this situation takes on the Yuzu developers.

Not only that, they were definitely not going to manage winning the case against Nintendo. They do not have the financial capacity nor the right lawyers for it. Nintendo has enough money and great lawyers to drag this for years if they wanted to.

Anyway because it seems you cannot be reasoned with, this will be my last comment to you.

Ahh look at that, a person on the internet having a big mouth without actually having knowledge into the matter. Nothing new.

They are not cowards at all.

Never take on a corporate company that has billions to spend for the suing. They took the smartest and best route for themselves and that’s what matters - what’s best for them.

If you want someone to “fight” against Nintendo, be the change! Do it yourself.

I was genuinely thinking to purchase a Switch to play Captain Toad while traveling because, I like the game on emulation.

But well they totally fucked it. Never going to purchase anything from them. Greedy shit corporations.

I rather donate my money to Yuzu than to give a penny to Nintendo.

  • Persona 5 Royal
  • Captain Toad Tracker
  • Mario 3D World

Ohh, aight aight. Thanks. Like I said, I don’t have any knowledge on this matter, therefore asking.

I will just go with the one that, I prefer in terms of subs.

I hear a lot about Jellyfin, may I ask what it exactly is?

Is it like a library of the things, you have downloaded?

I currently just download shows and put them in folders like “MHA S6” and then proceed to watch with VLC.

Yeah, managed to do it. Put them in their respective folder and then it was just a matter of getting the NSP’s

Ahh I see but isn’t that also a way to gain access to the games through Yuzu Emulator? At least that’s what I been reading and therefore trying this out

Thanks but this is when you have a Switch and unfortunately I don’t have one. I read that you can use the pros-key and Firmware without having an actual Switch (or is this wrong information?)

Yuzu Games Emulation [SOLVED]
So I’m pretty new to Yuzu and Emulating the games. I managed to get FitGirl repacks games of emulation and they work without Prod-keys and Firmware. Now, I managed to get Prod-key and Firmware 17.0.0 but no idea what, I do with it and what I do after to get games. I tried googling here and there but couldn’t get an actual answer or landed on unknown sites which, I find hard to trust. Could someone explain, get me into the right direction or anything like that? EDIT: SOLVED. Apparently the only thing I just needed was the NSP-Games files and then load them into Yuzu.

PiratedGames content Lemmy/Reddit
I recently checked back on the PiratedGames subreddit after long while not being there. And I wonder what other people here think but in my opinion, the quality of the subreddit has gone downhill. Most posts from what I see are now ‘’meme’s’’, ‘‘I justify pirate because..’’ and ‘’This is my collection!’’. Pretty much just hurr-durr look and upvote me kind of content. Actual content to help with problems, discussions (besides, I justify it because) are not there. I know this is kind of an ironic because, this post isn’t necessarily a helpful thing either. So apologies for that. Also what is the smartest thing to do, follow the megathread here, there or both? The more I check Reddit, the more glad I’m that the original Moderator of PiratedGames went to Lemmy.

Pinterest alternative in the pirate way [question]
Pirates, I’m in need of help. I’m searching for an online mobile based app to store images, videos and gifs in cloud (on an iPhone. Yep, I know..) I used to use Pinterest for fan-dom image collecting (anime, manga, movies, books and such). However Pinterest new policy is ridiculous. Every day a pin gets removed for the most ridiculous BS. So is there any way to do this without any POS policy company interfering?

I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask but I don’t know where else to go. Their dedicated Reddit is on private due to the fiasco. I’m watching “Mr.Robot” and pretty often an extra letter with the subtitles comes, shows as [P]. I added a screenshot of what, I meant. Does anyone knows what this means? PS: I recommend this show!

Worth to replay Ghost Of Tsushima? (PS5)
I played GoT on release and right after Sekiro, thinking it would be A similar game. It certainly wasn’t and thus didn’t really enjoy it, although the gameplay was alright. Also played on a pod TV which wasn’t able to do 4K. Now I’m curious if it is worth it to replay the game on PS5 with a 4K TV. I remember the story was about honor, dignity, revenge and not to be ‘enslaved’ by it. However the gameplay was similar to Assassin Creed kind and a bit lackluster. Would you recommend the game again or rather try another game?

Question about FHMY
So, I’m bit out of the loop. FHMY went down due to the ML domain (right?) and it seems they went to Calckey. I was wondering whether FHMY will return to Lemmy sooner or later. I was not sure where to post this, apologies if this t the right place to do so.

[Bug/issue] Can’t login PC
I’m unable to login through the web browser on PC. Can fill in the logins but whenever hitting the login button, nothing happens.